Monday, April 30, 2012

An Aside As To The Light-Cone-Gauge

The flow here mentioned forms a Dirac-Based cone-like perturbation that has an increase in Hodge-Volume that is here an example of what I meant by a Clifford Expansion.  (Reminder).
The said curves are non-trivially isometric if folded in the directoralization of the given Real-Reimmenian holomorphic Laplacian-Lagrangian, since inversely delineated hyperbollic curves bear assymptotic distributions that map-out an inverse chirality that thus does not overlap directly in terms of topological allignment -- in the course of the mentioned sub-Laplacian distribution frameworks that one would be dealing with here.
If, on the other hand, one were to map out  the hyperbollic curves that appertain to the holonomic basis of the mentioned expanding sub-Fourier Clifford-field partial thru a Njenhuis norm-to-holomorphic topological-based sway, in such a manner so that the connection at the Fadeev-Popov-Trace is maintained as a conipoint of the associated coniaxial, then, the isomorphism of the said curves would be trivial in terms of the chirality of the mentioned 2-d superstring's light-cone-gauge.  This is based on the Ward-Caucy delineations that may be determined by the corresponding proximal effects of the here given arbitrary Lorentz-Four-Contraction field index that acts upon the specific direct neighborhood of the said given 2-d superstring.
  When one is dealing with the Clifford-expansion that relates to the sub-metrics that are similar but different during specific given examples that relate to the light-cone-gauge that is involved with 1-d superstrings, the main difference here is that one is then relating to a flat partial field that may be mapped out in this case in a purely Minkowski manner -- instead of dealing with a volume-based partial field that may be mapped out in the prior described case in a Hilbert manner.
I will get back to the session of Course 10 that I left out a while ago in one of my next posts.
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.  

An Aside As To The Light-Cone-Gauge, Part One

The Laplacian-Based mapping of the field partial that defines the translation sub-metric of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate increases in terms of the amplitude of its Hodge-Index-Based Ward-Volume over the course of an individual eigenmetric of BRST for a superstring that is not fully Lorentz-Four-Contracted.  Such an increase may be described through a form of Clifford Algebra, since it involves a Clifford Expansion.  The given arbitrary light-cone-gauge first-ordered eigenstate described here directly corresponds here to a 2-d superstring.  During the course of the here mentioned eigenmetric of BRST, the Clifford-Ward-Based increase of Hodge-Index of the mentioned region translates with a homeomorphic and hermitian activity that may be mapped out non-trivially isomorphic in one manner -- or, if mapped out in another manner, the Laplacian chirality may be instead trivially isomorphic.  Such a sequential series of mapping that happens over a Clifford Expansion that happens within a given arbitary sub-metric within the course of one iteration of BRST acts as a perturbation of shape over a duration in which the flow of integrated sub-Laplacian mappings here are smooth in terms of curvature in all of the derivatives that equal the number of dimensions that the here mentioned mapping is differentiating in during the said sub-metric that exists during the said iteration of BRST.
The mentioned field partial mapping -- in any given Laplacian "snapshot" that may be extrapolated -- is homeomorphic at any determinable cross-sectional circumference that may be mapped via any surface area that is conditionad accross the Ward topological flow of the related Ward Caucy static fractal angular momentum that defines any given extrapolation of the sequential framework of the here enlarging field partial.    Sam Roach -- class of '89.

