Monday, November 4, 2013

Some Stuff You Might Like To Know About Minkowski Space

When you have a Minkowski space that is uni-layered, yet planar, the gauge-actions and/or the superstrings that are within the directly associated planar region -- in a timeless manner -- are settled at the given locus of metric within a structure that is two-dimensional, if this involves a field of a truncated set of one-dimensional superstrings and their directly associated gauge-actions -- or is three-dimensional, if involving a field of a truncated set of two-dimensional superstrings and their directly associated gauge-actions.  If a super-space involves a timeless-based Minkowski F-field that is planar with no depth, the truncated field, that is operationally four dimensional in spatiality here, will bear a resultant Minkowski field that will bear a certain basis of five spatial dimensions.  This is since a flat F-field space that is not time-oriented will involve a linear stationality of four spatial dimensional -- with a planar dimensionality that would here involve one added Njenhuis spatial dimension.  Or, in other words, here, we are considering a five-dimensional field that only considers the existence of that field, in that many spatial dimensions.  This is because a substringular field will always tend to consider an integrated Njenhuis dimension that is not inclusive to the eluded to given arbitrary phenomenon that the said field is in.  So, whatever the dimensionality of the stratum of an actual phenomenon itself has, its given arbitrary field will always tend to bear the partial derivative dimensionality of the majorizaton of the given said phenomenon's stratum per substringular stratum,that is to be considered during the iteration of a given group instanton.  This condition may be extrapolated under any given scenario in which this is pertainent. This means that a substringular field will always tend to bear at least one Njenhuis spatial dimension that is additive to the dimensionality of the actual operators of any given arbitrary substringular function that is Yakawa to a given arbitrary region in a respective scenario that may be perceived.

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