Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Session Two Of Course Ten, Part One

Here's how light-cone-gauge eigenstates interact with Fock Space that is proximal to an individual given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  A first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate differentiates transversally, orbitally, and spin-orbitally during the course of instanton, and, also during Ultimon Flow.  The said light-cone-gauge eigenstate differentiation effects its surroundings.  The directly associated Fock Space Ward-Neumman-Based region that surrounds the said eigenstate is most directly effected by the differentiation of the sum of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates that comprise the corresponding first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate during the course of the given arbitrary iteration of instanton that is here being discussed in this case.  The said sum of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates also effect the activities that occur during the ensuing Ultimon Flow to a certain extent -- since the sum of directly associated second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates forms a first-orderd-light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  This Fock Space that is most directly effected by the said first-ordered-eigenstate may be termed of as light-cone-gauge-related-Fock Space.  Light-Cone-Gauge transversal momentum produces a light-cone-gauge-transversal-based Fock Space.  Light-Cone-Gauge-related orbital momentum produces a light-cone-gauge orbital Fock Space.  Light-Cone-Gauge spin-related momentum produces a light-cone-gauge spin Fock Space.  The differentiation of light-cone-gauge transversal-based Fock Space and the differentiation of light-cone-gauge orbital-based Fock Space and the differentiation of light-cone-gauge spin-based Fock Space provides a multiplicitly-based type of operator for positive-norm spaces so as to form ghost anomalies, while the said general type of differentiation at a different general locus of the light-cone-gauge produces a multiplicitly-based type of operator for negative-norm spaces so as to form phenomena that annhilates ghost anomalies.  The residue of annhilated ghost anomalies works to form those phenomena that indirectly are used to form the phenomena of gravitational particles.  I will continue with the second part of this session later!  
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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