Friday, April 27, 2012


An orbifold, when described in one set locus, is a Laplacianly integrated set of superstrings that function as a unit and obey Gaussian Symmetry.
When described as a "fuzz-ball" in one set locus, a "fuzz-ball" is a Laplacian conglomeration of frayed superstringular material that is perturbative within the non-linear/inexact sub-Fourier codifferentiation that is within the described "fuzz-ball", and does not obey a Gaussian Symmetry. The difference between an orbifold and a "fuzz-ball" is that an orbifold differentiates as one unit and is thus not internally perturbative, an orbifold consists of integrative superstrings while a "fuzz-ball" may consist of conglomerative superstrings and/or gauge-actions, and orbifolds obey Gaussian Supersymmetry while a "fuzz-ball" does not obey Gaussian Symmetry. An orbifold may differentiate in a conformally invariant manner, while a "fuzz-ball" is transient in arrangement as one set unit and does not maintain a topological invariance beyond a transient period of group metric. "Fuzz-Balls" are single units of frayed substringular mesh that partake of a black-hole.
Orbifolds undergo Gaussian Transformation when these differentiate as orbifolds, while "fuzz-balls" become unsewn by norm projections, at the exit end of black-holes, that work to redelineate the associated superstrings so that these superstrings will reorganize into orbifolds. Some newly formed orbifolds have superstrings, that just came from a locus of a "fuzz-ball" that was just spit out of a black-hole, that will immediately go into a Gaussian Transformation so that the associated superstrings will attain the permittivity that these need to remain as energy. Once an orbifold is established as a Gaussian matrix or membrane, then the Gaussian Transformations that follow will occur based upon the Clifford index of perturbation, which is euclideanly oriented with the associated Hodge Index of the given orbifold and Diracly oriented with the degree of Cassimer Invariance that acts upon the given orbifold. Perturbation upon an orbifold increases the spontaneity and frequency of the associated Gaussian Transformations. Such perturbations are generally interialized Yakawa interactions, interialized Gliossi wave, energy, and mass interactions, exterialized Yakawa interactions, Ricci Scalar redirectoralizations and changes in the amplitude of the given Ricci Scalar, and the interaction of interialized and exterialized and convergent Schwinger-Indices upon an orbifold's field, and the redistribution and the redirectoralization of norm-states and/or their projections.  

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Little About The Phenomena Of Superstringular Fields

The field density of a substringular field is the locus of region where the mini-string that most directly subtends from a given arbitrary superstring is so filled with topological holonomic Hodge-substrate that it is impossible -- for all practical purposes -- for another superstring to intersect that density of mini-string that forms the phenomenological entity of the said field density of the given initially so stated superstring unless there is a Gliossi-based cohomological interconnection that binds the two here mentioned superstrings.  Such a field density is two-dimensionally-based in relation to one-dimensional superstrings, and, such a field density is three-dimensionally-based in relation to two-dimensional superstrings.  A cohomology is the touch-based binding of topologically-based entities.  Cohomologies may be either in refference to: the binding of superstrings, the binding of first-ordered-point-particles, the binding of mini-string, or, for that matter, the binding of any phenomena that involves a topological holonomic entitiy.  Cohomologies may often be in refference to world-sheets.  World-Sheets that form a Ward-linear delineation are named Rham cohomologies, while world-sheets that form singularities in terms of the associated Laplacian-Based changes in norm-translation are named Doubolt cohomologies.  Cohomologies, in general, reffer to a Gliossi-Based form of binding via a touch-based coupling that allows more of a direct inter-relation between different substringular phenomena.  I will go back to the third part of session two later.  You have a phenonomenal day!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.           

Part Two Of Course Two Of Course Nine

The operator that I mentioned near the end of the first part of session two is, in their respective cases, one of the following:  a covariant organization of directly affiliated phenomena that are either zero-norm-states,  Hausendorf-Projections,  Campbell-Hausendorf-Projections,  Campbell-Projections, in some cases, simply the mini-string that binds the relative "up" and the relative "down" of  norm-states, or, in other cases, a combination of the just prior types of phenomena.  Such respective types of operators work to pull the scattered norm-states in such a manner so that the ghost anomalies (in some cases) or the just annhilated ghost anomalies (in other cases) may manuver in an appropriate manner around the direct field density of either the two-d fields of one-d superstrings or the 3-d fields of 2-d superstrings.  This helps to describe how -- to an extent -- norm-states work to form either ghost anomalies or to scatter these ghost anomalies so that gravitational particles may have a basis of formation.  I will continue with the third part of this session later!
Hope in anticipation for the suspence!  Sam Roach.    

