Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Third Session Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds

Parallel universes of the same mirroring exist in one large superset of orbifold eigenbases.  Parallel univeres of another mirroring exist in another superset of orbifold eigenbases.  Individual Planck phenomena-related phenomena bear corresponding spin-orbital units that behave as indices of orbifolds.  Spin-Orbital units of one three-dimensional-based bearing of spatial dimensionality that correlates to certain supersets of superstrings and their directly associated Planck-related phenomena are one general eigenset of orbifold indices.  So, one orbifold eigenset contains one set of orbifolds -- these orbifods of which exist as sets of superstringular-based phenomena that act as one group for a specific given arbitrary operation of function.  One parallel universe format contains one general eigenbasis of orbifold indices that is comprised of a superset of orbifold eigensets.  One mirroring of a parallel universe contains one sub-set of the prior mentioned superset of orbifold eigenset indices.  Each Planck-related phenomenon acts as an index of plain kinetic energy, matter, and electromagnetic energy -- even though a given arbitrary Planck-related phenomena may, at one given general time-frame, only exist directly as either an index of plain kinetic enery, matter, or electromagnetic energy.  The spin-orbital-related group action of one given arbitrary Planck-related phenomenon in one index of an orbifold.  So, the spin-orbital-related group action of one given orbifold is one index of an orbifold eigenset.  The sum of those Planck-like phenomena that exist in one locally codeterminably extractable three-dimensional setting that works to depict the setting of the said unit of discrete energy impedance at an upclose inspection may often work as an index of plain kinetic energy, matter, and/or electromagnetic energy indices.  One eigenset of plain kinetic energy, matter, and also electromagnetic energy indices bears a fractal condition that simulates a tense of magnetism at a very small level.  The sum of the orbifold eigensets of a parallel universe are both a group Hodge Index of the magnetism and a group Hodge Index of the angular momentum of the said given arbitrary universe that one may depict under a specific case scenario.  The angular momentum of the Planck-related phenomena of one universe works to orientate the spin-orbital momentum of the same just mentioned Planck-like phenomena of the corresponding universe.  As the spin-orbital momentum of a Planck-like phenomenon works as an index of a specific given arbitrary orbifold, so, the spin-orbital momentum of an orbifold works as an index of a specific given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  Thus, the activities of a superset of orbifold eigensets works as an index-based eigenbasis of the magnetic propensities of a given arbitrary universe in which all of the mentioned orbifold eigensets that exist in this case scenario here work toward the operation of the here corresponding universe.  Each parallel universe (each universe -- since every universe is parallel to another one) contains countless orbifold eigensets that work together toward the functioning of the Real Reimmanian-related spaces that work to inter-relate the activities of that universe that directly correspond to one another in a viable manner.  In this line of thought, every universe many indices of magnetism that may be perceived of in an upclose manner with a basis of dimensionality of three dimensions -- no matter how many spatial dimensions that the related magnetism may be differentiating from outword appearances in both its Laplacian-based condtions and also in its Fourier-based conditions.  As each orbifold differentiates with other orbifolds -- and as each orbifold eigenset differentiated with other orbifold eigensets -- the locus of the individual orbifolds differentiate over time in a manner that is relative to one another in a codeterminable, covariant, and in a codifferentiable manner.  Later, you will learn more!~  Sincerely, Sam.

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