What I mean by a partition is NOT the eigenstates of metric-gauge that comprise superstrings, and partitions also do not include the swivel-shape-tendencies of superstrings that are end-to-end yet do not form a completely colinear or radial segment from the "bottom" (for one-dimensional superstrings) or toward the relative zero degree part (for 2-d superstrings) part of one given first-ordered point particle toward the relative top (for 1-d strings) or the relative 360 degree mark (for 2-d strings) of the ensuing first-ordered point particle that comprises any given arbitrary superstring that acts as discrete energy permittivity as this phenomena exists when one maps in a Laplacian manner the directoralization of the first-ordered point particles from the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic to the relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction of where a given superstring exists during its tightly-knit "Fourier"-sub-metric vibration that happens during instanton. What I mean by a partition is a condition in which a given first-ordered point particle that is in the relative or forward or reverse-norm-to-holomorphic Laplacian mapping of a given superstring is completely to the side of the topological flow of the given superstring while yet directly adjacent to the same topological flow of the said superstring -- touching with an unborne tangency (or, in other words, the touch is not Gliossi) -- with a separation that is the thickness and/or width a first-ordered point particle. The separation itself is either in the holomorphic, reverse-holomorphic, forward-norm-to-holomorphic, and/or in the reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction of the said superstring. The direction of the Laplacian flow of the topology of the said superstring where the said partition is at is either in the forward-norm-to-holomorphic, reverse-norm-to-holomorphic, and-or in the holomorphic or in the reverse holomorphic direction of a given superstring when taken respectively. If the locus of where along the topology of the Laplacian mapping of a one-dimensional superstring is is in the norm-to-holomorphic direction of that mapping of a given superstring, then the separation that I here have called a partition is either in the holomorphic or in the reverse-holomorphic direction of the substringular momentum of the said one-dimensional superstring. If the locus of where along the topology of the Laplacian mapping of a two-dimensional superstring is is as what I just mentioned about one-dimensional strings, then the partitions are as before Except that these partitions will be mapped out radially along the topology of a given bosonic string And the said partitions will also simultaneously be mapped out also in the norm-to-holomorphic, reverse-norm-to-holomorphic, holomorphic, and or/in the reverse holomorphic direction of the Laplacian flow of the topology of the said bosonic string. If the Laplacian flow just implied is radially in the holomorphic direction of the said bosonic string, then the direction of the corresponding separation is both in the holomorphic and in the norm-to-holomorphic direction of the described bosonic string. Yet, if the Laplacin flow just implied is radially in the reverse-holomorphic direction of the said bosonic string, then the direction of the corresponding separation is both in the reverse-holomorphic and in the reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction of the substringular momentum of the said bosonic superstring. Next, I will explain the condition as to that the Minimum number of partitions in a one-dimensional superstring is one and the Minimum number of partitions in a two-dimensional superstring is two. Generally, there are a lot more partitions in these. I don't want to lose the reader, so I will continue with the suspence later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Posted by
3:49 PM
bosonic string,
curved topological,

Monday, January 30, 2012
To Make Things a Little Bit Clearer
What I meant by that a given arbitrary Basis of Light for the same layer of reality in terms of forward and backward time related Ultimon-Based Flow phenomena are flush is that these individual Basis-of Light eigenstates are smoothly and evenly alligned in the Ultimon during the duration that happens when the "space-hole" is in tact.
