Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Sixth Part of Session 16 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

When there is a tachyonic-based perturbation, in general, of substringular phenomenology, this general tense or genus of perturbation of superstringular-based entities, is projected by superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to bear a Njenhuis-based supplemental torsioning of the respective given arbitrary general locus in which such a tense of perturbation is intiated -- to where the resultant Lagrangian of the here directly correlative superstrings of the said discrete energy permittivity, will bear a specific respective given arbitrary Rayleigh-based scattering, which will result in a relatively annharmonic re-delineation of the so-eluded-to discrete entities of holonomic substrate that are thus pulled from a Noether-based flow into a tachyonic-based flow  This is to where the effect that this will have upon the here relatively local Hilbert spatially arrangements, will act in so as to have attributed to it a primed Njenhuis normalcy -- when such a tense or genus of a Njenhuis relationship, will behave in the so-eluded-to general format of perturbative activity, relative to the norm-conditions of the here multiplicit relationship of the resultant varied Klein Bottle eigenbase of this general type of case.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Part Five of Session 16 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The annharmonic norm-twist-based morphologies, that are directly affiliated with the general activities of any respective given arbitrary Kaeler Metric eigencondition -- are propagated by those directly corresponding activities of dilatons and dilatinos, that are most associated with certain respective given arbitrary metrical-based Chern-Simmons singularities.  This is to where these said singularities act in so as to be of the nature of a Doubolt-based cohomological setting.  Such a set of metrical-based Chern-Simmons singularities, are caused by an alteration in the pulsation of certain discrete and unique dilatons and dilatinos, from which there is thus formed a domino effect of the resultant primed Njenhuis norm-conditions, that may be attributed to the gauge-metrical activity of these so-stated respective dilatons and dilatinos.  This is to where the resultant vibrational-based oscillations, that may be attributed to the so-mentioned perturbation of the pulsation of the eluded-to gravitational-based substringular particles, are carried in a basically Laplacian-based manner -- via the directly corresponding Rarita-Structure eigenstates.  This is in  such a manner, to where the wave-based pull that is thus imbued upon the so-stated dominoe effect -- that is put upon the proximally local Rarita-based Structure -- will tend to form a resultant perturbation, in the relatively respective local light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  This happens in so to potentially work to form a locally-based antinholomorphic Kaeler Condition.  The formation of the presence of an antiholomorphic Kaeler Metric, will tend to work at initiating a Wick Action eigenstate.  The initiation of a Wick Action eigenstate, tends to form the existence of a spontaneous succeeding Kaeler Metric eigenmetric -- in the general vicinity of where the initially present Kaeler Metric had respectively been present.  This would here work to potentially form a sequential series of a proximal Kaeler Metric eigenconditionality, and, thus, this would, as well, work to potentially form a sequential series of a proximal Gaussian Transformation.  This here is a given arbitrary example, of, as to how the presence of an annharmonic perturbative group attractor eigenbase, may often act, in so as to compensate for any of certain eigenstates of a Njenhuis eigenbase of residue -- that is of a holonomic-based substrate, in order for those Gaussian Tranformations to occur -- so that there may be a significant and spontaneous ability for the proximally local substringular eigenmembers of the respective region -- to be able to continue their tendency to pull through their correlative Hamiltonian operands, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Part Four of the 16th Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

When the Klein-Gordan-Mechanism is happening, a discrete set of bands of mini-stringular segmentation are projected by the phenomenology of a trajectoral-based mini-stringular affiliated holonomic substrate -- in such a manner in so that such a discrete quantum of the so-stated segmentation is pulled through its here directly corresponding Lagrangian, in a metrical manner that is conditional to a primed Njenhuis orthogonal-based orientation, as the correlative respective given arbitrary Higgs  Boson of one respective given arbitrary case, is working to pull the directly affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate through the correlative Hamiltonian operand, in which the directly affiliated locus of the Kaeler Metric is Yakawa to, at the Poincaire level of the correlative so-eluded-to substringular neighborhood of this said given arbitrary case in point.  In the meanwhile, the directly corroberative harmonic norm-state-based torsional morphological holonomic substrate, that is of this given arbitrary case, is projected -- by the means of the domino effect of the Rarita-Structure-based leveraging of both the means of the activities of a unique set of dilatons and the means of the activities of a unique set of dilatinos -- that act in a Yakawa manner, upon the respective substringular neighborhood of this given arbitrary case.  