Thursday, January 31, 2013
Why is it called the Light-Cone-Gauge
The light-cone-gauge works to cause that springing form of activity that pulls superstrings into that portion of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between individual iterations of group instanton -- allowing for both the tendancies of Noether Flow and tachyonic flow. This allows for all motion, length, and mass of massive objects -- all motion -- to be relative to the existence and the motion of light. The light-cone-gauge forms a cone-like general field per eigenstate of discrete energy during the Polyakov Action in general -- via the directly elluded to Clifford Expansion that happens to the mentioned field-like delineation of the said light-cone-gauge during BRST on account of the said gauge's interaction with their corresponding superstrings during the said Polyakov and Bette Actioins during BRST. The light-cone-gauge works to gauge where superstrings are to be delineated to next after each succcessive iteration of group instanton. This is part of why the light-cone-gauge is called the light-cone-gauge. We notice time when superstrings are basically at a standstill. The integration of the successive series of group instantons works to form that flow of motion that forms -- via the physical entities of the various substringular phenomena -- the kinematic activity that exists as the energy that forms the space-time-continuum.
Posted by
1:26 PM
Clifford Expansion,
Noether Flow,
tachyonic flow

Part One of Session 11 of Course 11 About Orbifolds
Orbifolds come in many different shapes and sizes. Orbifolds may have permutations in many different shapes and sizes. Orbifolds permutations may exist in many different loci of the orbifold, and these said permutations may exist to many various degrees of Hodge-based Volume -- when in terms of the number of permutations in any given arbitrary orbifold. An orbifold is not a static thing. An orbiofold exists as a specific entity during one iteration of group instanton. After a set number of iterations, an orbifold may exist as a different entity with different kernels, different directly associated substringular neighborhoods, and having a different shape and size than it may arbitrarily have in one particular iteration of instanton. After a set number of iterations of instantons, an orbifold may have a different number of permutations. After a set number of iterations of instanton, a given said orbifold may also have a relocalization of its directly corresponding permutations. After a set number of iterations of instanton, an orbifold may also have a different sizes and shapes to its corelative permutations. Also, an orbifold -- over a Fourier Transformation -- have an alteration in the shapes and sizes to its directly corresponding kernels. Over a Fourier Transformation, a given arbitrary orbifold may have a perturbation in the shape and size of its directly corresponding substringular neighborhood that it iterates in locally over the course of the duration in which such a given arbitrary orbifold exists from within the mentioned given substringular neighborhood. What I mean by a set number of iterations of group instanton is a sequential series of iterations as to when the said given arbitrary orbifolds works to transform the multi-dimensional structure of a set of space-time-phenomena, when in terms of its corresponding fractal of magnetic field integrative indices. An orbifold is thus the multi-dimensional structure of a set of space-time-related phenomena that involves both a fractal of a magnetic field and a fractal of electric field -- mainly of a fractal of magnetic field, in which the superstrings that comprise the said phenomenon that I term of as an orbifold work together in so as to form a discrete space. So, as space-time phenomena differentiate over time, the fractals of magnetic fields of the corresponding space that is involved with the correlative multi-dimensional structures that work to comprise the related orbifolds codifferentiate with the prior mentioned phenomena. As the fractals of the magnetic fields of the just mentioned orbifolds differentiates over time, the multi-dimensional structures that operate as discrete spaces that comprise space-time-fabric act in a covaraint manner so that the various spaces that work upon each other may do the previously mentioned general format of codifferentiation. The fractals of magnetism that work to comprise part of the basis of the composition of the related given arbitrary orbifolds thus differentiate kinematically over time in the process of the kinematic differentiation of space-time-fabric over time. So, in so long as magnetism differentiates over time -- this condition of which happens in so long as there is space-time-fabric -- the fractals of magnetism that work to comprise the spin-orbital Fourier-based codifferentiation that is involved with the kinematic interaction of orbifolds with one another will transpire so that the various spaces that discretely demonstrate the interaction of groups of substringular phenomena that act as a group to perform their given arbitrary operations will here always exist as well. Again, orbifolds are structures that act as groups of superstrings that work together to perform a discrete physical function. The corresponding spin-orbital interactions of orbifolds work to form those fractals of magnetism that works to form the foundation of actual discrete magnetism. Those fractals of electrical field that correspond to the existence and the activities of orbifolds would then be the covariant inter-relationships that exist among the angular momentum indices of the mentioned various orbifolds as these kinematically inter-relate codifferentiably over time. The condition as to what orbifolds exist where, and the condition as to how the said orbifolds inter-relate -- alters over time as space-time-fabric covariantly codifferentiates over those kinematic changes that happen over time. Space-Time changes that may work to alter the conditions of orbifolds also involve the changes in inter-relationships that are due to the relative changes in covariant displacements that may here involve different Laplacian-based relationships. Kinematic inter-relationships involve the resultant changes that work to describe the various covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable conditions that involve the workings of the various said orbifolds relative to one another via time -- (over the process of the successive series of group instantons that happen over any given arbitrary correlative Fourier Transfomations.)
I will continue with part two of this session later! Please be patient for the suspense. Sam Roach.
I will continue with part two of this session later! Please be patient for the suspense. Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Fourier Transformations,

