Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Some More About The Light-Cone-Gauge

As to the discussion about two sets of superstrings that differentiate covariantly over a given arbitrary Fourier Transformation:  The discribed activity here repeats its mentioned mode in a manner so that it involves a reiterated sequential series of corresponding instantons that strays in a general spot in such a manner so as to not go as a group through a discrete unitary and/or tree-amplitude-based unitized directoral.  The more that a Wilson-Line develops in terms of having more of a basis of unitization among the superstrings that form the said two mentioned substringular groups taken individually -- and especially when such unitization combines the two said groups -- that potentially causes these to form a syncronization that will pull these into a motion that involves a discrete Lagrangian.  Then, such a unitization may spontaneously allign the parity between these related superstrings in such a manner that these would thence converge the arbitrarily related holonomic discharge of substringular field (mini-strings of which form the physical entity of the said field) which, if the Noether-Based flow of  the prior mentioned substringular group catches up with what was earlier the prior mentioned arbitrary tachyonic-based substringular group, this would then need to be on account of what would appertain to a minor spuriousness in the tachyonic scattering of both substringular groups. An example of this, when photons scatter, these are initially tachyonic for relatively few instantons.  Right after that, the said photons that just scattered slow down more than these initially sped up, as according to Snell's Law.  These photons -- in the process -- catch up to the orbifolds in which these are to quantize with in such a manner that photons that travel outside of a vacuum always travel slower On Average than these would travel in a vacuum.  Again, this happens as Snell's Law indicates.  This will be much further discussed in future books that I wrote. 
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerley, Samuel Roach.            

1 comment:

linda said...

hey ... seeing of this works thanks for calling