Friday, November 15, 2013

Isomorphisms Among Adjacent Orbifolds

If a given arbitrary orbifold is shaped in a manner that is neither Minkowski (flat) shaped nor parabollic shaped nor elliptical shaped, then an adjacent orbifold that is of the same universe is not necessarily trivially isomorphic to the initially eluded to orbifold that is shaped in a respectively unique manner.  Depending upon the shape that an orbifold has, an adjacent orbifold that is of the same universe as the initially eluded to orbifold may be shaped in one of many different manners of potential permutation -- depending upon the respective shape of the initially said given arbitrary orbifold.  The more permutations from an orbifold as being either flat, parabollic or elliptical in shape, the more of a chance that a given arbitrary adjacent orbifold that is of the same universe is not necessarily trivially isomormphic to the first given arbitrary said orbifold -- in terms of the corresponding differential geometry.  This is when one is comparing a relationship of the initially eluded to remapping of the topological contour of the first respective orbifold with the topological contour of the second respective orbifold. Again, two adjacent orbifolds that are of the same universe are comprised of Planck-like phenomena that bear an orphoganal differential arrangement -- when relative to one or more of the Planck-like phenomena of the other said orbifold that is here to be of the same universe.  Also, two orbifolds that are of the same universe bear Planck-like phenomena, to where each of the said phenomena bear an intrinsic vibration that is norm to one or more of the Planck-like phenomena that work to comprise the other orbifold that is here of the same universe  -- with a codeterminable wobble that is at a differential sway of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  This angle is equal to the span of arc that 96 spatial dimensions is capable of -- 96piI degrees-- divided by 273*10^(81)I degrees.  This angle is also equal to the span of arc that 32 spatial dimensions is capable of -- 32piI degrees -- divided by 91*^(81)I degrees.  As I have mentioned before, between superstrings that are adjacent -- there is a capability of up to 10^(81) formats of angling.  I will not say what the rest of the derivation as to the number of parallel universes that there are both in overall spatiality and also are just in our set of universes, since this is a touchy subject.  Sometimes, I would rather have people underestimate me than to overestimate me.  Yet, this is no fudging of anything at all.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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