Monday, January 28, 2013
Sessiono 10 of Course 11 About Orbifolds, Test 2
1) What is an orbifold kernel?
2) What is an orbifold neighborhood?
3) Ideally, how is an orbifold shaped?
4) Ideally, how is an orbifold kernel shaped?
5) How are some orbifolds shaped?
6) What is an orbifold permutation?
7) Describe some orbifold permutations.
8) What connects all orbifolds?
9) How may this connection delineate an orbifold?
10) Describe some orbifold perumtation variations.
2) What is an orbifold neighborhood?
3) Ideally, how is an orbifold shaped?
4) Ideally, how is an orbifold kernel shaped?
5) How are some orbifolds shaped?
6) What is an orbifold permutation?
7) Describe some orbifold permutations.
8) What connects all orbifolds?
9) How may this connection delineate an orbifold?
10) Describe some orbifold perumtation variations.
Posted by
12:08 PM
orbifold kernel,
orbifold neighborhood,
orbifold permutations,

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Session 9 of Course 11 About Orbifolds
Orbifolds may exist in many shapes. Idealy, orbifolds exist in a rounded shape. A round orbifold is not necessary spherical, though. Orbifolds, including round-like shaped orbifolds, are generally not spherical -- actually. A round orbifold that is not spherical as a Ward-Caucy basis has permutations. These permutations are indications of space that exists along the outer topology of the orbifold. These permutations may be relatively small, or, in other cases, these permutations may be relatively large -- or somewhere in-between. What one would consider as a small, medium-sized, or large permutation in an orbifold is, to a certain extent, subjective to the physicist of whom would be working to determine the general Laplacian-based mapping of the topology of a given arbitrary orbifold. An individual orbifold may have permutations of many sizes and shapes. An orbifold may have some relatively small permutations, some relatively medium sized permutations, and also some relatively large-sized permutations -- when relating to the general Hodge-Index basis of the mentioned orbifold. An orbifold may occasionally have just some relatively large and some relatively medium-sized permutations, yet, not having any relatively small-sized permutations -- when relating to the general Hodge-Index basis of the mentioned orbifold. An orbifold may have some relatively large-sized permutations and some relatively small-sized permutations, yet, not having any medium-sized permutations -- when relating to the general Hodge-Index basis of the mentioned orbifold. An orbifold may have some relatively medium-sized permutations and some relatively small-sized permutations, yet without having what one may consider to be any large-sized permutations -- when relating to the general Hodge-Index basis of the mentioned orbifold. One may consider certain orbifolds to have only moderately sized permutations, when in light of the general Hodge-Volume of the said orbifold. One may consider certain orbifolds to have only large-sized permutaions, when in light of the general Hodge-Volume of the said orbifold. Or, one may consider certain orbifolds to have only small-sized permutations, when in light of the general Hodge-Volume of the said orbifold. When I am about to write, "have only", I am reffering to a certain format of a given arbitrary case-type scenario. Some orbifolds may only have permutations at the relative norm-to-holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. Some orbifolds may have only permutaitons at the relative holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. Some orbifolds may have only permutaions at the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. Some orbifolds may have only permutations at the relative reverse-holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. Some orbifolds may have only permutations at the relative norm-to-holomorphic and the reverse-norm-to-holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. Some orbifolds may have only permutations along the holomorphic and the reverse holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. An orbifold may have only permutations at the norm-to-holomorphic and the holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. An orbifold may have only permutaitons at the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic and the holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. An orbifold may have only permutations at the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic and the reverse-holomorphic Laplacian-based positioning of the topology of the said orbifold. Any combination as such may exist in their own given arbitray cases. One may subjectively consider orbifolds to have any combination of relatively large, medium-sized, and/or small-sized permutations, when one considers the relative Hodge-based Index of the coreleative orbifolds. at any combination of relative positioning as to where the said given arbitrary permutations are at in certain case scenarios. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:48 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Session Eight Of Course 11 About Orbifolds
Orbifolds ideally are basically round. Orbifolds ideally have at least three up-close dimensional curved-shaped kernels surrounding them. Yet, in the real world, orbifolds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. If Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration that, here, exist in a given arbitrary universe, are centralized in a rod-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the related magnetic effect of the directly corresponding Planck-related phenomena will be rod-like shaped. If the Planck-related phenomena of the said multi-dimensional configuration that exists within a given arbitrary universe are centralized in a square-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will be square-like shaped. If the Planck-related phenomena of a given arbitrary orbifold bears a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe that is centralized in a permutative shape, then, the said orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will have a permutative shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe is centralized in a triangle-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will have a triangle-like shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe is centralized in a disc-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will be of a disc-like shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe is centralized is in a pyramid-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the Planck-related phenomena will be of a pyramid-like shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe is centralized in a plane-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will be of a plane-like shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a muti-dimensional configuration within a given universe is centralized in a rectangular-like shape, the, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will be of a rectangular-like shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe is centralized in a round-like shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will be of a round-like shape. If the Planck-related phenomena of a multi-dimensional configuration within a given arbitrary universe is centralized in a given arbitrary shape, then, the orbifold of the fractal of the magnetism of the said Planck-related phenomena will be of the here mentioned given arbitrary shape. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:49 PM
Planck phenomena