The specific dilatons and dilatinos, that would here work to interact most directly upon the here so-eluded-to substringular region of any respective given arbitrary specific cite, in which there is one unique eigenstate of the activity of one discrete eigenmetric of the Kaeler Metric, would be both those dilatons and those dilatinos that work to bear a Ward-Caucy-based supplemental genus of a Njenhuis primed normalcy -- as the respective genus of primed normalcy in which the so-eluded-to discrete Hamiltonian operators of those eigenmembers that are most Gliossi to the specific cite in which the directly corresponding Gaussian Transformation of this respective given arbitrary case is happening, in so as to form a spontaneous ability for the occurrence of the correlative Kaeler Metric to be able to occur at the so-eluded-to locus of such a genus of a substringular perturbation to be able to happen.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Part Three of Session 16 of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The multiplicit Higgs Action -- as the respective multiplicit Higgs Boson is pulled through the Kaeler Metric -- bears its means, via what may be called the Klein-Gordan-Mechanism.  The multiplicit Higgs Action is achieved by the respective set of holonomic-based substrates, that are directed upon the correlative Schotky Construction, by the norm-states that work to bear a primed Njenhuis normalicy -- that is applied in a Yakawa manner, to that change in normalization of the correlative respective multiplicit substringular nieghborhood that is directly involved with the transmitence of the said Higgs Boson.  Such a said substringular neighborhood, is here of the immediately prior geometric location that is related to the physical presence of the so-eluded-to Klein Bottle apparatus.  The so-stated set of holonomic substrate-based entities, are respectively either Wilson Lines, bands of mini-string segmentation, harmonic norm-state-based morphological twists, annharmonic norm-state-based morphological twists, or, the genus of such holonomic substrate-based phenomenology may be of the nature of what may here be the Hamiltonian-based operators, that are of a tachyonic-based perturbation.  Wilson Lines tend to be projected by the activity of correlative transverselly primed Njenhuis orthoganation.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Part Two of Session 16 of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The physical composition of any respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, is comprised of as the following:  Two widths that act as orientifolds -- that are traversed in a Laplacian-based manner across the length of the said Schotky Construction.  Two thicknessses that act as orientifolds -- that are traversed across the width of the said Schotky Construction.  And, a relative "bottom" (at the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic positioning), that is situated in so as to bear both a Laplacian-based traversing across both the length and the thickness of the so-stated genus that works to comprise the said Schotky Construction.  The length of the Schotky Construction is four Planck Lengths.  The width of the Schotky Construction is two Planck Lengths.  The thickness of the Schotky Constuction is one Planck Length.  The relative "top", or, in other words, the relative norm-to-holomorphic positioning of the said Construction is left open -- in so as to allow for both superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their counterparts & in so as to allow for the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and their directly affiliated light-cone-gauge eigenstates to be able to enter the so-eluded-to respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstates, to be able to undergo the needed directly corresponding Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics.  Orientifolds are topological "sheet-like" holonomic substrate that are both situated in a parallel manner, as well as being positioned as is according to a Wilson-based linearity.  A Wilson Line is a supplemental physical condition that is Yakawa to a directly corresponding substringular situation.  You may now be wondering how the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate is physically able to maintain the so-eluded-to Wilson linearity of its directly corresponding Schotky Construction.  I will explain a little bit about this here.  The means as to how the Schotky Construction is able to maintain its ability to be able to comprise the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, is the activity that is involved with the process of the conformal invariant condition of the correlative Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism.  When the correlative Gaussian parameters that interplay upon a Klein Bottle eigenstate, differentiate in a kinematic manner upon the holonomic substrate of a discrete composition of the Schotky Construction, this works to alter the renormalization of the directly involved Jacobian eigenbase -- that is affliated with those conditions that work to initiate a Gaussian Transformation upon a respective given arbitrary set of superstrings -- then, the correlative Schotky Construction is temporarily caused to diverge -- in so as to meet the metrically enacted upon norm-conditions, which works to cause the correlative given arbitrary respective Klein Bottle eigenstate of an individual case to move in an increased manner toward a more primed geometric location, over the duration of a relatively transient number of group-related instantons.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Part One of Session 16 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The Schotky Construction is composed of the manner in which the Klein Bottle is put together.  In other words, the composition of any given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate is based upon the make-up of the Schotky Construction.  The Schotky Construction bears a make-up that is based upon the consideration of those respective orientifolds, of this given arbitrary consideration -- that are physically held together by the correlative Wilson-based Ward-Caucy delineations, that work to comprise the manner in which the so-stated relative lengthwise and thickness-wise ends of the said Schotky Construction are put together, in so as to form the substringular-based attributes as to the way that any respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate is put together.  