Monday, May 7, 2012

Part One Of The Fourth Session Of Course Ten

Light-Cone-Gauge-Symmetry involves the differential chirality between the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are attached to those one-dimensional superstrings that are a form of energy permittivity ,and, this symmetry also involves the differential chirality that exists among the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are attached to those two-dimensional superstrings that are a form of energy permittivity.  This symmetry allows all of the superstrings to tend to travel at light-speed and below, in so long as the corresponding respective given superstrings obey Noether Flow.  Superstrings obey Noether Flow if these strings are orientable during either the Bette Action and/or during the Regge Action.  If a superstring is unorientable during both the Bette Action and also during the Regge Action, then, the said given arbitrary superstring will be tachyonic during the duration that exists in-between the initial iteration of instanton in which the said string was unorientable until the next corresponding iteration of instanton.  The mentioned general form of symmetry allows for all of the superstrings that are affiliated with the said tendancy of Noether Flow to travel through the general kinematics that are associated with "Ultimon Speed" during the course of that related Ultimon Flow that corresponds to the respective activity that happens in-between one iteration of instanton until the ensuing iteration of instanton.  The transveral components of any given first-ordererd-light-cone-gauge eigenstate pulls the whole respective said light-cone-gauge-eigenstate phenomenon around the Ultimon in a radial manner -- via the cross-sectional basis of the mentioned said light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is related to the initial Laplacian differential geometry that exists among both the respective second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates with correspondence to the initial Laplacian differential geometry that exists among the respective first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate during the course of that eigenmetric of BRST that exists during the iteration of instanton in which one is able to map the respective said "snapshot" of how such a mentioned differential geometry covariantly interacts with its local environment.  I have more to say about this later.
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.    

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