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Session Seven Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds
Orbifolds exist in a differentiable spot. Individual orbifolds are not constantly maintained. An orbifold may exist as an entity in one location at one time, and the orbifold may be transferred to another location at another time. The area surrounding an orbifold is the neighborhood of that orbifold. An orbifold exists as an indistinguishably different entity at any prior or future orbifold transmutation. An orbifold neighborhood is the sub-space within a specific locus of a given universe that is common to that orbifold that surrounds the given orbifold. Each universe has its own set of differentiating orbifolds that exist indistinguishably different when this is considered relative to any past or future transmutation of the respective individual orbifolds of each given arbitrary universe that this would here reffer to in an individual scenario. An orbifold may have kernels that work to surround it in this given universe that we belong to, yet, there may be Planck-related phenomena that surround the given orbifold that come from parallel universe in a transient period of time from when such discrete units of energy impedance had initially been from a different universe. The adjacency of Planck-related phenomena from parallel universes does not constitute a necessary adjacency of Planck-related phenomena from the given universe that the initially mentioned discrete unit of energy impedance came from. Kernels are associated with gaps in-between a fractal of magnetic fields in one given arbitrary universe. Planck-related phenomena do not actually genereally touch in a Gliossi manner, even when these are of different universes. The normalcy here is not a borne normalcy. Rather, the adjacency of the said Planck-related phenomena of one universe is one that involves a density of mini-string segments that interact over time. When fractals of magnetic fields give off a Real exchange of mini-string that directly correspond to one another in a codeterminable covariant manner during a relatively brief metric, then, these are of the same orbifold. When the density of mini-string interconnection is weak, or, is exchanged in an imaginary manner among adjacent Planck-related phenomena, then, these Planck-related phenomena are of different orbifolds. The spaces in-between orbifolds & the surrounding holonomic substrate of the said prior mentioned orbifolds are what work to comprise the respective orbifold neighborhoods.
Posted by
12:46 PM
borne normalcy,
holonomic substrate,
magnetic fields,
Planck-Related phenomena

Monday, January 21, 2013
A Little Bit Of A Heads Up As To Stuff From Future Courses
Let us say that one considers a Laplacian condition in which one extrapolates the static positioning of a Planck-related phenomena that is interconnected with its corresponding superstring, in which this said superstring is interconnected with its corresponding counterstring. The just mentioned inter-bonding bears field connectivity via a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate. During the just elluded to snapshot in time, the mentioned unitization of physical entities that is a discrete unit of energy impedance that is interconnected with a discrete unit of energy permittivity -- with its assymetrical holonomic substrate -- of which proceeds in a Laplacian manner in the holomorphic direction (toward the relative left), and is positioned, as a whole entity, at an angle that is off of orphoganal when subtended from the conicenter of the initially mentioned given arbitrary Planck-related phenomenon toward a second given arbitrary Planck-related phenomenon. This subtension is toward the second elluded to Planck-related phenomena by 12 and one-half degrees in an "imaginary" manner (the elluded to wobbling is a back-and-forth oscillation). Both of the mentioned Planck-related phenomena here wobble during the course of the elluded to iteration of group instanton at a relativistic wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees, yet, the Clifford expansion of the covariant codeterminable codifferentiable oscillation that here reffers to the field delineation of the mentioned relativistic wobbling, works to produce a norm-based condition that bears an extrapolation-based orphoganal relationship that here exists between the two said given arbitrary Planck-related phenomena that bears normalcy with a binary genus of wobble that is consequentialy equal to a wobble of 12 and one-half I degrees. Let's say that the extraneous wobble that I just explained was analagous to the variation that would here exist between the dual-based genus that would co-relate the format of universe that both of the individual adjacent superstrings would bear relative to one another. Then, the Hodge Scalar of the variation that would here exist between the genus-types of the two elluded to universes that these two respective superstrings belonged to would be equal to (12 and one-half I degrees)/(1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees).
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerley, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerley, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Clifford Expansion,
Hodge Scalar,
Planck-Related phenomena

