Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Part Four of the 16th Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

When the Klein-Gordan-Mechanism is happening, a discrete set of bands of mini-stringular segmentation are projected by the phenomenology of a trajectoral-based mini-stringular affiliated holonomic substrate -- in such a manner in so that such a discrete quantum of the so-stated segmentation is pulled through its here directly corresponding Lagrangian, in a metrical manner that is conditional to a primed Njenhuis orthogonal-based orientation, as the correlative respective given arbitrary Higgs  Boson of one respective given arbitrary case, is working to pull the directly affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate through the correlative Hamiltonian operand, in which the directly affiliated locus of the Kaeler Metric is Yakawa to, at the Poincaire level of the correlative so-eluded-to substringular neighborhood of this said given arbitrary case in point.  In the meanwhile, the directly corroberative harmonic norm-state-based torsional morphological holonomic substrate, that is of this given arbitrary case, is projected -- by the means of the domino effect of the Rarita-Structure-based leveraging of both the means of the activities of a unique set of dilatons and the means of the activities of a unique set of dilatinos -- that act in a Yakawa manner, upon the respective substringular neighborhood of this given arbitrary case.  The specific dilatons and dilatinos, that would here work to interact most directly upon the here so-eluded-to substringular region of any respective given arbitrary specific cite, in which there is one unique eigenstate of the activity of one discrete eigenmetric of the Kaeler Metric, would be both those dilatons and those dilatinos that work to bear a Ward-Caucy-based supplemental genus of a Njenhuis primed normalcy -- as the respective genus of primed normalcy in which the so-eluded-to discrete Hamiltonian operators of those eigenmembers that are most Gliossi to the specific cite in which the directly corresponding Gaussian Transformation of this respective given arbitrary case is happening, in so as to form a spontaneous ability for the occurrence of the correlative Kaeler Metric to be able to occur at the so-eluded-to locus of such a genus of a substringular perturbation to be able to happen.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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