Thursday, January 3, 2013

Orbifolds Are All Over The Place

Superstrings tend to exist in manifolds or membranes that may be described of as orbifolds.  Orbifolds tend to exist in membranes or manifolds that may be described of as orbifold eigensets.  Orbifolds are the primal order of an organization of superstrings that work together to form a group of discrete number of energy permittivity phenomena that behave in such a manner in so as to perform a common operation.  The next genus of organization of superstrings that works together in such a manner in so as to perform a common operation in the reverse fractal tense when relative to orbifolds would be the concept of orbifold eigensets.  The most commonly thought of sub-atomic particles that are utilized in the description of the make-up of atoms are groups of superstrings that work together to form an inter-relation of directly interacting sets of substringular phenomena that act as orbifold eigensets.  Such orbifold eigensets that work to form the just elluded to sub-atomic particles that are most commonly thought of as direct members of atoms would here be, as arbitrary given relavent examples, neucleons, electrons, and neutrinos.  The activity of such norm-projections such as the Wick Action, the Landau-Gisner Action, and the holonomic substrate of the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism works to form a networking of eigenstates that work to comprise the Rarita Structure in such a manner in so that the corresponding orbifolds and the corresponding orbifold eigensets that are necessary in the process of allowing such an activity of the kinematic operation of Gaussian Transformations to occur to function may happen in such a manner so that norm-conditions in given arbitrary loci in which holonomic differential geometries are to alter, so that space may be freed-up for motion so that energy may be spontaneous in order to be able to take a foothold.  The conditions of negative-norm-states and the conditons of positive-norm states, when in conjunction with their corresponding projections over time, work to allow for both the exchange of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts with Neilson-Kollosh ghosts -- so that gravitational force may be freed up enough to allow for gravity to take effect -- and also so that the just mentioned norm-states and their corresponding projections may work to correlatively open and close superstrings so that photons may be able to respecitively form electricity-like conditions, and, so that the fermionic superstrings that are inherent to the plain kinetic energy of electrons may be able to form photons when such electrons drop an energy level while then falling back to their pairable shells.  It is zero-norm states along with their projections that work to respecitively tie and untie open and closed superstrings that are here in this arbitrary given case formative photons and formative electrons from photons so that electrodynamics may bear a recycling mode that bears any sort of hermitian homeostasis that allows for the continued interaction of electrodynamic kinematics.  So, when superstrings quantize in such a manner in so that a group action may work to allow for a significant interaction of one substringular front of phenomena with another significant interaction of a substringular front of phenomena, their motions form interacting spaces that bear at least some sort of Real Reimmanian or Li-based Gaussian consistancy that works to allow for a covariant codifferentiation that forces the surroundings of the locus of the said interaction of such spaces to need an operative Hamiltonian field exchange over time that works to redistribute and redelineate the substrates of the said spaces -- in such a manner so that the mentioned manifolds of group-oriented superstrings may bear a basis of kinematic motion that is continuous enough to allow for the perpetual motion of substringular entities and other substringular-based phenomena.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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