Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Session 11 of Course 16, Part One

The bounds of a world-sheet -- as is traced by the mapping of a directly affiliated ghost anomaly -- is defined by where a superstring of discrete energy permittivity starts iterating, while then stops iterating, in a specific region, before it scatters after a set of iterations of group instanton in which the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity is kinematically differentiating in over time.  This is to be considered in increments of the BRST metrical-based durations of group instanton that come before each individual eigenstate of the directly correlative Regge scatterings, that happen after each respective individual iteration of the eluded to eigenstates of BRST.  This is also to be considered, in this case, while the said superstring is moving kinematically in a Noether-based manner -- in so as to be an increment of a group metric that happens prior to any potential tachyonic propulsion that could possibly happen after the said condition of Noether Flow is terminated by the condition of the eluded-to superstring becoming non-orientable over time.  You see, every time that any given arbitrary superstring iterates over the course of every individual local duration of BRST -- the individual increments of BRST of which occupy a majority of each increment of instanton, that would here represent each sequential "fret" of those sequential series of instantons of which integrate in so as to form that flow of motion over time that works to form energy, the energy just eluded-to of which comes in discrete quantums of energy (these quantums of which come in integer amounts that are never fractional), to where the so-stated superstring will afterwords complete each of the eluded-to increments of instanton by undergoing the Regge Action.  This ensuing activity is immediate, if there is here no Kaeler Metric happening to the said given arbitrary superstring.  Yet, if there is a Kaeler Metric that is metrically Gliossi to the activity of the time-wise increments of the iterations of instanton that directly appertain to the kinematic motion of the so-stated superstring, then, immediately after each directly correlative and respective iteration of BRST -- that would thus appertain to the metrical flow of the said string, there is an eigenstate of the said Kaler Metric that is intially affectual, of which is followed by the directly prior eluded-to Regge Action eigenstate.  In cases of the latter-mentioned example, the given arbitrary eigenstate of the so-stated Kaeler Metric is equal in duration to the directly affiliated Regge Action eigenstate -- which means that here, the scalar-based duration of the so-stated Regge Action eigenstate will then be happening in half of what would be its regular duration.  The Regge scattering that I had mentioned earlier is the activity of the perturbation of a superstring, that happens right at the end of an individual local duration of any given arbitrary instanton that may be here considered.  When a superstring is orientable, it will then be formated to ensue in a quality of the nature of Noether Flow.  Yet, when a superstring becomes unorientable, then, it will then be formated to ensue in a quality of tachyonic flow.  Yet, this is only if the eluded-to superstring is both unorienable during the directly corresponding eigenstate of BRST and also unorientable during the directly corresponding eigenstate of the Regge Action.  If the torsioning of a superstring that is not orientable during a given arbitrary local duration of BRST bears certain Njehuis tensors that are not spontaneously normalizable enough to bear a condition of orientable quality -- for the directly corresponding core-field-density that exists in-between the said superstring and its counterstring -- during the correlative Regge Action, then, the genus of scattering that would then happen during the so-stated Regge Action will cause the so-stated superstring to remain at that point in gauge-metric as still unorientable, and thus, the said given arbitrary superstring will be tachyonic immediately afterword.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincererly, Sam Roach.

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