Monday, January 14, 2013
Session 6 Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds
Orbifolds work to produce the magnetism of the said multidimensional structures that exist as one-space per orbifold in a set of parallel universes. The multi-dimensional structures that comprise the space that a given arbitrary orbifold exists in are delineated from each other by existing within 720 degrees, in one manner or another, of each other. This means that each orbifold is ideally formated in a round-like shape, and each orbifold also has kernels on at least all six of its basic sides. (Just as a paraboloid that is three-dimensional has three axials that have a total of two sides per axial. This elludes to six basic sides to a round-like shape that bears a minimum basis of three spatial dimensions.) The kernels here are just big enough to not contain any Planck-related phenomena in them. The kernels of orbifolds are the spaces in-between the orbifolds where there is no fractal of magnetic force that may be viably extrapolated, and thus, such a sub-space that I am here reffering to contains no Planck-like phenomena. For instance, a star of a planet has relatively countless orbifolds. A star has more orbifolds than a planet, since a star has more Planck-related phenomena per volume. A planet has more orbifolds than the empty areas of outer space, since a planet has more Planck-related phenomena per volume than the vast open ranges of outer space. So, outer space has a lot less orbifold kernels per spatial volume, while earth has far more orbifold kernels per spatial volume. A star has fairly countless orbifold kernels. Where a star flares out into space is where its most crucial orbifolds are, since this region is less dense in Planck-related phenonmena than the rest of the star is. The air of a planet and its vacuums are less dense in Planck-related phenomena than the rest of a solid planet, and thus, the air of such a planet and its vacuums contain less orbifolds than the rest of that planet -- when taken as a whole. This goes for any star and planet as such that are of the same solar system. So, the flares of a star have more orbifold kernels than the rest of that star per volume, and, the air and vacuums of a planet have more orbifold kernels than the rest of the given arbitrary planet per volume -- if the mentioned planet is not mostly gaseous. The kernels of an orbifold are ideally shaped like curved diamond shapes that are relatively three-dimensionally-based when extrapolated in an up-close depiction. These kernels exist at at least six spots per orbifold, as a minimum. These spots are in-between the tangencies of one orbifold relative to another adjacent orbifold. If an orbifold is isolated under a given relatively Laplacian-based condition, then, its kernels surround the orbifold -- due to the lack of operational phsyical entities that act as kinematic spaces that surround these. Mini-String segments interconnect all orbifolds.
Posted by
4:10 PM
multi-dimensional structures,
outer space,
Planck-Related phenomena,

Solutions To The First Test Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds
1) An orbifold is a membrane/manifold-like structure that is comprised of superstrings, and, such a structure operates with a specific function as an entity that acts as a unit of physical spatial phenomenon.
2) An index of an orbifold is the fractal of magnetic and electric field -- primarily a fractal of the magnetic field -- of the Planck-Related phenomena that work to comprise any given arbitrary orbifold.
3) An orbifold eigenbasis superset is the total magnetism of a given arbitrary universe.
4) The magnetic fields of orbifold indices of different universes overlap.
5) These are the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the fractal of the electric field of a Planck-Related phenomeno.
6) These are the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the fractal of the magnetic field of a Planck-Related phenomenon.
7) 91*10^(81).
8) The partial aspect of the fractal of the "voltage" of the fractal of the electric field of Planck-Related phenomenon works to cause this.
9) When the Planck-Related phenomena that are adjacent that are of different universes approach each other in such a manner that their intrinsic vibrations synchrounize in so as to bear orphoganal norm-conditions that wobble by a codeterminable codifferentiable covariant relativistic angle of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees, then, such mentioned phenomena are altered in such a manner so as to then be of the same universe.
10) A region where mini-string segments interconnect various superstrings that bind in such a manner in so that these said strings bear a unitary-based function works to allow for certain Real Reimmanian exchange among those superstrings, which, in this case specifically, reffers to the actual superstrings themselves and not there counterparts -- this is what works to designate a substringular space as an orbifold.
2) An index of an orbifold is the fractal of magnetic and electric field -- primarily a fractal of the magnetic field -- of the Planck-Related phenomena that work to comprise any given arbitrary orbifold.
3) An orbifold eigenbasis superset is the total magnetism of a given arbitrary universe.
4) The magnetic fields of orbifold indices of different universes overlap.
5) These are the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the fractal of the electric field of a Planck-Related phenomeno.
6) These are the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the fractal of the magnetic field of a Planck-Related phenomenon.
7) 91*10^(81).
8) The partial aspect of the fractal of the "voltage" of the fractal of the electric field of Planck-Related phenomenon works to cause this.
9) When the Planck-Related phenomena that are adjacent that are of different universes approach each other in such a manner that their intrinsic vibrations synchrounize in so as to bear orphoganal norm-conditions that wobble by a codeterminable codifferentiable covariant relativistic angle of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees, then, such mentioned phenomena are altered in such a manner so as to then be of the same universe.
10) A region where mini-string segments interconnect various superstrings that bind in such a manner in so that these said strings bear a unitary-based function works to allow for certain Real Reimmanian exchange among those superstrings, which, in this case specifically, reffers to the actual superstrings themselves and not there counterparts -- this is what works to designate a substringular space as an orbifold.
Posted by
1:00 PM
intrinsic vibrations,
parallel universe,
Planck-Related phenomena,

Session Five Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds -- Test One
1) What is an orbifold?
2) What is an index of an orbifold?
3) What is an orbifold eigenbasis?
4) How are orbifold indices intermeshed?
5) What are the angular momentum indices of a Planck-Related phenomenon?
6) What are the spin-orbital momentum indices of a Planck-Related phenomenon?
7) How many orbifold eigenbasis supersets are their in one set of parallel universes?
8) What causes orbifold indices to be detected by ordinary means?
9) What causes parallel unierses to be related to the same universe?
10) What delineates an orbifold as one orbifold?
2) What is an index of an orbifold?
3) What is an orbifold eigenbasis?
4) How are orbifold indices intermeshed?
5) What are the angular momentum indices of a Planck-Related phenomenon?
6) What are the spin-orbital momentum indices of a Planck-Related phenomenon?
7) How many orbifold eigenbasis supersets are their in one set of parallel universes?
8) What causes orbifold indices to be detected by ordinary means?
9) What causes parallel unierses to be related to the same universe?
10) What delineates an orbifold as one orbifold?
Posted by
12:29 PM
angular momentum,
Parallel universes,
Planck-Related phenomena