Yet, the Basis of Light that is related to one layer of reality in terms of forward moving time is separated from the Basis of Light that is corresponding to the same layer of reality in terms of backward moving time by what was the Fabric of the Main Heterotic Stringular phenomena directly prior to when the "space-hole" is active -- which is simultaneously during the metric or sub-metric when the Bases of Light are acitve upon substringular phenomena. During this duration that I have been reffering to, the substringular phenomena undergoes an eigenstate of the recycling of substringular phenomema that woks to translate the globally ground (not to be confused with the norm-states that are either Campbell, Campbell-Hausendorf, Hausendorf, or zero-norm) that exist in the corresponding superstrings generally toward the general direction of the diagonally-based world-tube that is correspondant to the same set of parallel universes. During the "space-hole"-related metric, the two world-tubes of the same set of parallel universes that are related to forward-moving time are indirectly touching the world-tubes of the same set of parallel universes that are related to backward-moving time via a reverse-fractal of the Fadeev-Popov-Trace-like-shape in the same general region where the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric was directly before the described metric relating to when the Bases of Light happens. Therefore, during the metric that happens when the space-hole and the Bases of Light happens, the world-tubes relating to forwarad-moving time are interconnected to the world-tubes relating to backward-moving time in an unborne tangency that is therefore not Gliossi -- they indirectly touch as I implied before. I will continue with the suspence later. You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Yet, the Basis of Light that is related to one layer of reality in terms of forward moving time is separated from the Basis of Light that is corresponding to the same layer of reality in terms of backward moving time by what was the Fabric of the Main Heterotic Stringular phenomena directly prior to when the "space-hole" is active -- which is simultaneously during the metric or sub-metric when the Bases of Light are acitve upon substringular phenomena. During this duration that I have been reffering to, the substringular phenomena undergoes an eigenstate of the recycling of substringular phenomema that woks to translate the globally ground (not to be confused with the norm-states that are either Campbell, Campbell-Hausendorf, Hausendorf, or zero-norm) that exist in the corresponding superstrings generally toward the general direction of the diagonally-based world-tube that is correspondant to the same set of parallel universes. During the "space-hole"-related metric, the two world-tubes of the same set of parallel universes that are related to forward-moving time are indirectly touching the world-tubes of the same set of parallel universes that are related to backward-moving time via a reverse-fractal of the Fadeev-Popov-Trace-like-shape in the same general region where the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric was directly before the described metric relating to when the Bases of Light happens. Therefore, during the metric that happens when the space-hole and the Bases of Light happens, the world-tubes relating to forwarad-moving time are interconnected to the world-tubes relating to backward-moving time in an unborne tangency that is therefore not Gliossi -- they indirectly touch as I implied before. I will continue with the suspence later. You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Basis of Light,
Campbell-Hausendorf Profections,
Main Heterotic Stringular phenomena,
Ultion-Based Flow,
Zero-Norm Projections

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Adjacent sets of world-tubes of one general world-time-momentum have annuli connecting these that are relatively much smaller than the annuli that interconnect the individual respective world-tubes that are of the same individual pairing. Such a Laplacian activity happens for both positive and negative time related world-tubes when taken individually.
The Substringular As To How the Universe Expands
The expansion of our universe -- as well as the exapnsion of all of the universes -- may be described as the expansion of where superstrings iterate. After and in-between each instanton, superstrings cycle the Ultimon in the process of coming back to either basically the same spot that these were in during the directly prior instanton in cases relating to Noether Flow, or, to a relatively different spot than these were at during the directly prior instanton in cases relating to Tachyonic Flow. So, in the earlier part of our physical space-time-continuum's existence, the various layers of reality when considered in one set of universes as can be described by the Bases of Light that these existed in during any given arbitrary time in the past, existed closer to one another due to the condition that the distribution of where the iterations of the corresponding superstrings were at had happened in a more tightly knit region than these are at now as compared to the any prior generally described period of time -- now that our universe has expanded to more of a degree than it had in the past. This is true in each of the three sets of parallel universes when taken into consideration individually. Yet, when one considers the three sets of parallel universes taken as a whole in terms of 32pi I degrees of Laplacian angle of one set of universe's Bases of Light relative to an adjacent set of parallel universes, the mentioned Bases of Light that exist as the superstrings expand in spacial distribution as the universes expanded when taken per "space-hole" metric when the Bases of Light happen in-between each instanton yet right before each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happen flushly from one set of universes to another. In this manner, space-time-fabric has expanded over the ages via an expansion of the region where the superstrings iterate over time. The prior is true for both the location of the Bases of Light in positive moving time as well as in negative moving time. Also, the flushness of the Bases of Light -- of which happen in-between each instanton yet right before each instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode -- bear the foundations of each layer of reality in such a manner so that each Bases of Light from positive moving time is flushly exterior to each Bases of Light from negative moving time. You see, there are twelve overall world-tubes -- two for each positive moving time region for each of the three sets of parallel universes and two for each negative moving time region for each of the three sets of parallel universes. Each individual Bases of Light, if unfrayed, is adjacent to its paring Bases of Light in their respective world-tubes. The two adjacent world-tubes mentioned are interconnected via the equivalent of a relatively large annulus that makes these said tubes appear as one overall tube except for the existence of changes in concavity in the central outer surface area of the virtual overall tube that makes the two dual tubes exist, in a sense, as two tubes. Perfection in humans is a falacy, yet, I am describing what I see in my mind as best as I can.