I will describe the nature of such a construction later.  This so-mentioned Schotky Construction's general physical composition in the substringular, is always how any actual unfrayed Klein Bottle eigenstate is put together -- whenever such a said eigenstate of this so-stated genus of substringular format is of the capability of being able to act as the "key player" of what is utilized in so as to move any respective given arbitrary Higgs Boson eigenstate, that is of a correlative nature, into the general core-field-density of the activity of the directly affiliated multiplicit Kaeler-Metric eigencondition of group metrical eigenbase.  The physical tense of any given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate tends to act, as much as feasible, in so as to exist in a state of optimum conformal invariance.  Often, what may work to appear as what acts, in a kinematic manner, as specific Klein Bottle eigenstates, are phenomena that are being utilized in  a tense of indistinguishable difference -- particularly, if the correlative superstrings that are here being directly involved in such a case, are of a tachyonic-based nature.  Yet, due to the manner of the activity of the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate -- on account of both the manner of its Schotky Construction, and also, the general "apparatus" of the Kaeler-Metric-based eigenmatrix-based inter-relationshipts -- the motion of the said Klein Bottle, in general, is relatively situated in a tense of a Majorana-Weyl Invariant Mode.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Chern-Simmons Simultaneities

Let us here consider a substringular entity of holonomic substrate that is acting as a Hamiltonian operator -- that is moving through a relatively discrete and flush Lagrangian, over time.  The said Hamiltonian operator is hereby moving through what may here be considered as a phenomenon that is acting as a kinematic functional group that is differentiable, in a Fourier-based tense, as being translated through a set respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand, over a given arbitrary respective sequential series of group-related instantons.  After what may here be considered as a relatively transient duration of group-metrical translation, the so-stated Hamiltonian operator moves upon a critical cusp -- this said cusp of which will here work to perturbate the vibrational-based oscillation of the so-stated Hamiltonian operator-based holonomic substrate, to where there is thereby caused both a "re-shuffling" of the pulsation of the physical entity that is moving across the so-eluded-to substringular path that is of this respective given arbitrary case scenario, and, there is here also caused the formation of a change in the Ward-Caucy-based directoral-based motion of the said substringular entity -- that is moving across the so-stated otherwise relatively discrete and flush Lagrangian-based path, over time.  This binary causation of both a respective metrical-based Chern-Simmons eigenbase of singularity and a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simmons eigenbase of singularity, is, in this case, the result of the existence of both the relative positioning of the here so-mentioned critical cusp that has here acted as a permutation -- that has also as well been in the path of the motion of the said Hamiltonian operator of holonomic substrate, that has moved across the so-mentioned Lagrangian of this respective case, and, the such a causation of a Chern-Simmons-based singularity may also as well be the result of the Laplacian-based "activity" of the said critical cusp that has here been translated in one manner or another -- upon the mappable tracing of the projected trajectory of the path integral of the Hamiltonian-based operand, in which the so-stated Hamiltonian operator ( which may here be an orbifold eigenset) has been going through, in so as to perform one specific operation of activity, in the process of doing one set substringular function, over time.  The alteration in the genus of the pulsation of the so-eluded-to substringular phenomenon, that has here been caused by the said critical cusp, will have here acted as a metrical-based eigenbase of Chern-Simmons singularity, while, the alteration in a higher number of changes of derivatives than the number of physical dimensions that the so-stated Hamiltonian operator has been going through -- in the process that  the here so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset has been going through over time -- that has been caused by the said critical cusp -- will have here acted as a Lagrangian-based eigenbase of Chern-Simmons singularity.  This is one given arbitrary example of as to how one given arbitrary physical source may help to cause both a metrical-based eigenbase and a Lagrangian-based eigenbase as to the existence of two corerlative Chern-Simmons genre of singularites, that are here directly affiliated with a Doubolt cohomological tense of the simultaneous condition of the same orbifold -- as when this is considered from the vantage-point of a central conipoint, as when this is taken over a relatively correlative Laplacian basis of Ward-Caucy-based conditions.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A View of Operands

