Monday, January 30, 2012

To Make Things a Little Bit Clearer

What I meant by that a given arbitrary Basis of Light for the same layer of reality in terms of forward and backward time related Ultimon-Based Flow phenomena are flush is that these individual Basis-of Light eigenstates are smoothly and evenly alligned in the Ultimon during the duration that happens when the "space-hole" is in tact. 
Yet, the Basis of Light that is related to one layer of reality in terms of forward moving time is separated from the Basis of Light that is corresponding to the same layer of reality in terms of backward moving time by what was the Fabric of the Main Heterotic Stringular phenomena directly prior to when the "space-hole" is active -- which is simultaneously during the metric or sub-metric when the Bases of Light are acitve upon substringular phenomena.  During this duration that I have been reffering to, the substringular phenomena undergoes an eigenstate of the recycling of substringular phenomema that woks to translate the globally ground (not to be confused with the norm-states that are either Campbell, Campbell-Hausendorf, Hausendorf, or zero-norm) that exist in the corresponding superstrings generally toward the general direction of the diagonally-based world-tube that is correspondant to the same set of parallel universes. During the "space-hole"-related metric, the two world-tubes of the same set of parallel universes that are related to forward-moving time are indirectly touching the world-tubes of the same set of parallel universes that are related to backward-moving time via a reverse-fractal of the Fadeev-Popov-Trace-like-shape in the same general region where the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric was directly before the described metric relating to when the Bases of Light happens.  Therefore, during the metric that happens when the space-hole and the Bases of Light happens, the world-tubes relating to forwarad-moving time are interconnected to the world-tubes relating to backward-moving time in an unborne tangency that is therefore not Gliossi -- they indirectly touch as I implied before.  I will continue with the suspence later.  You have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.    

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