I will continue with the suspense later! You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:07 PM
Bases of Light,
Main world-tubes,
Noether Flow,
Parallel universes,
tachyonic flow,
Ultimon Flow

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The Second of the Three Parts of the "Next" Session of Course Nine
The more that a Wilson Line develops in terms of having more of a basis of unitization among the superstrings that form the said two mentioned substringular groups taken individually -- and especially when such unitization combines the two said groups in a manner that potentially causes these to form a syncronization that wilil pull these into a motion that involves a discrete Lagrangain, the more that such a unitization may spontaneously allign the parity between these related superstrings of which would converge the arbitrarily related holonomic discharge of substringular field (mini-string fields) which, if the two Noether-Based flows of the two prior mentioned substringular groups catches up with the prior mentioned arbitrary tachyonic-based substringular group on account of what would appertain to a minor spuriousness in the tachyonic scattering of the substringular group that was Njenhuisly perturbated, then, the three groups which here represent three orbifolds will thus produce a perturbation in the related covariant codifferentiation that will potentially alter any potential Kaluza-Klein topology in the said three orbifolds into a Yang-Mills topology. But, here, the homotopic residue of each mentioned substringular group will maintain its Fourier-based generation of substringular field as the said groups propagate along the Ultimon. This is so that the previously mentioned homogeneous wave permittivity will allow for the commutation of spin symmetry via the indices that are local to all three substringular groups at one group metric or another on their way thru the Continuum, differentiating timewise with the chirality of the residue as it vibrates. Such a wave permittivity will then be in proportion to the related norm-conditions that are in transition via a covariance with the angular momentum of each sector of the mentioned substringular residue.
Posted by
3:22 PM
holonomic topology,
Noether-Based flow,
Wilson Line,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Part One ot the Three Parts of the Next Session of Fock Space, Gravity, and the Light-Cone-Gauge
What are the ramifications of Yakawa Couplings? Three sets of one and two-dimensional superstrings covariantly differentiate over the duration of a Fourier Transformation. One of these sets is in a transition kernel, while the other two sets are each in a transition eigenstate. A transition kernel is when a substringular phenomena is undergoing tachyonic propulsion, while a transition eigenstate is when a substringular phenomena is undergoing Noether Flow. The two mentioned dissociated substringular groups bear kinematic homotopic residue on account of the substringular recycling that happens during Cassimer Invariance. This residue has a differential symmetry in-between arbitrarily considered instanton durations that involve the previously mentioned substringular groups, while also having a differentiatl symmetry relation appertaining to the point-fill of the first-ordered-point particles, while also having a differential symmetry appertaining to the spin and roll superfield tensors which act upon the said two substringular groups that here quantify as a homogeneous wave permittivity that is isomorphically bilateral. And the here relatively invariant substringular groups mentioned are in this case undergoing conformal invariance in a relatively tightly-knit locus. (The said two substringular groups go thru motion via an arbitrary tense of Noether Flow) -- the described activity here represents its mentioned mode in a manner that involves a reiterated sequential series of corresponding instantons that stays in a general spot in such a manner so as to not go as a group thru a discrete unitary and/or tree-amplitude-based unitized directoral. Oops there it is -- I thought you knew! I hope that you have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:22 PM
Cassimer Invariance,
Fourier Transformaions,
isomorphically bilateral,
Noether Flow,
tree-amplituder unitized directoral,
Yakwa Couplings

Monday, January 23, 2012
Just To Make Sure