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Session Two Of Course Ten, Part One

Here's how light-cone-gauge eigenstates interact with Fock Space that is proximal to an individual given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  A first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate differentiates transversally, orbitally, and spin-orbitally during the course of instanton, and, also during Ultimon Flow.  The said light-cone-gauge eigenstate differentiation effects its surroundings.  The directly associated Fock Space Ward-Neumman-Based region that surrounds the said eigenstate is most directly effected by the differentiation of the sum of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates that comprise the corresponding first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate during the course of the given arbitrary iteration of instanton that is here being discussed in this case.  The said sum of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates also effect the activities that occur during the ensuing Ultimon Flow to a certain extent -- since the sum of directly associated second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates forms a first-orderd-light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  This Fock Space that is most directly effected by the said first-ordered-eigenstate may be termed of as light-cone-gauge-related-Fock Space.  Light-Cone-Gauge transversal momentum produces a light-cone-gauge-transversal-based Fock Space.  Light-Cone-Gauge-related orbital momentum produces a light-cone-gauge orbital Fock Space.  Light-Cone-Gauge spin-related momentum produces a light-cone-gauge spin Fock Space.  The differentiation of light-cone-gauge transversal-based Fock Space and the differentiation of light-cone-gauge orbital-based Fock Space and the differentiation of light-cone-gauge spin-based Fock Space provides a multiplicitly-based type of operator for positive-norm spaces so as to form ghost anomalies, while the said general type of differentiation at a different general locus of the light-cone-gauge produces a multiplicitly-based type of operator for negative-norm spaces so as to form phenomena that annhilates ghost anomalies.  The residue of annhilated ghost anomalies works to form those phenomena that indirectly are used to form the phenomena of gravitational particles.  I will continue with the second part of this session later!  
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Part Two Of The Aside Before The Second Session Of Course Ten

Thus, one is to consider the covariant Laplacian placement of the Bases of Light of one set of parallel universes relative to the others.  (There are 159,000 layers of reality that happen over the course of the existence of space and time PER set of parallel universes, and, there are three sets of parallel universes.  These three sets of parallel universes are all that exist in kinematically-based physical space-time-fabric.  As implied, each of the unique members of the prior described particular solution that I mentioned during the most recent earlier post, along with each of the three-dimensionally-based Laplacian placements of each Basis of Light that correspond to a tori-sector-range, along with each of the 1,000 combinative formats of topological sway, along with the constant that one may derive from the particular solution format that was mentioned that represents a parallel universe that is most similar to ours -- along with the six heterotic vibrational modes for the Basis of Light that corresponds to the six spatial dimensions of an electron --  provides a basis of extrapolation that works together to describe a specific Basis of Light that is mirrored in a fractal manner in terms of mini-traces of Planck-Related-Phenomena.  This helps to determine which "layer of reality" that you are dealing with, as well as to help determine which tori-sector-range is -- at an arbitrary locus of time -- appertaining to a tense of a parallel univers that one may wish to enter.     

Part One To An Aside To Course Ten

Here is more as to how to determine if the tense of a parallel universe that you are searching to be in is of a particular tori-sector-range -- or, in other words, how to determine this if the tense of a particular universe that you are searching to be in is of a particular "layer of reality."  Each Basis of Light that is unfrayed that is of a particular "layer of reality" is based on seven general solution modes that also incorporate the three-dimensional Laplacian placements of each Basis of Light relative to one another, based on the condition that electrons exist in D-fields that are of a Fourier minimum of six spacial placements plus time.  This is why there are six types of heterotic vibration modes.  The six general solution modes that I just mentioned bear a 36 membered particular solution that bears three overlapping -- or redundant modes, not including the member that is associated with a constant.  The corresponding tori-sector-ranges that are relative to one another here, which multiply by a fractal of six, causes the potential determination of the number of "layers of reality."  Now, if you consider the ten tenses of topological sways that exist per sub-dimension that corresponds here, taken individually, that form an overall substrate of 1,000 different multiplicitly arranged topological sways, one may be fascillitated to determine which of the (36+1+6)*3*1,000 types of tori-sector-ranges one wishes to enter.  Or, in other words, this will help to determine which of the types of "layers of reality" are appllicable to the tense of the parallel universe that you wish to enter.  I will continue later!  Sam.    

