Thursday, January 3, 2013

What Forms Orbifolds

It is the interactive activity of the kinematic motion that exists in-between superstrings, the light-cone-gauge, the Rarita Structure and their coresponding Schwinger Indices, The mechanism of the Higgs Action that works to move the Klein Bottle, and the woven-in activity of those norm-projections that work to help allow for the directly associated Gaussian Transformations that binds certain Fourier-Based covariant codeterminable loci that are operationally-bound that causes certain superstrings that exist in the same general format of an applicable Real Reimmanian space, or, a Njenhuis-based space, that is codifferentiable with other of such physically holonomic-based spaces that works to allow for correlative spaces to directly interact in such a manner so that each of such just mentioned spaces may act as individual respective physical unitary-operational spaces that work to define those Hamiltonian operators that form each of such spaces as groups of superstrings that work toward a common purpose.  Such groups of superstrings that act as spaces that are reverse-fractal to the space-like condition that may be defined by the holnomic entity of the physical substrate that superstrings form, that forms the basis for the need for such membranes or manifolds that work to define the existance of orbifolds.  The synergetic interaction of superstrings that work together in such a manner so that the group operation of such a unification of superstrings forms a definitive space that may interact with other spaces is the general operation of an orbifold.  This is the basic idea as to why orbifolds exist. -- A superstring by itself often can not operate as a single unit to directly and significantly on its own work to form a definitive space of holonomic substrate that may form a defiitive permittivity-like basis in such a manner so that the synergetic interaction thus formed may bear an actual magnetic-field-basis that also bears an actual electrodynamic-field-based and an actual covariant Fourier-based kinematic codifferentiation that may cause a spontaneous abelian-like effect that forms a viable pull of what I term of as wave-tug.  Yet, in the related groups that I call orbifolds and orbifold eigensets, the abelian-like codifferentiable wave-tug activities that are here significantly viable are then able to form at least the semblance of a magnetic wave-tug pull that may allow for those set of motions that work to form the relativity of physical phenomena relative to the existance and the operaton of electromagnetic energy.  Light itself tends to exist in quantized groups known of as beams of E.M. that interact in such a manner so that their synergetic group activity may have at least some sort of a degree of viable leverage -- so that interactions may bear at least some sort of abelian wave-tug and wave-pull that allows for spontaneous codeterminable kinematic electrodynamic charge inter-relations.

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