Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grand Unified Field Theory, Session 3

A ghost anomaly is a physical memory of either a superstring, a light-cone-gauge eigenstate, a Fadeev-Popov-Trace, a graviton or a gravitino, or a world-sheet. A ghost anomaly has both physical and non-physical states. A single physical ghost anommalic state of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace is known as a negative-norm state. A negative-norm-state, if it is a Campbell norm state, consists of a first-ordered-point-particle that is supplementally norm to a relatively few other first-ordered point particles when this state as a unit travels in the reverse holomorphic direction. An antiholomorphic state moves to the right relative to the left moving ultimon substringular flow. So, the positive time-bearing ultimon flow spins counterclockwise, while negative-norm-states traveling in this flow spin clockwise. As a superstring differentiates kinetically per iteration, it produces ghost anomalies per iteration. These ghosts in this case are physical states that differentiate in a position-like manner. As these ghosts accumulate, the Gaussian form of the orbifold of the given substringular field "feels" the pressure of these ghost anomalies. If there is not to be a Gaussian Transformation of the topology of the given orbifold, then the Landau-Gisner-Action will not be activated in the locus of that given orbifold.
The leverage of this pressure will pull positive-norm-states of the region of the orbifolds neighborhood that are off of the Real Reimmanian plane into the field of the negative-norm-states that have quantized to form the ghost anommalic region that is formed by the physical memory of the given superstring in question. As the superstring given continues to differentiate kinematically, the physical actions of the given superstring forms a world-sheet that is comprised of physical ghost anomalies that harbor in integrated quantum space. The positive-norm-states then scatter the negative-norm-states by striking at a 45 degree/(22 and a half degrees) subtended from straight rock-sway. This scatter also happens to the ghosts formed by light-cone-gauge eigenstates. The rock-sway is a twist of a positive-norm-state from the conicenter of its front of (22 and 1/2 degrees) subtended from the holomorphic "left" (relative to the front of the given norm state) to (22 1/2) degrees subtended from the relative holomorphic "right" of that given norm-state as the norm state moves to strike a norm-state at 45 degrees or at 135 degrees as subtended from a straight supplemental angle, depending on which side of the subtending that you are measuring from. A non-physical memory would be a morphological vacuum of substringular phenomena that helped indicate the past motion of certain substringular phenomena.

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