Friday, May 18, 2012

Session 8 Of The Tenth Course Of My String Theory

Let us examine the reiteration contributions of gravitons, gravitinos, tachyonic pulse, dilatons, and dilatinos in respect with the wave-tug of two given arbitrary superstrings that may be mapped in a Laplacian manner via its corresponding world-sheets operands that covariantly interact upon each other, based on a convergent sequential series integration that forms a Fourier-based mapping that consists of taking the individual partial snapshots as to where, how, and when the related world-sheets that appertain here to the mentioned substringular phenomena differentiate over a discrete duration of time in such a manner in that these said world-sheets in this scenario involve both of the mentioned superstrings and their related group semi-attractors -- the attractors of which differentiate in the neighborhood of the two superstringular-related fields that appertain to the fields of strings that form discrete energy permittivity.:
After several iterations of instanton that involve both of the said superstrings in this case, both of the said superstrings of energy permittivity form a logarithmic pattern of expansion and contraction on account of the associated perturbation of the scalar amplitude of the related Polyakov Action eigenmetrics that hence interact with the related Clifford Expansion of the light-cone-gauge that happens per BRST.  This kinematic variaition of parameters in the Ward-Caucy bounds appertaining to the Lorentz-Hamiltonian flow of the affiliated Clifford Expansion eigenoperations forms the semblance of a variable homotopic periphery that has a tendancy of moving in the direction of a hermitian flow in terms of the Ward Neumman alterations that appertain to the kinematic alteration of the Lorentz-operators that influence the associated superstrings in so that the changes that are here applicable to the changes in the mass, time, and length of the mentioned superstrings relative to E.M. bear a Yau-Exact flow in Fourier Translation instead of the mass, time, and length altering in a spurious manner.  The mentioned Polyakov eigenoperations here will consequently wobble from side-to-side during the applicable Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue in so that the coniaxial of the Laplacian-basis of the two said superstrings will be relatively maintained.  In the meantime, the topological integrands of the loci of the Hamiltonian operators that effect the kinematic activities of the said strings will tend to bear a holomorphic field that involves eigenindices which majorize in such a manner so that the said eigenindices will bend the ground conditions of the two superstrings' fields in this case scenario, to where this will add a degree of bilateral Njenhuis tensorism to the Imaginary Ward Caucy conditions of the said strings' holomorphic fields.  This is considering the Dirac function that is associated with the elastic modulae of the said strings holomorphic fields.  On account of this, any smooth torque that is applied to the radial index propagation of each of the two strings holomorphic field generations will redistribute the coniaxial settings of each of the two said superstrings, and this will alter the Lorentz-Four-Contractions effect of relativity upon the said strings in terms of their relativistic velocity and their general limit of velocity.  If the corresponding gravitational particle contributions are Diraced by an acute propagation of group integrands via a kinematic activity that involves a Lagrangian that is delineated thru as is according to a given arbitrary tree-amplitude here, the motion of the two said  covariant superstrings will integrate their motions in a convergent manner over the described related Fourier Transformation thru the whole general operation that I am describing here.  Sam Roach.  

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