Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spinning Hermitian Kahler Manifold

 A holomorphic impelled spinning hermitian Kahler Manifold, tends to work to bear a stronger angular momentum, than an otherwise analogous holomorphic impelled hermitian Kahler Manifold, that is not spinning. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.(1989).

Anti Gravity -- Working To Facilitate More Abrupt Changes In Inertia

 Since the attributable physical conditions, that a Ricci Smooth anti gravitational field is to work to allow for, when this is in terms of its physical effects, upon a directly associated given arbitrary kinematically transferred Kahler Manifold, of which is here to be proximal local, to such a stated anti gravitational field,  is thereby to have the general tendency, of moving in the direction, of working to allow for a more piecewise continuous Yau-Exact state of affairs, that it is hereby to logically follow, that such a stated general tense of an anti gravitational field, is often to work to facilitate the general capability, of thereby helping to work to allow, for the spontaneous occurrence, of more potentially abrupt yet hermitian changes in inertia, when this is in terms of a potentially altered Hamiltonian-Related drive, in the momentum-based eigenstates, that are here to be directly pertinent, to the orchestration of the Lagrangian-Based flow, of the net proscribed motion, of such an inferred kinetically differentiable Kahler Manifold, in time and space. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Tense Of Gravitational Field -- Piecewise Continuity

 A Kahler Manifold, that is proximal local, to the physical presence, of an attributable Ricci Flat anti gravitational field, often tends to be more piecewise continuous, than a Kahler Manifold, that is instead, to be proximal local, to the physical presence, of an attributable Ricci Flat heuristic gravitational field. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PINCKNEY HIGH, 1989).

Ricci Flat Anti Gravitational Field

 A Kahler Manifold, that is proximal local, to the physical presence, of a Ricci Flat anti gravitational field, often tends to bear, a more attributably pronounced Yau-Exact physical condition, than a Kahler Manifold, that is instead, to be proximal local, to the physical presence, of a Ricci Flat heuristic gravitational field. THIS WILL BE CONTINUED LATER!  SAM ROACH. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Reversal In Direction Of Neutrino-Related Frequency

 When neutrino-related frequency is reversed in its relative direction, its directly corresponding gauged-action will tend to spontaneously become relatively anti holomorphic. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Homotopically Recursive Radial Sway

 A transversally hermitian kinetically transferred mass-bearing Kahler Manifold, that works to bear the exhibited physical expression, of the type of a consistently iterative tense of a homotopically recursive radial sway, will hereby often tend to work to display the physical attribute, of acting as a particular individual taken example, of a given arbitrary general genus, of what may be thought of, as here being called, a particular example of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinor. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Hermitian Kinetically Differentiable Neutrino -- Ricci Flat -- De Rham Cohomology

 A hermitian kinetically differentiable neutrino, that is here to be proximal local, to the physically attributable bounds of a Flat Ricci Curvature, will have the general tendency, of working to express a genus, of a particular general tense, of a De Rham cohomology.TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Sporadic Motion Of Neutrino

 When neutrino-related frequency, is not gauged in a hermitian manner, the resultant kinetic motion of the inferred neutrino, will consequently often tend to become spontaneously sporadic. SAMUEL.(1989).

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Neutrino-Related Frequency -- Hermitian Gauged-Action

 When a neutrino-related frequency, is to work to bear a hermitian gauged-action, it will spontaneously often tend to consequently work to express, a constant resonant pulsation. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

When Neutrino-Related Frequency Is Isotropically Hermitian

 When neutrino-related frequency is isotropically hermitian, its resonant pulsation will tend to remain constant. I WIILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.(1989).

Friday, February 24, 2023

Floer (Co)Homology -- Flat Homotopic Transfer -- Flat Ricci Curvature

 A Floer (co)homology, that works to express a flat tense of homotopic transfer, also often tends to exhibit, being proximal local to the physical presence, of a Flat Ricci Curvature. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.(1989).