Friday, January 11, 2013
Session Four Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds
Planck-like phenomena differentiate relative to each other per iteratioin of group instanton. The angular momentum indices of the just mentioned Planck-related phenomena get near each otehr while these differentiate relative to one another. The spin-orbital indices of a Planck-like phenomenon work to comprise its fractal of magnetic field. The magnetic field fractal of a Planck-like phenomenon surrounds the angular momentum indices of the initially mentioned given arbitrary Planck-like phenomenon. The angular momentum indices of a Planck-like phenomenon is its fractal of an electric field. So, the magnetic field fractal of a Planck-like phenomenon surrounds the fractal of its electric field. The angular momentum indices of a given arbitrary Planck-like phenomenon are relatively near the angular momentum indices of the surrounding Planck-like phenomena. The adjacency of Planck-like phenomena angular momentum indices that are directly associated in a substringular-based neighborhood works to cause the mentioned fractal of magnetic field -- at a substringular level -- of the relatively associated Planck-like phenomena that are of parallel universes to overlap to a certain extent. This includes the occasional Yakawa cohomologies and the other Gliossi-based interactions that work to occasionally directly associate substringular phenomena that are of different universes, although, in a manner that is not detectable by any ordinary viable manner. The angular momentum indices of adjacent Planck-like phenomena that are of the same universe are bear norm-conditions that bear a direct orphoganal-basis with a codeterminable relativistic codifferentiable wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees -- given the relative wobble of one of such said given arbitrary Planck-like phenomena toward the other and vice versa. The Planck-like phenomena that are of other universes relative to one another do not share such conditions of an orphoganal-basis with the just mentioned format of wobble, when one considers two different of such Planck-like phenomena that are physically adjacent over a Laplacian that is set at one given arbitrary iteration of group instanton. This lack of norm-based conditions between adjacent Planck-like phenomena that are of different universes is what works to cause such phenomena to interact as different phenomena that are of different universes. Yet, the fractal of the magnetic field of different Planck-like phenomena tend to overlap. This brings up the condition that the orbifold indices of different Planck-like phenomena of different universes tend to overlap. This means that the fields that are generated by the various orbifolds that are existent in any general given arbitrary locus -- whether these orbifolds are of the same universe or not -- tend to bear some overlapping propensities. This is due to the Clifford-based expansion of the Ward multipole conditions that are associated with the fractal of the magnetic fields of the orbifolds that exist in the substringular. This means that the orbifold eigenbases and the orbifolds that inter-relate to the various layers of reality tend to bear a certain degree of Yakawa interaction, or, in other words, these bear a certain degree of overlapping. This means that the intrinsic fractal of the magnetic fields that exist in the overall interplay that happens in each set of universes is wrapped up to an extent both among all of the layers of reality and also among all of the universes that exist in each set of such parallel universes. (Every universe is parallel to another.)
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Planck-Like phenomena,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Third Session Of Course Eleven About Orbifolds
Parallel universes of the same mirroring exist in one large superset of orbifold eigenbases. Parallel univeres of another mirroring exist in another superset of orbifold eigenbases. Individual Planck phenomena-related phenomena bear corresponding spin-orbital units that behave as indices of orbifolds. Spin-Orbital units of one three-dimensional-based bearing of spatial dimensionality that correlates to certain supersets of superstrings and their directly associated Planck-related phenomena are one general eigenset of orbifold indices. So, one orbifold eigenset contains one set of orbifolds -- these orbifods of which exist as sets of superstringular-based phenomena that act as one group for a specific given arbitrary operation of function. One parallel universe format contains one general eigenbasis of orbifold indices that is comprised of a superset of orbifold eigensets. One mirroring of a parallel universe contains one sub-set of the prior mentioned superset of orbifold eigenset indices. Each Planck-related phenomenon acts as an index of plain kinetic energy, matter, and electromagnetic energy -- even though a given arbitrary Planck-related phenomena may, at one given general time-frame, only exist directly as either an index of plain kinetic enery, matter, or electromagnetic energy. The spin-orbital-related group action of one given arbitrary Planck-related phenomenon in one index of an orbifold. So, the spin-orbital-related group action of one given orbifold is one index of an orbifold eigenset. The sum of those Planck-like phenomena that exist in one locally codeterminably extractable three-dimensional setting that works to depict the setting of the said unit of discrete energy impedance at an upclose inspection may often work as an index of plain kinetic energy, matter, and/or electromagnetic energy indices. One eigenset of plain kinetic energy, matter, and also electromagnetic energy indices bears a fractal condition that simulates a tense of magnetism at a very small level. The sum of the orbifold eigensets of a parallel universe are both a group Hodge Index of the magnetism and a group Hodge Index of the angular momentum of the said given arbitrary universe that one may depict under a specific case scenario. The angular momentum of the Planck-related phenomena of one universe works to orientate the spin-orbital momentum of the same just mentioned Planck-like phenomena of the corresponding universe. As the spin-orbital momentum of a Planck-like phenomenon works as an index of a specific given arbitrary orbifold, so, the spin-orbital momentum of an orbifold works as an index of a specific given arbitrary orbifold eigenset. Thus, the activities of a superset of orbifold eigensets works as an index-based eigenbasis of the magnetic propensities of a given arbitrary universe in which all of the mentioned orbifold eigensets that exist in this case scenario here work toward the operation of the here corresponding universe. Each parallel universe (each universe -- since every universe is parallel to another one) contains countless orbifold eigensets that work together toward the functioning of the Real Reimmanian-related spaces that work to inter-relate the activities of that universe that directly correspond to one another in a viable manner. In this line of thought, every universe many indices of magnetism that may be perceived of in an upclose manner with a basis of dimensionality of three dimensions -- no matter how many spatial dimensions that the related magnetism may be differentiating from outword appearances in both its Laplacian-based condtions and also in its Fourier-based conditions. As each orbifold differentiates with other orbifolds -- and as each orbifold eigenset differentiated with other orbifold eigensets -- the locus of the individual orbifolds differentiate over time in a manner that is relative to one another in a codeterminable, covariant, and in a codifferentiable manner. Later, you will learn more!~ Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
1:00 PM
Parallel universes