When an entity of holonomic substrate that is moving in the substringular, is going through any respective given arbitrary relatively flush Lagrangian over time, the so-eluded-to respective given arbitrary substringular phenomenon of the said holonomic substrate acts as a Hamiltonian operator -- that is going through a respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand.  This happens over a set given arbitrary sequential series of iterations of group-related instanton.  As any of such entities of physical substringular phenomenology is moving through any set relatively flush Lagrangian -- as the just eluded-to orbifold eigenset is kinematic-based in the process of its Fourier-based differentiation over time, over any set immediate locant of any given instant under consideration, in which the said Hamiltonian operator that has been inferrred in this case is in Gliossi contact with the said Hamiltonian operand -- the so-stated respective given arbitrary physical entity will either be in a snapshot of being in the process of moving across the path of the immediate correlative said Hamiltonian operand, in a manner that is either of a hermitian-based nature, or, the so-stated respective given arbitrary physical entity will be in a snapshot of being in the process of moving across the path of the immediate correlative said Hamiltonian operand in manner that is of a Chern-Simmons-based nature.  The cause for the nature of the process of a substringular physical entity, that is in the process of traversing over a locant of its correlative Hamiltonian operand that it is going through -- in the manner of causing what will amount to a resultant Chern-Simmons eigenbase of delineatory singularity -- will either be on account of a critical cusp that may be in the path of the respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian operator, as the so-eluded-to entity of holonomic substrate is moving across the so-stated Lagrangian that it is in the process of going across in its directoral-based trajectory, and/or the said cause of the formation of what will here amount to a resultant Chern-Simmons eigenbase of delineatory singularity will be on account of a perturbation of the wave-tug/wave-pull that would here be applied --  in a non-abelian-based manner -- to the Poincaire-based core-field-density of the Gliossi-based region of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, that would here act as the holonomic substrate that would here be behaving as the said Hamiltonian operator, that is here acting in so as to operate in the process of being able  to perform one unique specific respective given arbitrary function in the substringular.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Part Seven of Session 15 of Course 18 --- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Gravitational pull that is applied to a locus that is proximal to a kinematic-based Majorana-Weyl Invariant-based spot, where a respective given arbitrary  superstring of discrete energy permittivity is iterating at, when such a said string is undergoing a tense of superconformal invariance over a sequential series of instantons -- will tend to move the point commutators that are adjacent to the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity at the Poincaire level, away from so-eluded-to indistinguishabley different kinematic-based Majorana-Weyl Invariant-based proximal locus, over time.  For example:  A superstring is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner in a relatively tightly-bound set locus -- in the process of the so-eluded-to superstring existing here in a tense of superconformal invariance, over a sequential series of iterative-based gauge-metrical activity, over time.  There are here, in this case, initially, a set of point commutators that are relatively near the general set locus as to the proximal neighborhood where the here said superstring of discrete energy permittivity is keeping in a Ward-Caucy bounds with -- at the Poincaire level that is here relative to the extrapolation of a Sterling Approximation as to where the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity is differentiating at, in the so-eluded-to Fourier-based manner, over time.  Next, there is a relative increase in the scalar magnitude of the gravitational-based force, that is applied to the initially so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- to where the directly corresponding Ricci Scalar is increased in its discrete Hodge-based index of scalar-based magnitude.  This relative increase in the amount of gravitational-based force that is here applied to the Poincaire-based core field of the said superstring, that is here undergoing a tense of superconformal invariance -- will tend to pull at least some of the here adjacent point commutators, in the form of the resultant norm-state projections that would here have been in a static equilibrium with the said superstring, in a Majorana-Weyl-based manner, as the so-stated superstring is moving in a relatively tightly-bound region, out of the here so-eluded-to proximal kinematic-based region or substringualr neighorhood.  As the specific point commutators that are here being pulled out of the Poincaire-based substringular neighborhood of the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, are being pulled away from the said respective given arbitrary kinematic-based proximal locus, there will here tend to be at least some sort of indistinguishablely different replacement of the general format of the condition of either the genus and/or the Hodge-based quantum of the norm-state projections, that will here work to apply at least some sort of a compansation for the literal loss of the so-stated specific norm-state-projection-based quantifiers, over time.  As well, the Rayleigh-based scattering of cohomological-based indices tends to work --- indirectly -- to work in the process of the reconstruction of the general substringular neighborhoods of Fourier-based differentiating superstrings of discrete energy.  