Next; As To Floer (Co)Homology, And Flat Homotopic Transfer

 A Floer (co)homology, that generates as much (co)homology as it degenerates, as taken in a piecewise continuous manner, has the general tendency, of working to express, a flat tense of homotopic transfer. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Homomorphic Neutrino-Related Frequency

 The more homomorphic the neutrino-related frequency, the more torsional that its gauged-action will consequently tend to be. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Neutrino-Related Frequency -- Nijenhuis Tensor-Based Wobble

 When a given arbitrary neutrino-related frequency, is to work to exhibit a Nijenhuis gauged-action, it will consequently follow, that such an inferred state of frequency, will therefore often tend to result, in spontaneously working, to exhibit a Nijenhuis tensor-based wobble. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Gauged-Action Of Neutrino-Related Frequency -- Wave-Tug -- Angular/Spin-Orbital Momentum

 The stronger the gauged-action of a neutrino-related frequency is to be, the stronger that its directly corresponding wave-tug will consequently tend to be, to where the stronger that its directly corresponding angular/spin-orbital momentum will consequently tend to be. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

More, As To Fourier-Related-Progression -- Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 If one were to have two different covariant kinematic Hamiltonian Operators, of which are here to work to bear two different respectively analogous path integrals, and the Lagrangian-Based motion, of the kinematic covariant spatial transfer/restraint, that is of one of these two mentioned Hamiltonian Operators, is to work to bear a stronger Fourier-Related-Progression than the other one, then, the said Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to work to bear the greater Fourier-Related-Progression, will consequently also tend to work to respectively bear, a relatively stronger tense of homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint. SAMUEL ROACH.

Neutrinos -- Holomorphic/Anti Holomorphic Wave-Tug -- Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 When neutrino-related frequency works to bear a relatively strong holomorphic wave-tug, this often tends to be eminently associated, with a relatively strong tense, of homotopic transfer. So; When neutrino-related frequency works to be a relatively strong anti holomorphic wave-tug, this often tends to be eminently associated, with a relatively strong tense, of homotopic restraint. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Certain Open-Loop Strings — Flat Homotopic Transfer

 Isotropically stable open-loop strings, often tend to be capable, of working to express the physical condition, of the general tense, of a flat homotopic transfer. Sam Roach. 

Example — Flat Tense Of Homotopic Transfer

 A given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, that is not accelerating, often tends to express the general tense, of a flat homotopic transfer. 

Non Perturbative Gravitational Filed -- Smooth Cohomology-Related Deformation

 When a Hamiltonian Operator is to be moving, from within the general confines of a proximal local non perturbative gravitational field, the directly associated cohomology, of the respectively stated Hamiltonian Operator, will consequently tend to result, in working to bear a smooth tense of deformation. SAM.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Floer Co(Homology) -- Homotopic Transfer

 The reverse-fractal effect of a Floer (co)homology, given the Ward-Cauchy-Related situation, may often be potentially be capable of working to express, either a flat tense of homotopic transfer, a divergent tense of homotopic transfer, or a convergent tense of homotopic transfer. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL.

Divergent/Convergent Homotopic Transfer

 Generative force, often tends to work to involve the general tense of a divergent homotopic transfer.

Degenerative force, often tends to work to involve the general tense of convergent homotopic transfer.


Flat Homotopic Transfer

 A super-conformally invariant gauged force, tends to work to express a flat homotopic transfer. SAM.

Fractional Homotopic Transfer -- Convergence Of Force Upon A Hamiltonian Operator

 When the scalar amplitude of a given arbitrary tensor eigenstate of homotopic transfer, aside from its particular demarcated physically ascribed units, is to be mathematically depicted, in terms of a fractional value times a potentially latent constant, this may often, at times, be indicative, of the convergence of a force, upon the respectively inferred directly corresponding covariant Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be working to express, the hereupon implied general characteristic, of homotopic transfer, of which has been briefly conveyed of here. 