Monday, April 9, 2012

Session One Of Course Ten On The Light-Cone-Gauge and Gravity

How do the units of spin, orbit, and transversal momentum of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate fit into the workings of the said light-cone-guage eigenstate?  Each light-cone-gauge quanta is divided into 44 discrete transversal "pieces."  Each of the mentioned light-cone-gauge quanta is divided into 84 discrete segments in terms of orbital momentum.  Each light-cone-gauge quanta is divided into 128 discrete segments in terms of spin-based momentum.  In light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are connected directly to one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, the transversal discrete segments have three times the momentum of the other discrete segments.  With light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are attached to two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that correspond to the norm-to-forward-holomorphic end of the binding that exists between a superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace -- these loci that appertain more directly with the norm-to-forward-holomorphic related general section of the Royal Arc -- the spin-related discrete units appertaining to 2-d strings have 1.03125 times the momentum of the spin-related discrete units of light-cone-gauge eigenstates that respectively correspond to those that appertain to one-dimensional superstrings that exist as discrete units of energy permittivity.  During the same arbitrary duration in which BRST happens, the orbit-related discrete units that correspond to a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is directly affiliated with a two-dimensional superstring have 1.5228095 times the momentum of the orbit-related units that respecitively correspond to a covariant light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is directly affiliated with a one-dimensional superstring.  During the same arbitrary metric that involves a single period of BRST, the transversal discrete units that are associated with the light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is related to a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity has 1.909090... times the momentum of the prior mentioned respectively related basis of 44 that I had recently mentioned that involves two-d superstrings in terms of its light-cone-gauge eigenstate, and, the larger of the two Hamiltonian-Based momentums that I have mentioned  earlier in this sentence has only .636363... times the momentum of the transversal discrete units of light-cone-gauge quanta that is attached to respective related one-dimensional superstrings that are simultaneoulsy covariant via a conipoint that is central between the two described arbitrary given superstrings.  With light-cone-gauge quanta that are attacherd to 2-d superstring of the relatively "lower" half of the Royal Arc, the orbit-based discrete units have ~ 1.5714285 times the orbit-related momentum of light-cone-gauge quanta that are attached to a corresponding one-d superstring that is undergoing the same simultaneous parity of Hamiltonian Operation within a shared general region.  The spin-related momentum of these respective quanta is base 128, or, as in the case of 1-d superstrings that are related in terms of their light-cone-gauge eigenstates --  the transversal momentum of these quanta is .636363... times what the said momentum has in the corelative light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are related to the same said respective two-dimensional superstrings.  Sam.  If I made a few mistakes, I am sorry.  I gotta run!  Sincerely, Sam.                    