The multiplicit lattice changes in the eigenmatrices of substringular phenomena, often results in the Njenjhuis translocation of those norm-state-projections, that are geometrically at the Poincaire level of the so-eluded-to superstrings of discrete energy -- to where the resultant annharmonically scattered ghost-based indices will then be moved further into the process of the recycling of norm-based indices, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Part Six of the 15th Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The Njenhuis-based re-delineation of the resultant annharmonic scattering of ghost anomalies is a Rayleigh-based re-appropriation of cohomological ghost-based indices, that is often utilized in so as to re-distribute norm-state projections -- in such a manner that is functional in the operation of the here general respective given arbitrary recycling -- of the vanquishing of those faded-away physical memories of both the existence and the activity of the here relatively transient superstrings, that were initially proximal to an initially given arbitrary general locus of consideration.  This tense of a re-appropriation of cohomological-based indices -- that would here involve the activity of a Njenhuis set of topological-based sways, in the process of recycling the correlative delineatory-based eigenbase -- of what are here the respective perturbative norm-state indices, also, as well, works to re-delineate both the ghost-based indices of the directly corresponding counterstring-based eigenstates and the ghost-based indices of the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, in so as to annharmonically scatter both the physical memory of the correlative particle-based discrete quanta of energy permittivity, and, the physical memory of the wave-based discrete quanta of energy permittivity -- And, this also works to scatter both the particle-based physical memory of the correlative discrete quanta of energy impedance, and, (in the process of scattering the physical memory of the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates) acts, in so as to scatter the physical memory of the wave-based discrete quanta of energy impedance, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Part Five of the 15th Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

As orbifolds differentiate in a kinematic manner over time, the correlative holonomic substrate of the directly corresponding Higgs Boson eigenstates work to bear a Njenhuis-based primed normalcy -- to where this tense of a just eluded-to normalization works to here reconfigure both the displacement and the relative spatial geometry of the correlative orbifold egienstates, in the process of working to define both the metrical-based differentiation and the relative spatial geometry of the said directly affiliated orbifolds -- as these sets of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function work to form both nontrivial and trivial topological eigenmatrices, over time.  And as world sheets work to form as a tense of holonomic substrate -- as the correrlative superstrings move over a sequential series of instantons, the directly corresponding majorized Weyl Invariance -- along with the correlative Njenhuis-based Ward-Caucy norm-based conditions -- works to scatter both dilatons and dilatinos, towards the general locus of the proximal Njenhuis-based primed substringular neighborhoods of which are of the nature of Landau-based manifolds, when this is taken at the Poincaire level of the directly corresponding geometric locations in which such an activity may be extrapolated.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Fourth Part of Session 15 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The spacing that exists in-between orbifolds, exists in matrices which may be either normalized or un-normalized, when this is taken in terms of the activity and the existence of the spin-orbital indices -- these said indices of which are formed by the vibrational motion of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise each of the respective given arbitrary orbifolds, that one may be dealing with in any said given arbitrary example.  Yet, orbifold eigenstates are always differential -- in terms of the Klein normalization that exists between the respective relative Planck-like phenomena or Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that work to comprise the discrete energy impedance eigenstates that one would then be dealing with in this respective given arbitrary case in point.  This is in consideration of the integrative superstrings that are directly of a Yakawa-based kinematic nature -- these superstrings, of which work to comprise the here given associated orbifolds that I am discussing here, which are of the same universal-based setting, and thus, these superstrings of this case bear a likewise Gaussian genus of inter-relationship -- that works to put these so-eluded-to interdependant superstrings to be of a Real Reimmanian-based relationship, to where this works to form a viable relationship between the respective one set of superstrings that perform one function here   (of one orbifold) to the other correlative sets of superstrings that perform one function here (of the other directly affiliated orbifolds that are of the same universal setting).  This works to consider in this case, a relationship of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are in multiple respective unique sets of orbifold-based settings -- that would here bear a tense of what would here spontaneously become a tense of superconformal invariance, after the gauge-metrical activity of a sequential series of group-related instantons, over time.  This just mentioned convergent tense of superconformal invariance will here involve a relatively static Lagrangian, that will involve a differential integration of the here mentioned tense of superconformal interdependance -- that will here work to determine the ensuing relative placements of the re-delineated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity (as well as working to help determine the ensuing relative placements of the re-delineated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates of discrete energy impedance).  Thus, as an ansantz, this will work to help determine the relative placements of both the correlative counterstrings and the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are directly affiliated with the discrete energy of such a case.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Part Three of Session 15 of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