When the scalar amplitude of a given arbitrary tensor eigenstate of homotopic transfer, aside from its particular demarcated physically ascribed units, is to be mathematically depicted, in terms of a value greater than one times a potentially latent constant, this may often, at times, be indicative, of the divergence of a force, upon the respectively inferred directly corresponding covariant Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be working to express, the hereupon implied general characteristic, of homotopic transfer, of which has been briefly conveyed of here.

When the scalar amplitude of a given arbitrary tensor eigenstate of homotopic transfer, aside from its particular demarcated physically ascribed units, is to be mathematically depicted, in terms of a value of one times a potentially latent constant, this may often, at times, be indicative, of the steady-state  interaction of a force, upon the respectively inferred directly corresponding covariant Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be working to express, the hereupon implied general characteristic, of homotopic transfer, of which has been briefly conveyed of here. In this particularly just mentioned latter general case scenario, I call such a generic tense of a homotopy-related condition, the case, of a "flat" homotopic transfer. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989.PHS.UM).

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Helicity Of Neutrino-Related Frequency

 The stronger of a helicity that a neutrino-related frequency tends to display, the more concise of a projected gauge-trajectory, that such a given arbitrary example, of such a general type of a Ward-Cauchy-Based frequency, will consequently tend to work to be incurred, upon the general holonomic stratum of the Rarita Structure. TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Projected Gauge-Trajectory Of Neutrinos

 To my particular model of string theory; The incursion of neutrino-related frequency upon the Rarita Structure, works to help form a projected gauge-trajectory of mini-stringular segmentation, which in turn, works to help facilitate the general process, in which those light-cone-gauge-related oscillations (Schwinger-Related indices of vibration), of which  are eminently formed by the "plucking" interaction, of gauge bosons, upon the topological stratum of their directly associated second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, are to consequently result in becoming assisted, at being capable of helping to form the reductional forces of physical nature. TO BE CONTINUED AT A FUTURE TIME! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Friday, February 17, 2023

Expansive Inversion Of Dispersed Homotopic Residue

The expansion rate of re-calibrated harmonic Chern-Simons Invariant gauge-actions, may often tend to be eminently associated, with the rate of charge generation. 

Whereas; The expansive inversion of dispersed homotopic residue, may often tend to be eminently associated, with a genus of the perturbation of space-time-fabric, that works to help facilitate the general process, of charge generation. 


Re-Calibrated Chern-Simons Invariant Gauge-Actions

 The Expansion rate of re-calibrated Chern-Simons Invariant gauge-actions, may often tend to be eminently associated, with the expansive inversion, of dispersed homotopic residue. SAMUEL. 

Relative "Strength" Of Fourier-Related-Progression

 When one is to take the Yukawa Coupling, between the net energy permittivity of a given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, with its directly associated homotopic transfer, the scalar magnitude of this product, may often be tantamount, to the scalar amplitude of the relative "strength" of the Fourier-Related-Progression, that such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be working to express. SAM.

Elaboration Of The Earlier Simple Concept

 So; If one were to take the initial product, between the net i*PI(Del) Action of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, with its frequency of kinetic motion, as coupled with the resonant frequency, that this self-same Hamiltonian Operator works to express, while then crossing this, with its homotopic restraint, the consequentially resultant value, will tend to be tantamount, to the energy per charge, or the voltage, that such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be exhibiting. SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Repulsion-Related Force Exhibited By Hamiltonian Operator

 The Yukawa Coupling, between the current of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, with its net discrete energy impedance, often work to be eminently associated, with the repulsion-related force, that is here to be exhibited, by the said Hamiltonian Operator.(Just as, at a reverse-fractal level, amperage has the general tendency, of pulling phenomenology towards a given arbitrary source of electricity;While voltage has the general tendency, of pushing phenomenology away form a given arbitrary source of electricity.)(1989.THANKS FOR READING!) TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Poisson Integral -- De Rahm Cohomology

 The Fourier-Related-Progression of a De Rahm cohomological mappable-tracing, tends to be more aptly describable, when in lieu of a potentially eminent tense, of the mathematically applicable implementation, of a piecewise continuous Poisson Integral, than the Fourier-Related-Progression of a Debault cohomological mappable-tracing, is able to mathematically afford. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.


