Friday, August 28, 2009

Answers to Test #1 of GUFT

1.) The strong force is the gluonic force that binds quarks and leptons together.

2.) The electromotive force is the force of electricity, light, and other electromagnetic energy.

3.) The gravitational force is the force of gravitons and gravitinos upon supterstrings via Ricci- Scalar eiegnstates that act through norms Ward conditions.

4.) The weak force is the force of spontaneous radioactive decay.

5.) Conformal invariance is when superstrings of an orbifold eigenset are kinematically differentiating although the orbifold eigenset is in a steady state.

6.) Superconformal invariance is when superstrings of an orbifold are kinematically differentiating although the orbifold is in a steady state.

7.) A superconformal ghost anomaly is a physical memory of a superstringular phenomenon that bears non-physical states that differentiate kinematically with a minimal covariance within a tightly bound region.

8.) A graviton is a discrete transversal unit of gravitational force, while a graviton is a discrete spin-orbital unit of gravitational force.

9.) A magnetic field is the Majorana-Weyl delineation of the spin-orbital differentiation of subatomic particles. (From an electron or a proton down to a superstring.)

10.) Gravity acts thru Ricci-Scalar eigenstates to distribute a push and pull upon superestringular phenomena, while magnetism, as the result of spin-orbital delineation, bears a supplementally norm, relative to the gravitational force, push and pull upon substringular phenomena.

11.) Reverse gravity is the reversal of the directoralization of gravitons and gravitinos in terms of the trajectory of these particles to form a reversal in the directoralization of the gravitational force.

12.) Antigravity is the reversal of the harmonics of the directoralization of Ricci-Scalar eigenstates.

13.) Gluons, before Instanton-Quaternions-Field-Impulse, go into an Anti-De-Sitter mode that attaches quarks and/or leptons, while then "gluing" these together via a De-Sitter mode.

14.) A De-Sitter mode is a harmonic Ricci-Scalar eigenstate.

15.) An Anti-De-Sitter mode is an anharmonic Ricci-Scalar eigenstate.

16.) This Wilson-Gordoan transposition is the "energy" condition that happens to gluons right before Instanton-Quaternionic-Field-Impulse-Mode during the associated Anti-De-Sitter mode.

17.) De-Sitter gravity has 19 extra physical conditions, per eigenstate.

18.) A De-Sitter mode has six Njenhuis conditions, per eigenstate.

19.) Gluons, in Anti-De-Sitter mode, have an anharmonic gravity that interconnects the respective quarks and leptons via a magnetism that corresponds to this reversal of gravity right before successive instantons. Once the quarks and leptons begin to attach, the De-Sitter mode during each succeeding BRST condition holds these "glued" in parts together.

20.) The De-Sitter mode makes a gluon's light-cone-gauge-eigenstates harmonic.

21.) The Anti-De-Sitter mode makes a gluon's light-cone-gauge-eigenstate anharmonic.

22.) The Anti-De-Sitter mode and the De-Sitter mode comingle when gluons are non-entropic.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session 7, First Test

1)What is the strong force?

2)What is the electromotive force?

3)What is the gravitational force?

4)What is the weak force?

5)What is conformal invariance?

6)What is superconformal invariance?

7)What is a superconformal ghost anomaly?

8)What are gravitons and gravitinos?

9)What is a magnetic field?

10)What is the relationship between gravity and magnetism?

11)Describe the substringular of reverse gravity?

12)Describe the substringular of antigravity?

13)Describe the superconformal behavior of gluons?

14)What is a De-Sitter mode?

15)What is an Anti-De-Sitter mode?

16)What is the Wilson-Gordan transposition of an orbifold of a gluon?

17)How many extra Real Reimmanian dimensions must a De-Sitter gravity have?

18)How many Njenhuis dimensions must a De-Sitter gravity have?

19)How do gluons glue together nucleonic parts?

20)What makes a gluon's light-cone-gauge-eigenstates at a certain gauge-metric harmaonic?

21)What makes a gluon's light-cone-gauge-eigenstates at a certain gauge-metric anharmonic?

