Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How Gauge-Bosons Indirectly Cause The Kaeler-Metric

Gauge-bosons pluck second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp, so as to form vibrations known of as second-ordered Schwinger Indices.  These Indices ripple throughout the respective substringular regions through a topological webbing known of as the Rarita Structure.  Schwinger Indices fork to both gravitational particles, norm-projections, and also to superstrings of discrete energy permittivity so that there may be a covariant correspondance between the basis of  gravity and the substringular regions that are from the Real Reimmanian Plane.  So, when norm projections that interact in a Gliossi manner upon the related substringular substrates so as to start to become spurious and Chern-Simmons over a brief Fourier Transformation, this said activity which here exists in any particular arbitrary given case, is the activity that pulls the Wick Action -- which is an arbitrary form of a Hausendorf Projection -- into the local field of the Landau-Gisner Action through a cohomology that forms between the said Wick Action and the Landau-Gisner Action that angles the mentioned Wick Action from a horizontally mapped Wilson Line in 22.5 degrees that may be subtended from four of the six dimensions that the Wick Action exists in so as to form a pseudo 90 degree relationship that works to initiate the Kaeler-Metric.  Such an activity causes a change in the Jacobian eigenbasis of any arbitrary given orbifold and/or orbifold eigenstate that alters the configuration of the norm-conditions of a given local region of superstrings.
A Hausendorf norm-state may occasionally form reverse chirality in their concavities that involve either one end being concave down and one end of the said given arbitrary projection being concave up under one type of circumstance, or, a Hausendorf norm-state may occasionally form reverse chirality in their concavities that involve the initial relative end being concave up and one end of the said given arbitary projection being concave up (given the same holomorphic Laplacian-Based mapping), or, a Hausendorf norm-state may occasionally form the same chirality in their concavities -- whether the ends under the same holomorphic Laplacian-Baed mapping are both concave up or both cocave down.  Yet, a Hausendorf Projection may only bear two ends that are of opposite concave-based chirality in a manner in so that the amplitude of the interior of what one would map in a Laplacian-Based manner would curve upward toward the general direction of what one would define of as the relative center of such a projection.  Such a condition is due to the situation that such parity helps to maintain the fractal modulae of the said type of projection in so that the projection will not fly apart over its course of helping in the continuous structuring and restructuring  of norm-conditions.  Again, norm-conditions in orbifolds and norm-conditions in orbifold eigenstates are changed over the course of any prolonged Fourier Transformations that are covariant so that energy may be freed up enough so that energy may kinematically interact so that energy may exist.  This condtion as to what Hausendorf Projections are is just a fact of life that is neither dangerous nor is it secret.
Campbell-Hausendorf Projections are less kinematically interactive with the rest of the substringular. This is due to the condition that such just stated projections, when taken individually, are far more limited in the amplitude of the Lagrangians that these differentiate through over any time-wise mapping of any covariant sequential series of Fourier Transformations that may be extrapolated over time.  Again, this is just the way things are.  I will begin the work of Course Ten tommorrow.  Again, I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.    

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