Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session 5
Gluons are the subatomic particles that stick the other sub-atomic particles of nucleons together. Gluons generally differentiate in a superconformal manner when taken as individual particles as a unit. The ghost anomalies of the superstrings of gluons are superconformal. The ghost anomalies of the orbifolds of gluons are superconformal. The ghost anomalies of the orbifold eigensets that comprise gluons -- one orbifold eigenset per gluon -- are superconformal. The ghost anomalies of gluonic superstrings are both Yau-Exact and Chern-Simmons. The reason for this is that during Instanton-Quaternion-Field-Impulse, the superstrings of gluons as well as their Planck phenomena related phenomena and counterstrings perturbate through the directorals of the adjacent Minkowsi space to a tug reverberation back-and-forth as these move holomorphicly toward their reiteration. This happens in a right-hand-rule norm to antiholomorphic, right-hand-rule norm to holomorphic, back-and-forth manner involving Anti-De-Sitter gravity until the given superstrings finally go out of Chern-Simmons mode and mediate upon a Yau-Exact position for the Imaginary Exchange. The indices of the last ghost anommalic set of Chern-Simmons actions form Wilson-Gordon ghosts that transpose upon the Yau-Exact ghost anomaly of the superstrings that are in the core of BRST. The Yau-Exact ghosts involve De-Sitter gravity. The Anti-De-Sitter gravity causes the attraction among the sub-atomic particles of the nucleons to exist, and the De-Sitter gravity keeps these sub-atomic particles from flying apart. The De-Sitter gravity and the Anti-Sitter gravity have 19 additional Real Reimmanian dimensions to it to support the multi-forms of Gaussian space that surround it, and these gravitational forms have six Njenhuis conditions that allow for the Weyl Covariance, for potentially radioactive substances, and Weyl Invariance, for stable atoms. Covariance and Invariance allow for stability. The superconformal condition of gluons allows these to be stable enough to hold together the nucleons of an atom. The Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational transposition of Wilson-Gordon onto Yau-Exact singularities forms a tight-hold that does not repel. Since this singularity's basis ends as Yau-Exact, the geometry of gluons is Yau-Exact. Again, the ghosts of gluons are a Wilson-Gordan framework of temporary Chern-Simmons ghosts transposed upon a framework of Yau-Exact ghosts. The ghost here iterate at the simultaneous transposition of these ghosts.
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7:15 PM

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