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
A New Ammendment To Session One of Course Eleven On Orbifolds
While a Planck-Related phenomenon is wobbling during an iteration of instanton, the relative wobble allows for the spin-orbitoal momentum or magnetic field fractals of the related Planck-like phenomenon to be orphoganal to the adjacent Planck-like phenomena in four different general substringular-neighborhood loci. These four "legs" form fields of Planck phenomena that are known of as orbifolds. This is because the more that you center on a specific locus of Planck-phenomena-related fields, the more that you see a chain of normalized Planck phenomena that are orphoganal by a wobble of ~1.104735878*(10^(-81))I degrees in terms of angular momentum. Yet, the spin and orbit of these Planck-like phenonomena have this wobble occur at four different general locations, thus forming a cross. This is due to the condition that the Planck-phenomena, throughout one normal cycle of Ultimon Flow, spin in ten dimensions. When a paranormal or unusual activity happens, these Planck-phenomena may spin in more than ten dimensions. Up to 96. This spin jerks the Planck phenomena during that given cycle of Ultimon Flow. The basis of spatial dimensionality is three dimensions, and, 3*3 = 9. 10 is more than 9. So, the Planck Phenomena related must be in four different spots via its course of a fractal of magnetic field -- in terms of spin-orbital momentum -- during the corresponding iterations of instanton, in order to allow for the imaginary residue of the Planck phenomena to exchange with Fock Space -- so that the Real residue that directly corresponds to the prior mentioned Imaginary Residue of superstrings, as well as to allow for the condition of the said Imaginary Residue of superstrings, will have the raw holonomic substrate that is viable for the correlative exchanges that are here related. This is so that norm and ground states may recycle in an indistinguishably different manner. The locant of this is "felt" by the directly prior mentioned general Imaginary Exchange of the directly corresponding superstrings that are here considered in this given arbitrary case, as well as the condition that will here exist as to how the directly corresponding substringular counterstrings will "feel" the effect of what I was just mentioning. This all happens as the Planck-like phenomena "dance" in such a manner so that these said phenomena may settle, and, thus, this works to allow for the Ultimon Flow to be propagated via the direrctly associated light-cone-gauge-related spring-like motion that happens during BRST. This exchange is considered Imaginary both because the exchange that I am here discussing is just the end result of many exchanges, and, because the said exchange that is here said to be "Imaginary" is delineated in a back-and-forth manner that is off of the Real Reimmanian plane -- as opposed to on that given arbitrary plane.
Posted by
2:07 PM
Fock Space,
Imaginary Exchange,
Real Reimmanian plane,
Ultimon Flow

