Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Substringular As To How the Universe Expands

The expansion of our universe -- as well as the exapnsion of all of the universes --  may be described as the expansion of where superstrings iterate.  After and in-between each instanton, superstrings cycle the Ultimon in the process of coming back to either basically the same spot that these were in during the directly prior instanton in cases relating to Noether Flow, or, to a relatively different spot than these were at during the directly prior instanton in cases relating to Tachyonic Flow.  So, in the earlier part of our physical space-time-continuum's existence, the various layers of reality when considered in one set of universes as can be described by the Bases of Light that these existed in during any given arbitrary time in the past, existed closer to one another due to the condition that the distribution of where the iterations of the corresponding superstrings were at had happened in a more tightly knit      region than these are at now as compared to the any prior generally described period of time -- now that our universe has expanded to more of a degree than it had in the past.  This is true in each of the three sets of parallel universes when taken into consideration individually.  Yet, when one considers the three sets of parallel universes taken as a whole in terms of 32pi I degrees of Laplacian angle of one set of universe's Bases of Light relative to an adjacent set of parallel universes, the mentioned Bases of Light that exist as the superstrings expand in spacial distribution as the universes expanded when taken per "space-hole" metric when the Bases of Light happen in-between each instanton yet right before each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happen flushly from one set of universes to another.  In this manner, space-time-fabric has expanded over the ages via an expansion of the region where the superstrings iterate over time.  The prior is true for both the location of the Bases of Light in positive moving time as well as in negative moving time.  Also, the flushness of the Bases of Light -- of which happen in-between each instanton yet right before each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode -- bear the foundations of each layer of reality in such a manner so that each Bases of Light from positive moving time is flushly exterior to each Bases of Light from negative moving time.  You see, there are twelve overall world-tubes -- two for each positive moving time region for each of the three sets of parallel universes and two for each negative moving time region for each of the three sets of parallel universes.  Each individual Bases of Light, if unfrayed, is adjacent to its paring Bases of Light in their respective world-tubes.  The two adjacent world-tubes mentioned are interconnected via the equivalent of a relatively large annulus that makes these said tubes appear as one overall tube except for the existence of changes in concavity in the central outer surface area of the virtual overall tube that makes the two dual tubes exist, in a sense, as two tubes.  Perfection in humans is a falacy, yet, I am describing what I see in my mind as best as I can.
I will continue with the suspense later!  You have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.          

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