22)How do the two prior written gauge-metrics mingle?

Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session 6

Ghosts anomalies are formed whenever superstrings, world-sheets, and/or light-cone-gauge eigenstates kinematically differentiate. So, whenever a superstring, a world-sheet, or a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate moves per iteration, ghost anomalies form. The more conformally invariant a superstring, a world-sheet, and/or a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is, the more readily the corresponding ghost anomalies relating to these are annihilated. When ghost anomalies are annihilated, these are scattered off of the Real Reimmanian plane and are sent to the fabric of space-time initially as dilatons and dilatinos that quantize into gravitons and gravitinos. Once the negative-norm-states are converted into particles of gravity, these form Ricci Scalar eigenstates with superstrings that share a tug on these given superstrings so that the particles of gravity may be able to exert a gravitational pull on substringular phenomena. Since dilatons, dilatinos, gravitons, and gravitinos function off of the Real Reimmanian plane, these do not fully cycle around the ultimon as superstrings, stringular encoders, and light-cone-gauge-eigenstates do. The Wilson-Gordan conditions of the superstrings of gluons are anharmonic, while the Yau-Exact conditions of the superstrings of gluons are harmonic. So, the Schwinger Index of the Wilson-Gordan conditions of the superstrings of gluons forms an anharmonic "tune", while the Schwinger Index of the Yau-Exact conditions of the superstrings of gluons fors a harmonic "tune." Some of the eigenstates of the Schwinger Indices of the Wilson-Gordan conditions of the superstrings of a gluon are harmonic while some of the eigenstates of the Schwinger Indices of the Wilson-Gordan conditions of the superstrings of a gluon are anharmonic, while the eigenstates of the Schwinger Indices of the Yau-Exact conditions of the superstrings of a gluon are all harmonic. Wilson-Gordan conditions are the kinematic mapping of Chern-Simmons conditions, while Yau-Exact conditions are the kinematic mapping of hermitian and non-perturbative conditions. The gauge bosons of Wilson-Gordan eigenstates of transposition are Real and Imaginary, since these involve Real Reimmanian and Njenhuis tensors of oscillation. The gauge bosons of Yau-Exact eigenstates of transpositions are just Real, since these only involve a first-ordered Majorana-Weyl oscillation. The gauge bosons vibrate the light-cone-gauge to form eigenstates of the Schwinger Index that form the Schwinger Index. Superconformal ghosts of the light-cone-gauge are created and annihilated right after these are created. Ghost anomalies are not completely physical in the sense that the vacuum regions in-between norm-states indicate to an extent the prior differentiation of certain substringular phenomena, and also because ghost anomalies of light-cone-gauge eigenstates do not get plucked by gauge bosons. Yet, if ghost anomalies were not actually real, there would be no gravity.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session 5

Gluons are the subatomic particles that stick the other sub-atomic particles of nucleons together. Gluons generally differentiate in a superconformal manner when taken as individual particles as a unit. The ghost anomalies of the superstrings of gluons are superconformal. The ghost anomalies of the orbifolds of gluons are superconformal. The ghost anomalies of the orbifold eigensets that comprise gluons -- one orbifold eigenset per gluon -- are superconformal. The ghost anomalies of gluonic superstrings are both Yau-Exact and Chern-Simmons. The reason for this is that during Instanton-Quaternion-Field-Impulse, the superstrings of gluons as well as their Planck phenomena related phenomena and counterstrings perturbate through the directorals of the adjacent Minkowsi space to a tug reverberation back-and-forth as these move holomorphicly toward their reiteration. This happens in a right-hand-rule norm to antiholomorphic, right-hand-rule norm to holomorphic, back-and-forth manner involving Anti-De-Sitter gravity until the given superstrings finally go out of Chern-Simmons mode and mediate upon a Yau-Exact position for the Imaginary Exchange. The indices of the last ghost anommalic set of Chern-Simmons actions form Wilson-Gordon ghosts that transpose upon the Yau-Exact ghost anomaly of the superstrings that are in the core of BRST. The Yau-Exact ghosts involve De-Sitter gravity. The Anti-De-Sitter gravity causes the attraction among the sub-atomic particles of the nucleons to exist, and the De-Sitter gravity keeps these sub-atomic particles from flying apart. The De-Sitter gravity and the Anti-Sitter gravity have 19 additional Real Reimmanian dimensions to it to support the multi-forms of Gaussian space that surround it, and these gravitational forms have six Njenhuis conditions that allow for the Weyl Covariance, for potentially radioactive substances, and Weyl Invariance, for stable atoms. Covariance and Invariance allow for stability. The superconformal condition of gluons allows these to be stable enough to hold together the nucleons of an atom. The Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational transposition of Wilson-Gordon onto Yau-Exact singularities forms a tight-hold that does not repel. Since this singularity's basis ends as Yau-Exact, the geometry of gluons is Yau-Exact. Again, the ghosts of gluons are a Wilson-Gordan framework of temporary Chern-Simmons ghosts transposed upon a framework of Yau-Exact ghosts. The ghost here iterate at the simultaneous transposition of these ghosts.