Session One Of Course Ten On The Light-Cone-Gauge and Gravity

How do the units of spin, orbit, and transversal momentum of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate fit into the workings of the said light-cone-guage eigenstate?  Each light-cone-gauge quanta is divided into 44 discrete transversal "pieces."  Each of the mentioned light-cone-gauge quanta is divided into 84 discrete segments in terms of orbital momentum.  Each light-cone-gauge quanta is divided into 128 discrete segments in terms of spin-based momentum.  In light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are connected directly to one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, the transversal discrete segments have three times the momentum of the other discrete segments.  With light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are attached to two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that correspond to the norm-to-forward-holomorphic end of the binding that exists between a superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace -- these loci that appertain more directly with the norm-to-forward-holomorphic related general section of the Royal Arc -- the spin-related discrete units appertaining to 2-d strings have 1.03125 times the momentum of the spin-related discrete units of light-cone-gauge eigenstates that respectively correspond to those that appertain to one-dimensional superstrings that exist as discrete units of energy permittivity.  During the same arbitrary duration in which BRST happens, the orbit-related discrete units that correspond to a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is directly affiliated with a two-dimensional superstring have 1.5238095 times the momentum of the orbit-related units that respecitively correspond to a covariant light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is directly affiliated with a one-dimensional superstring.  During the same arbitrary metric that involves a single period of BRST, the transversal discrete units that are associated with the light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is related to a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity has 1.909090... times the momentum of the prior mentioned respectively related basis of 44 that I had recently mentioned that involves two-d superstrings in terms of its light-cone-gauge eigenstate, and, the larger of the two Hamiltonian-Based momentums that I have mentioned  earlier in this sentence has only .636363... times the momentum of the transversal discrete units of light-cone-gauge quanta that is attached to respective related one-dimensional superstrings that are simultaneoulsy covariant via a conipoint that is central between the two described arbitrary given superstrings.  With light-cone-gauge quanta that are attacherd to 2-d superstring of the relatively "lower" half of the Royal Arc, the orbit-based discrete units have ~ 1.5714285 times the orbit-related momentum of light-cone-gauge quanta that are attached to a corresponding one-d superstring that is undergoing the same simultaneous parity of Hamiltonian Operation within a shared general region.  The spin-related momentum of these respective quanta is base 128, or, as in the case of 1-d superstrings that are related in terms of their light-cone-gauge eigenstates --  the transversal momentum of these quanta is .636363... times what the said momentum has in the corelative light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are related to the same said respective two-dimensional superstrings.  Sam.  If I made a few mistakes, I am sorry.  I gotta run!  Sincerely, Sam.                  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Part Two Of The Preface To Course Ten

As to the Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology that I previously was just mentioning on the post that I wrote yesterday, if the Yang-Mills supersymmetry is not attained here, then, the holomorphic residue that I was relating in the discussion yesterday will flow after each reiteration between the homotopic indices of the traits that are here physically represented individually as a group of superstrings associated with certain arbitrary norm-projections that each bear a specific eigenfunction.  This genus of the prior mentioned flow causes what I metaphorically denoted as a "fluid" to flow in a manner that forms an alteration of norm conditions and thus an alteration of Gaussian conditions.  If the pseud-magnetic (meaning here a fractal of voltage) coupling involved here increases in magnitude, along with an increase in the related angular momentum (the angular momentum here being a fractal of charge), then, the "fluid" will snap and recoil.  If the holomorphic index is increased in this scenario -- in terms of action intensity during the corresponding Fourier Transformation in which the related superstrings bear a relatively simultaneous covariance when determined at the conicenter of the metrics that are undergoing a kinematic codifferentiation -- then the described kinematics of the directly related eigenstates of superstrings and their affiliated norm-projections will cause the mentioned recoiled sections of "amorphous" quantiative Hodge-Based topological "substance" to begin to "slip" as a folded manifold that here may be either trivially or non-trivially isomorphic.  This would then happen after the proper sequence of iterations and the proper series of wave discharge is initiated so as to allow the prior mentioned coditions to take place.  The said folding of a substringular manifold causes the related superstrings of both of the mentioned traits taken individually to reattain a covariant kinematic differentiation that bears a direct correspondence between both of the said traits.  This activity just described causes a connection between the hyperstates of both of the said traits relative to one another --  to where the exterior counterpoise that holonomically binds the related codifferentiation among the two said traits produces a condition of hypnostates of the relatively holonomic ground states that are affiliated with the here mentioned general activity.  This will then cause a binary condition of an overall differentially singularized group state -- as the codifferentiation here bears a homotopy of an eigenbasis that is being collectively aquired in the general region.  Such an eigenbasis is partially differentiated upon by the quanta of a convergent overall norm-based projection that is here a reverse fractal of what is generally termed of as a norm-projection.  Sam Roach.    

