Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The third part of Session 3 of course 18

The tori-sector-ranges -- during the gauge-metric in-between group instantons, in which both the Bases of Light are majorized and the space-hole is in engagement -- are aligned in such a manner in so that what is to be each ensuing predominant layer of reality (predominant tori-sector-range), is in the forward-holomorphic positioning from the vantage point of forward-time-based momenta eigenstates, while, this is in the reverse-holomorphic positioning from the vantage point of backward-time-based momenta eigenstates.  For every one majorization of an eigenbasis of an overall Basis of Light that exists in forward-time-bearing momenta holomorphicity, there is one majorization of an eigenbasis of an overall Basis of Light that exists in backward-time-bearing momenta holomorphicity.  So, there is a tendency to where, for every holomorphic-bearing eigenstate, there is an antiholomorphic-bearing eigenstate -- as such just eluded-to eigenstates are propagated through their correlative Lagrangian-based paths over a successive series of instantons (time).  Forward-moving time, for each individual tori-sector-range -- is directly interconnected to backward-moving time, for each individual tori-sector-range -- via those segments of inter-woven discrete substringular field core-density (an interconnection of organized mini-string) that are Ward-Caucy bound, by both the existence and the activity of the correlative substringular encoders.
Just touching base today!  To Be Continued!!! I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

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