Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Importance of E(8)XE(8) Strings

One may wish to understand the importance of E(8)XE(8) superstrings. These type of heterotic superstrings exist at the outer periphery of every orbifold and at the outer periphery of every orbifold eigenset. Such heterotic strings that are adjacent spin asymmetrically so that these may have their own Laplacian and Fourier subspace that is not intruded upon. Orbifolds that comprise of mass and orbifold eigensets that comprise of mass have pairing counterpart E(8)XE(8) strings that have a non-trivial isomorphism related to their Laplacian placement per iteration of the substringular, and orbifolds that comprise of light and orbifold eigensets that comprise of light have pairing counterpart E(8)XE(8) strings that have a trivial isomorphism related to their Laplacian placement per iteration of the substringular. This is because orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that appertain to mass bear a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge-topology, and has spacial singularities in-between their respective superstrings and in-between their respective orbifolds that are Yau-Exact, while, the orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that appertain to light generally bear a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge-topology (always except within very few instantons that the light has scattered), and has spacial singularities in-between their respective superstrings and in-between their respective orbifolds that is not Yau-Exact. So, the E(8)XE(8) strings work to bind the superstrings into orbifolds and E(8)XE(8) strings work to bind the respective orbifolds into orbifold eigensets (like a fractor of the activity of gluons binding leptons and quarks into sub-atomic particles, except that the given heterotic strings described are more kinematic, since these described heterotic superstrings differentiate in a sub-level to phenomena such as gluons.

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