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Preface To Course Ten -- Fock Space, Gravity, And The Light-Cone-Gauge

What I could now expound upon is how morphilogical sway conjoins and tears without the fraying of mini-string in such a manner so that this activity may be metaphorically described as an amorphous fluid of interacting point particles.  In an arbitrary given case here, two traits -- that may be physically described as groups of superstrings that are directly associated with corresponding norm-projections --  change covariantly relative to one another as an aggregate action that devolves.  This devolving bears eigenstates that encode for a repulsion-attraction Fourier differentiation.  Each time one of the mentioned traits aquires more homotopic residue within the confinement of its operand, the other trait that was mentioned in this scenario increases the propagation of its norm-state indices as a holonomic eigenpotential.  As the first said trait becomes polarized as a substrate, each sub-space matrix that directly corresponds to the just mentioned trait corresponds with a holonomic semi-group that renormalizes a kerneled residue of heterogeneous phenomenal discharge when in reference with the topologically quantitative integrand of that prior mentioned substrate.  This just mentioned condition starts the metrical Fourier differentiation between the separate loci transmutations in terms of wave exponentiation and degeneration via either a Clifford expansion or a  reverse Clifford expansion or
  compactification as a unitary entity through time.  The indical discharge that exists here between the pointal oscillations and the instanton couplings that are covariantly related here, as integrateed to take into consideration the global interaction between the two traits that have been described in this scenario, works to decompactify or loosen the related quaternionc sway of the here arbitrary given local parameters when in terms of the associated coaxial torque as a radial-based majorized tensor.  As the discrete units of tensoric residue -- the Njenhuis increments of residue -- transversally and vibrationally commute a Schwinger-Indical-Basis that "tingles" in such a manner so that the activity here lubricates the kinematic association that binds the two given said traits.  The coupling that is here a Yakawa Coupling forms indices that allow for a variance that translates a Weyl covariance.  The Cassimer invariance that will happen here IF the associated Yang-Mills supersymmetry takes hold will then attain a spontaneous metrical parity that involves a dual chirality that will even out the local
 as each encodement is quanitzed as may be physically described by the covariant delineation of two traits -- two sets of superstrings that directly associate with their corresponding norm-projections, while each set acts as one unitary grouping -- that here had an initial direct association.  See You Later!  Sam.     

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How Gauge-Bosons Indirectly Cause The Kaeler-Metric

Gauge-bosons pluck second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp, so as to form vibrations known of as second-ordered Schwinger Indices.  These Indices ripple throughout the respective substringular regions through a topological webbing known of as the Rarita Structure.  Schwinger Indices fork to both gravitational particles, norm-projections, and also to superstrings of discrete energy permittivity so that there may be a covariant correspondance between the basis of  gravity and the substringular regions that are from the Real Reimmanian Plane.  So, when norm projections that interact in a Gliossi manner upon the related substringular substrates so as to start to become spurious and Chern-Simmons over a brief Fourier Transformation, this said activity which here exists in any particular arbitrary given case, is the activity that pulls the Wick Action -- which is an arbitrary form of a Hausendorf Projection -- into the local field of the Landau-Gisner Action through a cohomology that forms between the said Wick Action and the Landau-Gisner Action that angles the mentioned Wick Action from a horizontally mapped Wilson Line in 22.5 degrees that may be subtended from four of the six dimensions that the Wick Action exists in so as to form a pseudo 90 degree relationship that works to initiate the Kaeler-Metric.  Such an activity causes a change in the Jacobian eigenbasis of any arbitrary given orbifold and/or orbifold eigenstate that alters the configuration of the norm-conditions of a given local region of superstrings.
A Hausendorf norm-state may occasionally form reverse chirality in their concavities that involve either one end being concave down and one end of the said given arbitrary projection being concave up under one type of circumstance, or, a Hausendorf norm-state may occasionally form reverse chirality in their concavities that involve the initial relative end being concave up and one end of the said given arbitary projection being concave up (given the same holomorphic Laplacian-Based mapping), or, a Hausendorf norm-state may occasionally form the same chirality in their concavities -- whether the ends under the same holomorphic Laplacian-Baed mapping are both concave up or both cocave down.  Yet, a Hausendorf Projection may only bear two ends that are of opposite concave-based chirality in a manner in so that the amplitude of the interior of what one would map in a Laplacian-Based manner would curve upward toward the general direction of what one would define of as the relative center of such a projection.  Such a condition is due to the situation that such parity helps to maintain the fractal modulae of the said type of projection in so that the projection will not fly apart over its course of helping in the continuous structuring and restructuring  of norm-conditions.  Again, norm-conditions in orbifolds and norm-conditions in orbifold eigenstates are changed over the course of any prolonged Fourier Transformations that are covariant so that energy may be freed up enough so that energy may kinematically interact so that energy may exist.  This condtion as to what Hausendorf Projections are is just a fact of life that is neither dangerous nor is it secret.
Campbell-Hausendorf Projections are less kinematically interactive with the rest of the substringular. This is due to the condition that such just stated projections, when taken individually, are far more limited in the amplitude of the Lagrangians that these differentiate through over any time-wise mapping of any covariant sequential series of Fourier Transformations that may be extrapolated over time.  Again, this is just the way things are.  I will begin the work of Course Ten tommorrow.  Again, I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.    