 The Yukawa Coupling, between the i*PI(del) Action of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, as taken with the net resonant frequency of that self-same Hamiltonian Operator, when coupled with its frequency of kinetic motion, may tend to work to form the current, of the herein mentioned Hamiltonian Operator. SAM.

A Particular Genus Of Ward-Cauchy-Related Velocity

 The Yukawa Coupling, between the metric-gauge of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, and its directional frequency of motion, may often tend to work to form, a particular genus, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related velocity. TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Permittivity/Impedance -- Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 The discrete energy permittivity of a quantum of energy, tends to be eminently associated, with the homotopic transfer, of such a stated discrete quantum of energy. Whereas; The discrete energy impedance of a quantum of energy, tends to be eminently associated, with the homotopic restraint, of such a stated discrete quantum of energy. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Gauged-Action/Del Of The Gauged-Action -- Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 The holomorphic delineated gauged-action, that is of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, often tends to be eminently associated, with the homotopic transfer, of such a stated superstring. Whereas; The del of the holomorphic delineated gauged-action, that is of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, often tends to be eminently associated, with the homotopic restraint, of such a stated superstring. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

As an aside: 

The holonomic stratum of topological manifold, that works to perform a gauged-action, may often tend to be considered here, to be a general tense, of a metric-gauge-related eigenstate. 

The "Thrust" Of A Hamiltonian Operator

 When one is to take the resultant, of the Yukawa Coupling, between the mass of a Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, with its Frequency Of Motion, while then working to take the Yukawa Coupling of this whole thing,With the metric-gauge per instanton, that such a stated Hamiltonian Operator is hereupon to be working to express, one is to then consequently be working to determine, the "thrust" of such a stated Hamiltonian Operator. SAM ROACH.

What Mass Is

 With a Calabi-Yau-Related Manifold, the Yukawa Coupling between its Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode and its resonant frequency, has the general tendency, of working to form its mass. SAM ROACH.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Possible Source Of Neutrinos

 Is it possible, that the multiplicity of the source emanation of neutrinos, is stemmed, from the spontaneous dispersive inverse-gravitation-related interaction, that is generally to occur, as taken in lieu, between the workings of the net Wess-Zumino action, with the workings of the net Civita Action, as this is here to often tend to be expressed, between the inverse-gravitation-related inter-relation, that may be exemplified, as a heuristically Riemannian dispersive interaction, that is here to be stemmed, between the multiplicity of  the "net" harmonic vibrational action of Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operators, With the "net" anharmonic vibrational action, of respectively considered Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operators, as this is here to be taken, over a viably occurring, even functional duration of time. SAM.

Neutrinos And Electromagnetic Energy

 Neutrinos help encode for the reductional forces of nature, of which are kinematically delineated, in lieu of the relativity of the multiplicity of the motion, that is of the directly corresponding respective Hamiltonian Operators, of which function in so as to help form such forces, when in their relation to both the motion and the presence of electromagnetic energy.TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Encodement Radiation

 In a way, one could call neutrinos, "encodement radiation." TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Neutrino-Related Frequency -- Nijenhuis Wave-Tug

 When neutrino-related frequency, is to bear the general workings, of the gauged-action, of a physically applicable Nijenhuis wave-tug, this may often tend to work to help facilitate, the eminent encodement, of the spontaneous incursion, of additive spin-orbital tensors, as impelled upon the kinematic stratum, of a set, of one or more directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operators. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Fourier-Related-Progression And Inertia

 The stronger the Fourier-Related-Progression of a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator is to be, the greater that its resultant inertia will consequently often tend to be. SAM ROACH. 