Grand Unified Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session 4

Ghost anomalies are always formed when a superstring kinematically differentiates per iteration. Ghost anomalies are always formed when a world-sheet kinematically differentiates per iteration. Ghost anomalies are always formed when light-cone-gauge-eigenstates kinematically differentiate per iteration. An iteration is the segment during BRST when the Imaginary Exchange happens between superstrings and their counterparts; thence, forming a Real Residue. This iteration time is the time that we as living beings detect when we are experiencing Noether Flow and Noether Current. When one notices a time outside of the condition of Noether Flow, one experiences Ultimon Time. The flow of particles during Ultimon Time is Ultimon Flow. Each concrete motion of a superstring is known as a kinematic motion of that superstring during iteration time. The ghost anomalies that form form a trace of where a superstring or a world-sheet or a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate was during iteration per iteration. The superconformal field of a gluon is due to its Yau-Exact superconformal invariance. This superconformal invariance is due to a tightly knit Ricci Field that is inner bound to not have a holomorphism that allows the holonomity of any Higgs Action under any entropic Chern-Simmons conditions. This lack of Chern-Simmons interaction along with the bounded Ward conditions of its respective Gaussian normalization states provides a condition of superconformal invariance of its orbifolds, superstrings, and ghost anomalies. Thus, the annhilated ghosts are always replenished according to the hermitian Noether Flow or the tachyonic flow of the superstrings as these follow the Wilson-Gordan transposition of the given energy that is in static equilibrium. The Chern-Simmons conditions of a gluonic binding become entropic when stable 191 times less often than in a typical Yau-Exact setting. This is because a gluonic binding when stable tends to retain its permittivity and force better than a typical Yau-Exact setting in euclidean proportion to the number of iterations that superstring consecutively goes thru to reattain the permittivity that it needs to be the energy that it is. The permittivity of a superstring gives it the drive or force that it needs to move kinematically to be energy.