Monday, January 7, 2013
Be Prepared For What's Coming Up
Hi, this is Sam Roach. I have recently provided some incite as to what is going to be in my course of string theory that I entitle as "Orbifolds." I have not started with, though, my main course work material on this subject yet. I have been reading about my course on fermions, bosons, and the light-cone-gauge lately as a preparation for understanding the concept of orbifolds better. That way, I will be able to better articulate the sessions of my course as to orbifolds better -- once I find my course about the said orbifold material in one of my safes soon. I thank you for your patience.
Orbifolds are like a "home" of superstrings that function as one unit for a given operation.
Orbifolds may act as an operation, an operator, and/or an operand -- when such given orbifolds are considered as these exist in space and time over history.
Orbifolds also act as a discrete space index that works to function in conjunction with other space indices in so as to allow for the interaction of different sub-atomic particles that work to define different kinematic spaces from the various universes that interact over time.
Orbifolds of different universes act as spaces that tend to not be of a Real Reimmanian nature when these are considered relative to one another.
Spaces -- or orbifolds -- that are of the same universe bear such a Gaussian symmetry in so that these bear group Hodge Indices that work in such a manner so that these corresponding spaces tend to be Real Reimmanian relative to one another.
Spaces that are defined as orbifolds here, that correspond in a Real Reimmanian manner, bear a Gaussian Symmetry that causes these to interact in a manner that may be readily extrapolated as viabley interactive with one another over the set Fourier Transformations in which these said spaces are here said to directly interact with one another in a manner that tends to be abelian in a Yakawa manner.
Some orbifolds that are not of the same universe may often, though, bear a certain degree of Gliossi, cohomoligical, and/or Yakawa interaction -- in spite of the conditions here that the related interactions that would here be happening would not be detectible by ordinary means.
Spaces that are defined by the existence of orbifolds work to form eigenstates of indical reality that form a set of superstrings that work together so that certain given activites may happen, so that discrete charges and discrete angular momentum wave-tug, in a directly sub-atomic manner, may happen spontaneously over time.
Orbifolds that work together for a comomon operation may be viewed of as orbifold eigensets -- sets of orbifold eigenstates that form a union so that a higher genus of operation, operator quality, and/or operand-based condition may be attained so that certain levels of function may be spontaneous.
This is a very brief preview of what I am about to get into.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Orbifolds are like a "home" of superstrings that function as one unit for a given operation.
Orbifolds may act as an operation, an operator, and/or an operand -- when such given orbifolds are considered as these exist in space and time over history.
Orbifolds also act as a discrete space index that works to function in conjunction with other space indices in so as to allow for the interaction of different sub-atomic particles that work to define different kinematic spaces from the various universes that interact over time.
Orbifolds of different universes act as spaces that tend to not be of a Real Reimmanian nature when these are considered relative to one another.
Spaces -- or orbifolds -- that are of the same universe bear such a Gaussian symmetry in so that these bear group Hodge Indices that work in such a manner so that these corresponding spaces tend to be Real Reimmanian relative to one another.
Spaces that are defined as orbifolds here, that correspond in a Real Reimmanian manner, bear a Gaussian Symmetry that causes these to interact in a manner that may be readily extrapolated as viabley interactive with one another over the set Fourier Transformations in which these said spaces are here said to directly interact with one another in a manner that tends to be abelian in a Yakawa manner.
Some orbifolds that are not of the same universe may often, though, bear a certain degree of Gliossi, cohomoligical, and/or Yakawa interaction -- in spite of the conditions here that the related interactions that would here be happening would not be detectible by ordinary means.
Spaces that are defined by the existence of orbifolds work to form eigenstates of indical reality that form a set of superstrings that work together so that certain given activites may happen, so that discrete charges and discrete angular momentum wave-tug, in a directly sub-atomic manner, may happen spontaneously over time.
Orbifolds that work together for a comomon operation may be viewed of as orbifold eigensets -- sets of orbifold eigenstates that form a union so that a higher genus of operation, operator quality, and/or operand-based condition may be attained so that certain levels of function may be spontaneous.
This is a very brief preview of what I am about to get into.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:25 PM
Fourier Transformations,
Gaussian Symmetry,
Real Reimmanian,

Friday, January 4, 2013
Direct Kinematic Interaction, In Terms Of Orbifolds
Superstrings that are of the same universe directly interact with each other. This means that orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that are of the same universe directly interact with each other. If either two superstrings, two orbifolds, and/or two orbifold eigensets are not of the same universe, then, the direct kinematic interactions that such phenomena have toward phenomena that are of the same universe will not happen as such upon each other. Even though there is a certain degree of cohomological and Gliossi-like interaction that involves the inter-relations between certain superstrings, orbifolds, and orbifold eigensets that are of different universes, due to the conditions that such substringular phenomena that are of different universes bear different tenses as to what works to define their corresponding spaces that resultantly works to define whether various given arbitrary substringular phenomena exist overtly relative to one another -- on account of the covariant codeterminations that are here directly related to variations in certain norm-based conditions that involve certain viable Ward-based boundaries that work to inter-relate the limitations of what superstrings will bear any directly viable interactions upon certain other substringular phenomena in a detectably extrapolatory manner, substringular phenomena that are of different universes are generally not able to bear either a directly detectable nor a directly extrapolatory wave-tug-based influence upon other substringular phenomena that are of other universes in a manner that may be perceived of by ordinary means. This does not disclude the conditions that every substringular phenomena bears some physical effect upon every other substringular phenomena over the course of the Fourier and sub-Fourier-based translations and the Fourier and sub-Fourier-based transformations that work to define the kinematic flow of phenomena as the result of pertainant holonomic-based motion tha exists over time. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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1:19 PM