When one has a case of a set of respective given arbitrary orbifold eigensets -- that are kinematically differential in an interactive manner over time, these may act as an interactive cohomological holonomic substrate, that may act in a manner that is of a tense  of covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable eigenmatrices, that may differentiate in either a spin-orbital-based manner, a radial-based manner, and/or in a transversel-based manner -- when each of the individually taken orbifold eigensets of this respective given arbitrary set of orbifold eigensets is here taken, relative to the other of such orbifold eigensets, in so as to form a set system of operational indices -- these of which may act interdependantly -- in so as to work to perform one set of substringular functions, this of which works to allow for an indistinguishably different replacement of its eigenmembers -- this of which works to allow for a tense of constant change in the specific discrete units of holonomic substrate, without the necessary effect of a kinematic change in the genus of the tense of what works to form the eigenbase of the pretext, of what would here work to comprise the general composition of the said orbifold eigensets.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

The Next Part of Session 15 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Let us go back to the case in point that I had left off at during my last post.  What we have here is a collective set of orbifold eigensets that are both covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable -- in a condition-based state of Noether Flow -- in which both the respective individual said orbifold eigensets, as well as the resultant of the interaction of such so-stated orbifold eigensets, are all moving under the means of a Noether-based flow, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  This would here mean that the initial condition of the kinematic-based differential flow of the initial interaction of the said set of orbifold eigensets, of this particular case in point, is not of a tachyonic-based nature.  After a respective given arbitrary relatively transient group metric of iterative instantons, the initial Noether-based flow of the interactive set of orbifold eigensets of this case are perturbated -- into an ensuing tense of what is here to become a tachyonic-based flow of cohomological-based indices, when given the physical memory of the mappable tracing, as to both the plotting of both the existence and the activity of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that have here undergone the performance of a set of unique interactive operations -- that have here acted in so as to do a  specific set of functions in the substringular.  The respective given arbitrary interaction of a covariant codifferentiable, and codeterminable set of orbifold eigensets, that work to perform one set of operational-based functions -- may either maintain a static-based substringular state of kinematic-based activities, work to perform a state of conformal invariance ( of which may be either of a superconformal-based or of a conformal-based nature), or, the so-eluded-to operational-based pretense of the genus of such a substringlular set of interactive functions may work to perform a divergent pretense of kinematic-based activity in the substringular.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Part One of the 15th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Let us here consider a specific unique orbifold that differentiates in a kinematic manner, to where the nature of the flow of the superstrings that would here work to comprise the so-stated orbifold -- is here behaving in a manner that is not of a tachyonic nature.  This would here mean that the directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that would here work to comprise the said orbifold, would move in a manner that would involve a Noether-based flow of substringular phenomenology, over time.  Such a just eluded-to Noether-based flow of substringular phenomenology, would here work to bear a unique tense of a Ward-Caucy-based physical restraint, of which, would bear both a tense of a physical existence and a tense of activity that would work to here then meet a specific given arbitrary respective physical circumstance, of which would work to help allow the so-stated superstrings -- that would here work to operate in so as to perform one specific function -- to be able to bear those specific boundary conditions, that would here be necessary in so as to perform the said physical function, over time.  This just eluded-to orbifold, in this case, will here work to interact -- in a kinematic-based manner -- in so as to differentiate with other orbifolds that are proximal -- in such a manner that is both covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable -- when such a differential-based association is here taken from within the so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy bounds of the overall multiplicit Hamiltonian-based operand, that would, in this case, be in part, described by the holonomic substrate of the general grounds of the Lagrangian-based paths that could then here work to describe the indices of the general mappable tracings -- that would here ensue, in so as to help show the recent whereabouts of the directly corresponding superstrings that would here work to comprise these correlative orbifold or orbifold eigensets, that have been active in the process of being delineated and re-delineated -- through the integrative distributions and re-distributions that had happened, in order for such a just eluded-to tense of motion to be able to form a respective tense of energy, of this particular case.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.