Grand Unified Field Theory, Session 3

A ghost anomaly is a physical memory of either a superstring, a light-cone-gauge eigenstate, a Fadeev-Popov-Trace, a graviton or a gravitino, or a world-sheet. A ghost anomaly has both physical and non-physical states. A single physical ghost anommalic state of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace is known as a negative-norm state. A negative-norm-state, if it is a Campbell norm state, consists of a first-ordered-point-particle that is supplementally norm to a relatively few other first-ordered point particles when this state as a unit travels in the reverse holomorphic direction. An antiholomorphic state moves to the right relative to the left moving ultimon substringular flow. So, the positive time-bearing ultimon flow spins counterclockwise, while negative-norm-states traveling in this flow spin clockwise. As a superstring differentiates kinetically per iteration, it produces ghost anomalies per iteration. These ghosts in this case are physical states that differentiate in a position-like manner. As these ghosts accumulate, the Gaussian form of the orbifold of the given substringular field "feels" the pressure of these ghost anomalies. If there is not to be a Gaussian Transformation of the topology of the given orbifold, then the Landau-Gisner-Action will not be activated in the locus of that given orbifold.
The leverage of this pressure will pull positive-norm-states of the region of the orbifolds neighborhood that are off of the Real Reimmanian plane into the field of the negative-norm-states that have quantized to form the ghost anommalic region that is formed by the physical memory of the given superstring in question. As the superstring given continues to differentiate kinematically, the physical actions of the given superstring forms a world-sheet that is comprised of physical ghost anomalies that harbor in integrated quantum space. The positive-norm-states then scatter the negative-norm-states by striking at a 45 degree/(22 and a half degrees) subtended from straight rock-sway. This scatter also happens to the ghosts formed by light-cone-gauge eigenstates. The rock-sway is a twist of a positive-norm-state from the conicenter of its front of (22 and 1/2 degrees) subtended from the holomorphic "left" (relative to the front of the given norm state) to (22 1/2) degrees subtended from the relative holomorphic "right" of that given norm-state as the norm state moves to strike a norm-state at 45 degrees or at 135 degrees as subtended from a straight supplemental angle, depending on which side of the subtending that you are measuring from. A non-physical memory would be a morphological vacuum of substringular phenomena that helped indicate the past motion of certain substringular phenomena.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Glossary for GUFT

Anti-De-Sitter Gravity: Gravity that, with gluons, brings subatomic particles that are to form nucleons into an attraction to each other so that these may eventually come together. An Anti-De-Sitter gravity is a gravitational wave-tug that involves a reversal in Ricci-Scalar ____ directoralization..
The condition of a certain amount of static equilibrium which attributes to the kinetic differentiation of substringular particles.
De-Sitter-Gravity: Gravitational force that involves the normal directional drive of the Ricci-Scalar.

A single unit of phenomenon related to a more general phenomenon.

Gaussian Supersymmentry:
The condition of a set of superstrings or a set of orbifolds that have stable norm conditions relative to one another. Stable norm conditions are then the differential geometry among a substringular setting that has an arrangement that spontaneously interacts given a right-handed-rule effect.

Sub-atomic particles that attach leptons and/or quarks together.
Higgs-Action: A tiny particle smaller than a superstring that moves the Klein Bottle due to leverage due to the Fischler-Suskind mechanism.
to particles and /or other phenomena in motion.
The general phenomena of a substringular construction that provides a location for superstrings to undergo the Kaeler-Metric. The Kaeler-Metric is the set of instantons that involves the shaking of superstrings to provide these superstrings with Permittivity. Permittivity is the ability of something to be pulled through space.
A gauge-action that distributes leverage from an exterior Hausendorf projection upon a Fischler-Suskind-mechanism to cause the Higgs-Action to raise the Klein Bottle.

A set of superstrings that differentiate as one unit.

Nuclear Fission:
When atoms split apart in a chain reaction.

Phenomena that are smaller than the atom.

A duration in which superstrings and/or smaller particles named gauge-actions interact.

Static Equilibrium:
The condition of change among particles, waves and/or energy that bears no exterior condition of change over a significant period of time.

The condition of strong static equilibrium attributed to the kinematic differentiation of substringular particles.

Fischler-Suskind mechanism: A Geometrical distribution of substringular field that delineates leverage from the Landau-Gisner action upon the Higgs-Action.

Leptons: Subatomic particles that are used to form nucleons and electrons and have a charge of (-1/3).
Permittivity: The ability of phenomenon to go through or be pulled through space.

The Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT) by Sam Roach, Session 2