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Little About The Hamiltonians Involved With The Kaeler-Metric

The motion of the Wick Action upon the Lindau-Gisner Action during an eigenmetric of the Kaeler-Metric moves in a manner that is relatively trivially isomorphic with respect with the motion of the said Lindau-Gisner Action upon the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism as the said Mechanism moves the Klein Bottle via the Higgs Action.  The relatively reverse holomorphic end of a Wick Action eigenstate that meshes its first-ordered point particles with the first-ordered point particle relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic end of a given Lindau-Gisner Action end -- when viewed at 22.5    degrees from an arbitrary Wilson Line that may be mapped out horizontally in a Laplacian manner in the reverse holomorphic direction from the point of contact that may be mapped from where the said Wick Action eigenstate forms a Gliossi-based cohomology with the said Lindau-Gisner Action eigenstate -- bears a concave up surface area that is inerconnected with its other end via mini-string.  This interconnection of the curved end of a Wick Action eigenstate with the first-orderd point particle end of a Lindau-Gisner Action eigenstate involves 6.25*10^18 times the Hodge Index than the Hodge Index of the mentioned relatively forward-norm-to-holomorphic end of the said Lindau-Gisner Action eigenstate.  At the relatively reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the said Lindau-Gisner Action eigenstate, the meshing of its concave down end bears 6.25*10^18 times the Hodge Index than the first-orderd point particle end of the related Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenstate that alters --     through a Laplacian-Based mapping -- in terms of its Doubolt changes in Ward Neumman norm conditions in such a manner so as to mesh cohomologically with the related Higgs Action eigenstate so that the said Higgs Action metric-gauge phenomenon may interconnect with the related Klein Bottle eigenstate so as to move the said Klein Bottle phenomenon in order to be at the cite where the kinematic activity of the related Kaeler-Metric may happen so as to allow for energy and entropy to continue to exist.  The leveraging of the Landau-Gisner-Action upon the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism so as to move the Higgs Action bears a non-trivially isomorphic motion relative to the displacement of the Klein Bottle so that the said Klein Bottle may have the hermicity that it may have -- over the corresponding Fourier Transformation that involves the Klein Bottle -- the ability to allow for the needed restructuring of the norm conditions of the local region so that the corresponding superstrings that here undergo Kaeler-Metric will be able to enter the related Klein Bottle without an initial need for an abstract tachyonic perturbation.  Due to the mentioned conditions, the Hamiltonian momentum of the Wick Action upon the Landau-Gisner Action is trivially isomorphic upon the Landau-Gisner Action -- while the Hamiltonian momentum of the Landau-Gisner Action upon the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism is non-trivially isomorphic.  The physical condition of the decrease in relative Hodge Index between the relatively reverse holomorphic end of the Wick Action upon the Landau-Gisner Action & the physical condition of the decrease in relative Hodge Index between the relatively reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the Landau-Gisner Action upon the forward-norm-to-holomorphic end of the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism is indicative of the condition that the leverage of the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism upon the Higgs Action is 6.25*10^18.  The reason as to why the ends of the norm projections were of the described concavities is due to the condition that the change in tense of norm projections must protect the topological continuity of the stream of gauge-metrics that are necessary in order for the Kaeler-Metric to occur.  The reason as to why the directly prior happens is that:
1)  Hausendorf Projections always bear end loci that are opposite in concavity over an arbitrarily given Laplacian Transform.  2)  The end of a norm projection that involves multiple first-orderd point particles that exist with an overall general concavity must always mesh with the first-ordered point particle end of another norm projection when these bear a cohomological basis.  &3)  The Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism is composed of a first-orderd point particle that is directly interconnected to a strand of segments of mini-string that may only be sheltered by a surface area that is convave in such a manner so that the mini-string segments of the said Fischler-
Suskind-Mechanism may not potentially slip out of the relatviley concave down end of the related Landau-Gisner Action.  The first two described conditions allow for the third condition to be automatically attained.  I have more to say on this later.  I will continue with the suspence!  Sam.                 

