Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Next Part of the 11th Session of Course 16

A superstring becomes unorientable when there is an abundance of alterior mini-string that is fed into the so-stated superstring that is not directly compatible with the interaction that exists between its directly corresponding permittivity that is formed by the activity of the said superstring and the directly corresponding impedance -- the latter of which is produced by the activity of the given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate that is correlative to the said given arbitrary superstring. This alterior mini-string acts as a tumultuous core-field-density that works to cause the correlative given artibitrary superstring that is here being discussed to twist and "shimmer" in an annharmnonic manner that is not condusive to the functional operation of the directly corresponding Bette Action eigenmetric that inherently works to establish a homeomorphic orientation between a given superstring and its directly corresponding substringular counterpart.  When the activity of any given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric does not work at actually forming a homeomorphic-based differential geometry between any given arbitrary superstring and its counterpart, then, the Grassman Constant that would otherwise be formed between the so-stated superstring and its counterpart will not be maintained.  This lack in homeomorphicity will then work to cause the ensuing Regge Action eigenmetric to work at forming an orientation between the said superstring and its counterpart -- in so as to be able to work at forming a relatively second chance at forming some sort of a homeomorphic correlation between the Poincaire-based gauge-metrical activity of the so-stated superstring and its directly corresponding counterpart.  The just stated Regge Action eigenmetric works at doing this by acting as a projecting slope that the superstring and its counterpart move through over a relatively very transient Lagrangian -- that works over the course of the eluded-to gauge-metric -- in so as to form an optimum path for the so-stated given arbitrary superstring and its counterpart to be able to then possibly form a homeomorphic-based orientation in the "nick of time."  If that so-eluded-to shimmering of the superstring -- that is caused by the eluded-to alterior added mini-string that is both added to the Poincaire-based field of both the so-stated superstring and its counterpart & is also not condusive to the inter-relationship that is to exist between the fractals of the directly corresponding discrete energy permittivity and the fractals of its directly corresponding discrete energy impedance, which is caused by external pressures that act in a regional-based Gliossi manner upon the said superstring and its counterpart -- to where this makes both the so-stated Bette Action eigenmetric and the so-stated Regge Action eigenmetric unable to form the eluded-to orientation, then, the said superstring will immediately and spontaneously become tachyonic.  This will make the indistinguishably different Regge Action eigenmetrics scatter annharmonically over the course of the ensuing set of the directly corresponding group instantons that are correlative to the interaction of the said tachyonic superstring.

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