Perturbative Inversion Of An Initially Real Riemann-Related Ricci Curvature

 The perturbative inversion of a given arbitrary state, of the initial tense of a Real Riemann-Related Ricci Curvature, may often, at times, be eminently associated, with the conversion of a set of one or more gravitational waves, into a set of one or more thought waves. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Monday, February 13, 2023

Neutrinos -- Frequency -- Holomorphic Gauge-Metric

 When the gauge-metric of a neutrino-related frequency, is to reverse in its holomorphic direction of pulsation, this may often tend to work to encode, for a reversal in the holomorphic direction, of the angular momentum, of a directly corresponding respective Hamiltonian Operator. SINCERELY, SAMUEL.(1989).

Perturbative Neutrino-Related Frequency -- Encodement For Thrust

 Perturbative neutrino-related frequency, may often work to facilitate an encodement -- for an alteration in the thrust, of a given arbitrary directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator. An accelerated neutrino-related frequency, may often be capable, of working to encode, for an increase in the thrust, of a directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator. Whereas; A decelerated neutrino-related frequency, may often be capable, of working to encode, for a decrease in the thrust, of a directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH.(1989).

Escalating Anti Gravity -- Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 Escalating anti gravitational force, that is here to be incurred upon an initially proximal local Kahler Manifold, may often work to incur, the covariant proximal local presence, of a relatively high scalar amplitude of homotopic transfer, upon the inferred initially Kahler-Based Hamiltonian Operator. Whereas; Escalating heuristic gravitational force, that is here to be incurred upon an initially proximal local Kahler Manifold, may often work to incur, the covariant proximal local presence, of a relatively high scalar amplitude of homotopic restraint,  upon the inferred initially Kahler-Based Hamiltonian Operator. SINCERELY; I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAMUEL ROACH. 

Incursion Of Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 The incursion of homotopic transfer upon a spatially propagated Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to work to accelerate the stated Hamiltonian Operator. Whereas; The incursion of homotopic restraint upon a spatially propagated Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to work to decelerate the stated Hamiltonian Operator. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.(1989).

Compactification Of Cohomology-Related Nature

 When one is to work to derive the physical nature, of the Neumman-Related attributes, that are of a given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, via a co-differentiable co-determinable consideration, of the respective cohomology-related path, that such a stated Hamiltonian Operator had just mapped-out, over time, this general mathematical process, may often work to involve the Green Function. SAM.

Poisson/Poisson Kernal

 When a Real Riemann-Related Gaussian topological manifold, that is here to be acting as a "team" of one or more discrete energy eigenstates, is to be physically transferred, throughout the general Ward-Cauchy-Based region, of a certain proximal local sector of space and time, the eminently mappable cohomology-related integrable paths, that the core-field-density of such an inferred Hamiltonian Operator, is to have been going through, may be said to be working to express a Poisson-Based relationship. Furthermore;  Those particular mappable sectors, that are here to be latent, from within the earlier stated general Ward-Cauchy-Based region, of which the core-field-density of the earlier mentioned Hamiltonian Operator, did not work to be kinematically plotted-out through, in so as to map-out the cohomology-related integrable paths, via which it had just been transferred through, over time, may consequently be said to be working to express, the general physical nature, of a Poisson-Kernel-Based relationship. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Neutrinos -- Entropy

 When a neutrino-related frequency is to be incurred upon, by a relatively strong tense of a Rayleigh Scattering, this general genus of a physical operation, may often have the tendency, of working to help prime the Rarita Structure, in so as to spontaneously work to facilitate, the correlative gauging of the proximally local superstring-related region, in which this is here to be occurring in, in order for certain phenomenology, that is here to be latent from within the Ward-Cauchy bounds of such a stated superstring-related region, to be more potentially likely, to consequently result, in working to spontaneously express the weak force. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Neutrinos -- Perturbative Inversion Of Ricci Curvature

 When a neutrino-related frequency is to undergo a correlative perturbative inversion, in the directly associated Ricci Curvature that it is to be proximally associated with, this general inferred type of a physical operation, may often have the tendency, of working to help prime the local region of the Rarita Structure in which this is here to be happening, to be facilitated at working to spontaneously gauge the superstring-related "neighborhood" in which this is here to be occurring in, in so as to bear an enhanced potential capacity, of being able to better work to spontaneously express, at least, to some manner or degree, some eminently associated attribute or set of attributes, of the physical "drive," that I consider here to be, the general phenomenology, of the "thought force." TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Neutrinos -- Highly Re-Calibrated Chern-Simons Invariant Mode

