Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Little About The Norm-Projections That Help Start Gaussian Transformations

The Wick Action is put into play by the activity of gluons. The activity of gluons by which certain sub-atomic particles are stuck together is known of as the strong force.  Gluons work to stick the respective sub-atomic particles together that the said gluons are most directly associated with via the help of a perturbation in the Ricci Scalar that involves an Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational alteration.  Just as the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse begins to happen directly before instanton, what are to be gluons during the ensuing respective instanton undergo an Anti-De-Sitter gravitational pull that initially "flaps" the concavity of what are to be the Hausendorf Projections that will form Wick Action eigenstates, during the same general region during the same duration of instanton, from being directly concave toward each other toward being directly concave away from each other.  The relatively simultaneous activity of the mentioned Anti-De-Sitter gravitational directoralization of the Ricci Scalar initially -- as the ends of the corresponding mentioned Hausendorf states are flapping -- works to hold the related Hausendorf norm-states in a relatively and covariant still position until the beginning of the ensuing local instanton.  Just as the said ensuing instanton that we are arbitrarily dealing with here begins, the ends of the Hausendorf norm state eigenstates  that are to work together to form a projection known of as a Wick Action "flap" back into a condition of being concave toward each other on account of the alteration of the Ricci Scalar in regards with the relatively local gluonic force from going back into a De-Sitter gravitational mode.  At this point, the respective Hausendorf eigenstates that are to integrate in so as to form the Wick Action are relatively loosened from a localized covariant-based virtual standstill into being thence pulled into the direction of a Campbell-Hausendorf projection that is known of as a Landau-Gisner Action.  The end of the initially touched eigenstate of the mentioned Landau-Gisner Action Action overall eigenstate is of a planar configuration that bears a Hodge volume that is 6.25*10^18 times the Hodge volume of a fully contracted Higgs Action eigenstate.  At the respective relatively norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the said Landau-Gisner Action that we are arbitrarily discussing in this given case at the relatively holomorphic end of where the said Action is undergoing a Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenmetric, the end of the Campbell-Hausendorf projection here is correspondingly concave-up.  Directly to the relatively reverse holomorphic end of the just mentioned relatively concave-up holonomic geometry -- connected via mini-string -- is another of such prior mentioned planar Hodge-based volumes that also consist of tightly-knit and integrated first-ordered-point particles.  Such an interconnectioin continues as such until a planar end of a Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state is avainable to lift a respective Klein Bottle eigenstate via its corresponding Higgs Action eigenstate.  Any given arbitrary well-functioning Wick Action eigenstate touches its corresponding Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate in a Gliossi manner at 22.5 degrees from a Wilson Line that one may subtend as colinear -- in a Laplacian manner -- in delineation across the relatively norm-to-holomorphic end of the most holomorphically-placed end of the said Landau-Gisner Action that is to undergo its associated Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism.  This -- via the particular twining and motion of that mini-string that binds the whole said Mechanism -- causes the flush leveraging of the Higgs Action to move the Klein Bottle, while also causing the respective Higgs Action eigenstate involved in any given particular case to angle at 22.5 degrees  from straight up-and-down holomorphically in such a manner so as to move the corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate to the left -- while causing the same Higgs Action eigenstate to angle at 22.5 degrees from straight up-and-down reverse-holomorphically in such a manner so as to move the corresponding Klein Bottle to the right.  Enough for now!  Sam Roach.        

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