Thursday, January 3, 2013
What Forms Orbifolds
It is the interactive activity of the kinematic motion that exists in-between superstrings, the light-cone-gauge, the Rarita Structure and their coresponding Schwinger Indices, The mechanism of the Higgs Action that works to move the Klein Bottle, and the woven-in activity of those norm-projections that work to help allow for the directly associated Gaussian Transformations that binds certain Fourier-Based covariant codeterminable loci that are operationally-bound that causes certain superstrings that exist in the same general format of an applicable Real Reimmanian space, or, a Njenhuis-based space, that is codifferentiable with other of such physically holonomic-based spaces that works to allow for correlative spaces to directly interact in such a manner so that each of such just mentioned spaces may act as individual respective physical unitary-operational spaces that work to define those Hamiltonian operators that form each of such spaces as groups of superstrings that work toward a common purpose. Such groups of superstrings that act as spaces that are reverse-fractal to the space-like condition that may be defined by the holnomic entity of the physical substrate that superstrings form, that forms the basis for the need for such membranes or manifolds that work to define the existance of orbifolds. The synergetic interaction of superstrings that work together in such a manner so that the group operation of such a unification of superstrings forms a definitive space that may interact with other spaces is the general operation of an orbifold. This is the basic idea as to why orbifolds exist. -- A superstring by itself often can not operate as a single unit to directly and significantly on its own work to form a definitive space of holonomic substrate that may form a defiitive permittivity-like basis in such a manner so that the synergetic interaction thus formed may bear an actual magnetic-field-basis that also bears an actual electrodynamic-field-based and an actual covariant Fourier-based kinematic codifferentiation that may cause a spontaneous abelian-like effect that forms a viable pull of what I term of as wave-tug. Yet, in the related groups that I call orbifolds and orbifold eigensets, the abelian-like codifferentiable wave-tug activities that are here significantly viable are then able to form at least the semblance of a magnetic wave-tug pull that may allow for those set of motions that work to form the relativity of physical phenomena relative to the existance and the operaton of electromagnetic energy. Light itself tends to exist in quantized groups known of as beams of E.M. that interact in such a manner so that their synergetic group activity may have at least some sort of a degree of viable leverage -- so that interactions may bear at least some sort of abelian wave-tug and wave-pull that allows for spontaneous codeterminable kinematic electrodynamic charge inter-relations.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Gaussian Transformations,
kinematic motion,
magnetic field,
Njenhuis-based space,
Rarita Structure,

Orbifolds Are All Over The Place
Superstrings tend to exist in manifolds or membranes that may be described of as orbifolds. Orbifolds tend to exist in membranes or manifolds that may be described of as orbifold eigensets. Orbifolds are the primal order of an organization of superstrings that work together to form a group of discrete number of energy permittivity phenomena that behave in such a manner in so as to perform a common operation. The next genus of organization of superstrings that works together in such a manner in so as to perform a common operation in the reverse fractal tense when relative to orbifolds would be the concept of orbifold eigensets. The most commonly thought of sub-atomic particles that are utilized in the description of the make-up of atoms are groups of superstrings that work together to form an inter-relation of directly interacting sets of substringular phenomena that act as orbifold eigensets. Such orbifold eigensets that work to form the just elluded to sub-atomic particles that are most commonly thought of as direct members of atoms would here be, as arbitrary given relavent examples, neucleons, electrons, and neutrinos. The activity of such norm-projections such as the Wick Action, the Landau-Gisner Action, and the holonomic substrate of the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism works to form a networking of eigenstates that work to comprise the Rarita Structure in such a manner in so that the corresponding orbifolds and the corresponding orbifold eigensets that are necessary in the process of allowing such an activity of the kinematic operation of Gaussian Transformations to occur to function may happen in such a manner so that norm-conditions in given arbitrary loci in which holonomic differential geometries are to alter, so that space may be freed-up for motion so that energy may be spontaneous in order to be able to take a foothold. The conditions of negative-norm-states and the conditons of positive-norm states, when in conjunction with their corresponding projections over time, work to allow for both the exchange of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts with Neilson-Kollosh ghosts -- so that gravitational force may be freed up enough to allow for gravity to take effect -- and also so that the just mentioned norm-states and their corresponding projections may work to correlatively open and close superstrings so that photons may be able to respecitively form electricity-like conditions, and, so that the fermionic superstrings that are inherent to the plain kinetic energy of electrons may be able to form photons when such electrons drop an energy level while then falling back to their pairable shells. It is zero-norm states along with their projections that work to respecitively tie and untie open and closed superstrings that are here in this arbitrary given case formative photons and formative electrons from photons so that electrodynamics may bear a recycling mode that bears any sort of hermitian homeostasis that allows for the continued interaction of electrodynamic kinematics. So, when superstrings quantize in such a manner in so that a group action may work to allow for a significant interaction of one substringular front of phenomena with another significant interaction of a substringular front of phenomena, their motions form interacting spaces that bear at least some sort of Real Reimmanian or Li-based Gaussian consistancy that works to allow for a covariant codifferentiation that forces the surroundings of the locus of the said interaction of such spaces to need an operative Hamiltonian field exchange over time that works to redistribute and redelineate the substrates of the said spaces -- in such a manner so that the mentioned manifolds of group-oriented superstrings may bear a basis of kinematic motion that is continuous enough to allow for the perpetual motion of substringular entities and other substringular-based phenomena. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:00 PM
Gaussian consistancy,
Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts,
Neilson-Kollosh ghosts,

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