 When neutrino-related frequency works to bear a highly re-calibrated Chern-Simons Invariant Mode, this may often work to help prime the Rarita Structure, to spontaneously become capable, of becoming eminently facilitated, at working to spontaneously ensue, at expressing a relatively strong proximal local field Eigen-base, of directly associated compositionally integrable electromotive force eigenstates. SAM.

Neutrinos -- Strong Perturbative Velocity -- Strong Point Commutative Force

 When neutrino-related frequency works to bear a relatively strong perturbative velocity, this will often work to help prime the Rarita Structure, to spontaneously facilitate the gauging, of a relatively strong eminently correlative respective point commutative force. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Mesons And Kahler-Based Quotients

 Kinematic Mesons that are proximal local to a flat Ricci Curvature, often tend to work to bear a relatively strong scalar amplitude, of the physically attributable tense, of a correlative Kahler-Based quotient. SAM ROACH .

A Certain Oscillation-Based-Mode -- Relatively Strong Fourier-Related-Progression

 The fractal of relative "thrust," that is here to be exerted, by the immediately externalized core-field-density, of the holonomic Lagrangian-Based motion, that is of the general physical operation of the E(8)XE(8) superstring-related oscillation-based-mode, as this is here to be physically considered, at the internal reference-frame of the said "mode,"as taken at the Poincare level to the particular phenomenology, that is performing the actual physical operation, of such a general tense of an oscillation-based mode, is thereupon to often tend to work to bear a relatively strong scalar amplitude, of a correlative Fourier-Related-Progression. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Spontaneous Reversal In Direction

 When an initially moving Kahler Manifold, is to both spontaneously work to bear a strong tense of homotopic restraint, as well as also working to bear the spontaneous incursion of its initially smooth tense of Ricci Flow, via a relatively strong physically applicable reversal in its general tense of physical gravity, it will consequently follow at times, that this just inferred general set of applicable conditions, will often have the potential capacity, of spontaneously inverting the direction of the motion, of the directly associated angular momentum, of the hereupon re-established tense of a topological manifold, that may therefore be physically represented, as a respectively attributable Kahler Manifold, that is here to potentially work to bear a relatively anti holomorphic motion, in the general course of its inverted Fourier-Related-Progression, as the earlier stated reversal in its general tense of physical gravity, is thereupon to alter, from working to express the general tense of a flat Ricci Curvature, that is initially of a heuristic gravitational field/anti gravitational field, -- into then working to express the general tense of a flat Ricci Curvature, that is instead, to be working to express an anti gravitational field/ heuristic gravitational field. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Complex/Riemann-Based Fourier-Related-Progression

 Let us initially consider a Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be in the process, of being physically transferred through space, over a certain proscribed duration to time.

The physical action, that is here to be of the directly associated Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, is to be eminently working to express, the likings of a Complex Fourier-Related-Progression. Whereas; The wave-tug-related action, that is here to be incurred by the directly associated Legendre Homology, in so as to work to physically transport the core-field-density, that is of the earlier inferred cohesive set of mass-bearing eigenstates, is here to be eminently working to express, the likings of a Real Riemannian-Based Fourier-Related-Progression. THANK YOU! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. 