The strong force is the force of gluons in the regions in-between the sub-atomic particles that comprise neutrons and in the regions in-between the sub-atomic particles that comprise protons. These gluons are a strong force because these are superconformal in invariance. Gluons individually have an existence of superconformal invariance in terms of their orbifold eigenset. The individual orbifolds of a gluon are always conformally invariant when these are not perturbated by a nuclear fission, a nuclear fussion, or a radioactive decay. The orbifolds of a gluon differentiate in a condition of Gaussian supersymmetry in that the Landau-Gisner action is less often implemented over a significant substringular period because the gluons are what make the nucleons appear as energy that is in static equilibrium. Since the Landau-Gisner action of gluons is less often implemented in a gluon because gluons are relatively good at maintaining their permittivity because of something that I'll later describe as an Anti-De-Sitter/De Sitter gravitational force, there is less than typical Higgs Action implementation UNLESS a gluon is perturbated. Since the Higgs anomalies associated with a gluon are less often kinematic during static equilibrium, the Fischler-Suskind mechanism is usually in tact in a gluon and is not usually taken out of static equilibrium. Since the Fischler-Suskind mechanism for each given Klein Bottle eigenstate is relatively in tact, the Klein Bottle eigenstates of a gluon are relatively stable and non-commutative. Since these Klein Bottle eigenstates are relatively non-commutative, the corresponding Ricci Scalar eigenstates are in static equilibrium in a gluon. Such a static equilibrium forms a condition of mass-binding stability that causes the protons and neutrons to have a stable mass. Gluons, when these are in the process of keeping nucleons together, tend to keep their permittivity fairly well. So, when gluons, which involve the strong force, are set in place, these do not require a lot of added force to retain their permittivity unless these gluons are perturbated. Yet, as gluons are initially translated thru space to help arrange the leptons and quarks together for their initial binding, this process involves proportionally more permittivity on account of the gluons, and, therefore, this initial process also requires proportionally more Higgs force. The Higgs Action may be thought of as the "force."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Grand Unified Field Theory (GUFT), Session one

The Grand Unified Field Theory, Session one

There are four basic types of forces. The strong force, the electromotive force, the gravitational force, and the weak force. The strong force is the force that binds the components of a nucleon together. The force here is composed of gluons. Neucleons are the protons and neutrons of the neucleus of an atom. The electromotive force is the force of electromagnetic energy and the force associated with electricity. Electromagnetic energy is energy that fluctuates in its electric and magnetic fields, and electricity is the flow of electrons. The gravitational force is the force of gravitons and gravitinos upon the mass, plain energy, and electromagnetic energy via the Ricci Scalar. Gravitons are transversal particles that are composed of dilatons that have quantized in the spacial fabric off of the Real Reimmanian plane. Gravitinos are spin-orbital particles of energy that are made up of dilatinos that have quantized in the spacial fabric off of the Real Reimmanian plane. The Ricci Scalar is the quantific mini-string fabric that pushes and pulls mass, plain energy, and electromagnetic energy according to the overall relative quantum effect that these phenomena exert upon each other given their differentiation along the topological Lagrangian integration of the space-time fabric. The weak force is the force of spontaneous radioactive decay. This is the gradual alteration or perturbation of nuclei to form different atoms of an element as the atoms of these elements are short lived on account of having a weak associated strong force. The weak force is weak because it is just a spontaneous reaction. Spontaneous here means that it is due to happen without the need of kinematics from an outside source. A reaction may be spontaneous, yet still be relatively gradual.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Fujikawa Coupling

A Fujikawa Coupling is an example of a Yakawa Coupling. The Fukikawa Coupling is when a one-dimensional superstring bends hermitianly to form a two-dimensional superstring via the Green function. A hermitian gauge-metric is a substringular action that is smooth in topological redistribution in all of the derivatives equal to the number of dimensions that it is differentiating in.

A Yakawa Coupling is a touch, rub, and/or curl of one substringular phenomenon upon another.
A Gliossi norm gauge-metric is a borne tangency of one substringular phenomenon upon another.

A borne tangency is a direct touch. Ward conditions are the multi-dimensional Caucy-like conditions that define the physical boundaries that bear upon the multi-dimensional setting of a substringular phenomenon. Neumann conditions are the direct boundaries of a physical phenomenon. Derichlet conditions are the boundaries of the first derivative of a physical phenomena. When considering the boundaries denoted by alterior derivatives of a physical phenomenon, you have Ward conditions. So, a Fujikawa Coupling is a Yakawa Coupling that produces a Gliossi condition between the two ends of a one-dimensional superstring, allowing for a bend in the associated one-dimensional superstring that is hermitian throughout the given Ward Conditions.