Thursday, November 28, 2013

Orbifold Ghost Cohomologies

Often, sets of ghost anomalies that are comprised of the physical memories of the trajectories of sets of superstrings are inter-bound into a cohomology that is Gliossi in nature.  When the just eluded to ghost-like pattern is anharmonically scattered by relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-state projections, the eluded to Yakawa Coupling that had just bound the Ward-Neumman limits as to the locus of the said ghost-like physical memory, when in terms of what had been a mappable tracing as to the trajectory of  two sets of superstrings, is then brought out of the prior stated condition of a Gliossi-based Yakawa Coupling.  Often, a relatively minor anharmonic scattering of two or more cohomolically bound sets of ghost anomalies may only work to scatter the region of Ward-Neumman inter-connection that had just existed in so as to form a binding between two physical memories of the respective memories of the trajectories of two or more different sets of superstrings that had performed two or more respective operations.  Again, an orbifold is a set of one or more superstrings that functions to perform a specific operation.  As the Ward-Neumman boundaries that had once inter-connected two or more ghost anomalies is broken, the genus of the Gaussian inter-relationship that had just existed in so as to correspond the spatial inter-relationship of what had just been of a Real Reimmanian inter-relation will alter, in so as to decrease the isosymmetric parity that had existed just beforehand between the said sets of ghost anomalies.  Over time, the just eluded to physical memories are recycled into other phenomena, in so as to allow for the recycling of the field modulae of substringular differential geometry.  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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