Superstrings are made up of beaded first-ordered-point-particles that exist in a Laplacian-based radial path for two-dimensional superstrings and of beaded first-ordered-point-particles that exist in a Laplacian-based linear path for one-dimensional superstrings. Two-Dimensional superstrings are vibrating hoops of discrete energy permittivity. One-Dimensional superstrings are vibrating strands of discrete energy permittivity. The first-ordered-point-particles that comprise superstrings are interconnected via what I term of as mini-string. Mini-String phenomena comprise the fields of superstrings. Mini-String is beaded second-ordered-point particles that are interconnected via sub-mini-string. The second-ordered-point-particles are comprised of by third-ordered-point-particles that are interconnected via sub-mini-string. Mini-String interconnect superstrings. The first-ordered-point-particles that comprise superstrings are comprised of metaphoically-based balls-of-yarn-like compactified mini-string. As superstrings move, the mini-string that comprises the first-ordered point particles that comprise the said superstrings ebb away and back into the first-ordered-point-particles so as to provide a continuous flow of substringular fields. Second-Ordered-Point-Particles are comprised of third-ordererd-point particles that fill the said second-ordered-point-particles in a metaphorically-based balls-of-yarn-like manner. The sub-mini-string mers are held together via a fractal of pressurized vacuum-like activity. The motion of the substrings, their fields, and the entirety of substringular activity is what forms the prior mentioned fractal of pressurized vacuum. The Fadeev-Popov-Traces which are like a directly reverse-holomorphic field trajectory of superstrings are discrete energy impedance. Fadeev-Popov-Traces are comprised of by beaded mini-string that forms a Chi-Shape that is interlaced with a figure-eight shape in a Laplacian-like manner. The motion of discrete energy forms Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost anomalies that act as a substrate for the dilatons and dilatinos that are formed when such ghost anomalies are scatterd by the norm-states that strike the said anomalies in the process of the said norm-states motion in the reverse holomorphic direction relative to the arbitrary holomorphic motion of any given superstrings. So, as superstrings move in an arbitrary holomorphic direction, the norm-states that move in the same arbitrary given holomorphic direction form Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts. The motion of norm-states that move in the reverse general holomorphic direction at some later metric scatter the mentioned ghosts so as to form that phenomena that consequently form the dilatons and dilatinos that are pulled off of the Real Reimmanian Plane so as to form gravitons and gravitinos that are the gravitational particles that cause the activity of gravity via their affect upon the Rarita Structure via the Ricci-Action.
Posted by
1:06 PM
Rarita Structure,
Real Reimmanian plane,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
A Little As To The M-Theory Idea
Superstrings tend to exist in orbifolds. Orbifolds tend to exist in orbifold eigensets.
E(8)XE(8) superstrings are the fabric that binds orbifolds into orbifold eigensets.
The reason that superstrings appear to exist as membranes that act in unison is because of a number of reasons.
1) As said before, superstrings tend to exis in orbifolds, and orbifolds are the membrane-source of all substringular phenomena that act as a group besides superstrings And phenomena that are smaller than superstrings.
2) Orbifolds tend to exist in orbifold eigensets, and, such eigensets exist in as a membrane-like phenomena as well.
3) Superstrings that exist in any tense of superconformal invariance exist -- while these are in superconformal invariance -- in a general vibrational locus, when taken individually, so as to form via their corresponding Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts, a pattern that represenst a membrane-based appearance. If it wasn't for the existence of ghost anomalies, their would be no substance where as to form the dilatons and dilatinos that are necessary for the ensuing formation of gravitons and gravitinos. Gravitons and gravitinos are the gravitational-type of superstrings that -- via the Ricci Action via the Rarita Structure -- allow for the existence of gravity.
4) Orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that exist in any form of conformal invariance form a multiplicit array of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive membrane-based ghost patterns that bear activities that excentuate the existence of that phenomena that interconnect the orbifolds, and E(8)XE(8) superstrings are that phenomena that interconnect the orbifolds into orbifold eigensets so that phenomena that are significantly larger than superstrings may act together as a group in the form of normally detectable subatomic phenomena.
5) The activity of E(8)XE(8) superstrings indirectly cause the motion of E(6)XE(6) strings in such a fashion so that these later mentioned hadrons may pluck the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp so that vibration eigenstates known of as Schwinger Indices may propagate along the Rarita Structure so that there may be a relationship between gravitational particles and discrete units of energy. Without the prior implied Ricci Action taken multiplicitly throught space and time, gravity would not have a chance to be kinematic upon superstrings that are discrete units of energy.
6) The exchange between Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost eigenstates and other ghost eigenstates that are on the Real Reimmanian Plane eigenconiaxials where superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov ghosts With the Neilson-Kollosh ghosts that exist in the regions where the gravitational particles work via the Ricci Action eigenstates so as to allow for what would appear as a membranal interchange -- while certain ghost anomalies are perturbated into positive and negative norm-states -- that makes it appear that the basic "substance" that forms subatomic phenomena is to be membranal phenomena. Yet, if it wasn't for the existence of superstrings, orbifolds would have no internal-based function, and, orbifold eigenstates would have no internal-based function.
E(8)XE(8) superstrings are the fabric that binds orbifolds into orbifold eigensets.
The reason that superstrings appear to exist as membranes that act in unison is because of a number of reasons.
1) As said before, superstrings tend to exis in orbifolds, and orbifolds are the membrane-source of all substringular phenomena that act as a group besides superstrings And phenomena that are smaller than superstrings.
2) Orbifolds tend to exist in orbifold eigensets, and, such eigensets exist in as a membrane-like phenomena as well.
3) Superstrings that exist in any tense of superconformal invariance exist -- while these are in superconformal invariance -- in a general vibrational locus, when taken individually, so as to form via their corresponding Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts, a pattern that represenst a membrane-based appearance. If it wasn't for the existence of ghost anomalies, their would be no substance where as to form the dilatons and dilatinos that are necessary for the ensuing formation of gravitons and gravitinos. Gravitons and gravitinos are the gravitational-type of superstrings that -- via the Ricci Action via the Rarita Structure -- allow for the existence of gravity.
4) Orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that exist in any form of conformal invariance form a multiplicit array of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive membrane-based ghost patterns that bear activities that excentuate the existence of that phenomena that interconnect the orbifolds, and E(8)XE(8) superstrings are that phenomena that interconnect the orbifolds into orbifold eigensets so that phenomena that are significantly larger than superstrings may act together as a group in the form of normally detectable subatomic phenomena.
5) The activity of E(8)XE(8) superstrings indirectly cause the motion of E(6)XE(6) strings in such a fashion so that these later mentioned hadrons may pluck the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp so that vibration eigenstates known of as Schwinger Indices may propagate along the Rarita Structure so that there may be a relationship between gravitational particles and discrete units of energy. Without the prior implied Ricci Action taken multiplicitly throught space and time, gravity would not have a chance to be kinematic upon superstrings that are discrete units of energy.
6) The exchange between Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost eigenstates and other ghost eigenstates that are on the Real Reimmanian Plane eigenconiaxials where superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov ghosts With the Neilson-Kollosh ghosts that exist in the regions where the gravitational particles work via the Ricci Action eigenstates so as to allow for what would appear as a membranal interchange -- while certain ghost anomalies are perturbated into positive and negative norm-states -- that makes it appear that the basic "substance" that forms subatomic phenomena is to be membranal phenomena. Yet, if it wasn't for the existence of superstrings, orbifolds would have no internal-based function, and, orbifold eigenstates would have no internal-based function.
Posted by
1:15 PM
E(8)XE(8) strings,
Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts,
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Action,
Schwinger Indices,
superconformal invariance

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