Monday, February 13, 2023

Neutrinos -- Perturbative Inversion Of Ricci Curvature

 When a neutrino-related frequency is to undergo a correlative perturbative inversion, in the directly associated Ricci Curvature that it is to be proximally associated with, this general inferred type of a physical operation, may often have the tendency, of working to help prime the local region of the Rarita Structure in which this is here to be happening, to be facilitated at working to spontaneously gauge the superstring-related "neighborhood" in which this is here to be occurring in, in so as to bear an enhanced potential capacity, of being able to better work to spontaneously express, at least, to some manner or degree, some eminently associated attribute or set of attributes, of the physical "drive," that I consider here to be, the general phenomenology, of the "thought force." TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

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