Monday, April 2, 2012

About The Cohomologies During The Kaeler-Metric

When the Wick Action -- which is an arbitrary example of a Hausendorf Projection -- moves upon the Landau-Gisner Action, the subtended angling that a corelative Wick Action eigenstate bears upon its corresponding Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate when extrapolating it in the relative reverse- holomorphic general direction is 22.5 degrees in all of the local dimensions that may be described by the related Ward Neumman conditions from a Wilson Line that one would here map linearly horizontal from the norm-to-forward-holomorphic end of the respective Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate.  The Landau-Gisner Action is an arbitrary example of a Campbell/Hausendorf Projection.  As a Wick Action eigenstate acts upon a Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate to begin the process of a Kaeler-Metric eigenduration, the first-ordered point particles that comprise both norm-projection eigenstates that are here respectively mentioned are relatively uncompactified when in comparison to the first-ordered point particles that comprise superstrings during BRST.  The holonomic substringular topological "substance" that comprises the first-ordered point particles of both a Wick Action eigenstate and a Landau-Gisner eigenstate meshes torsion-wise to form a genus of cohomology.  This is so as to allow for the appropriate Gliossi interaction that allows the related Wick Action eigenstate and its corresponding Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate to directly interact so as to provide the proper type of leveraging of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenstate that is here involved.  This is so that the related Klein Bottle eigenstate may be moved via the respective Higgs Action eigenstate.  Just as the related Wick Action eigenstate meshes at one end with the respective Landau-Gisner eigenstate here, the reverse-norm-to-forward-holomorphic end of the Landau-Gisner Action acts upon the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism to form an overall cohomology that begins Rham while then becoming Doubolt at the reverse-norm-to-forward-holomorphic end of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane that is involved in this given arbitrary case.  The relative pulse of the Real Reimmanian Plane at the described "bottom" of the associated Plane causes the change in the Laplacian Ward Neumman topological norm conditions that causes the cohomological structure that is locally mapped here to convert from Rham to Doubolt at the singularity that may be described by where the associated Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenstate initially reaches the said "bottom" of the related Real Reimmanian Plane eigencondition.  After an equal Laplacian-Based mapping delineation in the initial change of the norm-conditions of the Ward Neumman distribution of the respective Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenstate, the associated Doubolt cohomological tracing of the said mechanism's eigenstate changes in displacement from going in the relative reverse-holomorphic direction to being displaced in the relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic direction.  As kinematic pressure is applied to the related Wick Action eigenstate as we begin here to describe how the Kaeler-Metric eigenduration happens here through time, the Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate here is pulled in the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction so as -- via the described Doubolt-related changes in norm translation -- to move the related Higgs Action eigenstate that is described here so as to move the related Klein Bottle eigenstate in the relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic direction so that the respective Klein Bottle eigenstate may move in the direction as to where the Kaeler-Metric is to kinematically interact with superstrings so that :  1)  The associated superstrings may reattain permittivity; 2)  The corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces may reattain impedance;  & 3)  Also so that, during gauge-transformations, the appropriate entropy may occur so that light may scatter in such a manner so that the related photons may not only requantize, yet, also so that there may be enough necessary chaos so that there may be changes in physical state.  I have more to discuss on this point, yet, my time is limited.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.