Complex Fourier-Related-Progression

 Complex Fourier-Related-Progression, is tantamount to Fourier-Related Conformal Invariant Progression. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

The Recycling Of Force-Related Eigenstates

 Copious amounts of Heat often tends to be eminently associated with high amounts of entropy. Black Bodies, therefore, often tend to be associated with the emission of copious amounts of entropic eigenstates. Entropy has the general tendency, of being eminently associated with, to at least a certain degree or manner, the proximal local presence of force degeneration. In the general process; The emission and absorption of copious heat energy, of which often tends to be eminently associated with the emission of copious entropic eigenstates, happens to be eminently associated, with the spontaneous emission of potentially vast amounts of neutrino-related phenomenology. Highly transferred Neutrinos, may often have the general tendency, of giving "birth" to the general operation of force generation. So; This is like a general multiplicity of a recycling operation, as taken at the Ward-Cauchy level. Entropy may tend to degenerate force-related eigenstates. -- This helps at spontaneously resulting, in the formation & tangential propagation of highly transferred neutrinos. -- Highly transferred neutrinos, tend to help facilitate the induction of force generation -- giving rise to the "birth" of newly incurred force-related eigenstates. 

So; One may say, that un-frayed Noether-Based phenomenology, often tends to work to express, both a conservation of generative force-related eigenstates, and, a conservation of degenerative force-related eigenstates, as well. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint -- Kahler Conditions -- Charge Generation/Degeneration

 Homotopic transfer, is often eminently associated with holomorphic Kahler conditions, to where such a general tense of homotopic transfer, is often eminently associated, with the generation of force. Whereas; Homotopic restraint, is often eminently associated with anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, to where such a general tense of homotopic restraint, is often eminently associated, with the degeneration of force. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS1989, UM,WCC, EMU).

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Kahler Conditions -- Generative/Degenerative Force

 Holomorphic Kahler conditions, often tend to work to be eminently associated, with the general tense, of a generative force. Whereas; Anti Holomorphic Kahler conditions, often tend to work to be eminently associated, with the general tense, of a degenerative force. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint -- Group Attractors/Group Inhibitors

 Neutrinos that predominantly encode for a tense of homotopic transfer, when in lieu of the general set of one or more force-related eigenstates, that these are here to be helping to facilitate into their respective generative existence, are hereby to be acting, as "group attractors." Whereas; Neutrinos that predominantly encode for a tense of homotopic restraint, when in lieu of the general set of one or more force-related eigenstates, that these are here to be helping to facilitate into their respective degenerative existence, are hereby to be acting, as "group inhibitors." SAM.

Neutrinos -- Wave-Tug -- Gauge Bosons -- Force

 The multiplicity of the general tensor-related transversal cohomological wave-tug, that is here to be induced by neutrinos, upon the Rarita Structure, works to facilitate the multiplicity, of the general tensor-related radial wave-tug, that is here to be induced by gauge bosons, upon second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to work to facilitate a set of tangentially propagated Schwinger-Related oscillations, that are thence to be delineated, upon the general arena of the substring-related region of time and space, in so as to help to facilitate the induction, of the generation/degeneration, of the general reductional forces of physical nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989.PHS.UM).

Black Bodies -- Neutrinos

 "Black Bodies," of which, in their referred context in physics, are phenomenology, that both emit and/or absorb huge amounts of heat energy, may often tend to be, as well, the same general physical sources, of which may potentially work, to emit relatively large amounts of neutrinos, as well. SAM ROACH. 

Neutrino-Based Encodement -- Effect Upon Gauge Bosons

 As a reminder; Neutrinos work to prime the Rarita Structure, in so as to help facilitate the general process, in which the oscillation of gauge bosons are to be propagated tangentially, in order to work to facilitate the general formation of the reductional forces of physical nature. For instance; If the frequency of a neutrino, that is here to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude, of the physical attribute of homotopic transfer, as it is hereby to be kinematically propagated along the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a relatively strong externalized field density, this general covariant physical operation, will often tend to assist the correlative oscillations, of a directly associated respective set of gauge boson eigenstates, to thereupon become facilitated, at having an enhanced demonstrative probability, of spontaneously ensuing, to help at working to generate certain eminent physically latent conditions, which may potentially assist at allowing for the spontaneous formation, of a set of one or more incremental inclinations, of a viable expression, of the general reductional physical force, that may be thought of, as being, in my particular model of string theory, as the force of pressurized vacuum. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Effects Of Neutrino-Based Encodement -- Reductional Forces Of Nature

 When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a strong Fourier-Related-Progression, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the force of the E(8)XE(8) superstring-related oscillation-based-mode.

