Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session one

The Grand Unified Field Theory, Session one

There are four basic types of forces. The strong force, the electromotive force, the gravitational force, and the weak force. The strong force is the force that binds the components of a nucleon together. The force here is composed of gluons. Neucleons are the protons and neutrons of the neucleus of an atom. The electromotive force is the force of electromagnetic energy and the force associated with electricity. Electromagnetic energy is energy that fluctuates in its electric and magnetic fields, and electricity is the flow of electrons. The gravitational force is the force of gravitons and gravitinos upon the mass, plain energy, and electromagnetic energy via the Ricci Scalar. Gravitons are transversal particles that are composed of dilatons that have quantized in the spacial fabric off of the Real Reimmanian plane. Gravitinos are spin-orbital particles of energy that are made up of dilatinos that have quantized in the spacial fabric off of the Real Reimmanian plane. The Ricci Scalar is the quantific mini-string fabric that pushes and pulls mass, plain energy, and electromagnetic energy according to the overall relative quantum effect that these phenomena exert upon each other given their differentiation along the topological Lagrangian integration of the space-time fabric. The weak force is the force of spontaneous radioactive decay. This is the gradual alteration or perturbation of nuclei to form different atoms of an element as the atoms of these elements are short lived on account of having a weak associated strong force. The weak force is weak because it is just a spontaneous reaction. Spontaneous here means that it is due to happen without the need of kinematics from an outside source. A reaction may be spontaneous, yet still be relatively gradual.

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