When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a strong tense of perturbative inverted gravitational force, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the thought force.

When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, s to work to bear a strong externalized field density, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the force of pressurized vacuum.

When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a strong tense of perturbative velocity, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the point commutative force.

When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a strong Kahler-Based Quotient, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the strong force.

When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a strongly re-calibrated tense of directly applicable Chern-Simons Invariants, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the electromotive force.

When the homotopic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to bear a strong resonant pulsation, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the gravitational force.


When the homotpic transfer/homotopic restraint related effect, of neutrino-based encodement upon the Rarita Structure, is to work to be influenced by a strong Civita effect, this may often tend to work to facilitate, a respectively strong generation/degeneration, of the force of spontaneous radioactive decay. 


Neutrino-Related Encodement -- Convergence/Divergence Of Correlative Forces

 When an eigenstate of neutrino-related encodement, works to behave as being tantamount, to working to express a relatively high scalar amplitude of homotopic transfer, this general physical characteristic of encodement, may often tend to help work, at priming a specified tiny discrete region of the Rarita Structure, to be facilitated at drawing a set of one or more force-related eigenstates co-tangentially, upon a correlative given arbitrary superstring-related holonomic phenomenology. (Force Convergence).Whereas; When an eigenstate of neutrino-related encodement, works to behave as being tantamount, to working to express a relatively high scalar amplitude of homotopic restraint, this general physical characteristic of encodement, may often tend to help work, at priming a specified tiny discrete region of the Rarita Structure, to be facilitated at drawing a set of one or more force-related eigenstates tangentially, away from a correlative given arbitrary superstring-related holonomic phenomenology. (Force Divergence). THANK YOU! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Frequency Eigenstates Of The Holonome Of The Double-Helicit Calabi-Yau Manifold Of Neutrino Phenomenology

 The directly pertinent frequency eigenstates, of a neutrino-related phenomenon, which are here to be eminently associated, with each of the spatial dimensions of space-time-fabric, that are traveled through by the earlier stated neutrino-like phenomenon, that are here to be of the  directly corresponding general holonome, which is here to be of the Double-Helicit Calabi-Yau Manifold, that is of a given arbitrary respective neutrino-related phenomenology, are to tend to eminently act in a gauged manner, in so as to work to bear an interdependent association, between both a transversal metric component, of which is here, to be in conjunction with a set of one or more spin-orbital metric components. The covariant general gauged resultant, which is of the topological sway, that is here to be most associated, with the wave-tug-based interaction, that is here to be effectively occurring, as such an inferred particle-like neutrino, is in the process of being kinematically transferred thru space and time, via the workings of a directly associated Legendre homology, of which is here to be most eminently associated with the recursive spatially translated kinematic motion, of such inferred frequency-based eigenstates -- as these frequency-based eigenstates, are to be flowing as a cohesive net unit over time, as this is here to be undertaken, when in lieu of their correlative association, with their immediately externalized physical environment, will often tend to consequentially work to form, the tense of a superstring-like pattern, -- to where the multiplicity of such an inferred encoded pattern, will often have the general tendency, of working to assist at helping to facilitate the general priming of the Rarita Structure, in so as to work at assisting the facilitation, of thence helping the multiplicity of those eigenstates, that are of the correlative oscillation of operational gauge-boson eigenstates, to thence be able to help at facilitating the formation, of the reductional forces of physical nature. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.  

Distributional Delineation -- In Relation To A Neutrino

 The covariant co-determinable co-differentiable geometrical distributional delineation, of the directly associated frequency-related flow, that is here to be of the holonomic substrate of the "Double-Helicit Calabi-Yau Manifold," that is of a neutrino-related phenomenology, over the respective course of its directly corresponding Fourier-Related-Progression, when this is in lieu, with its kinematically covariant interdependent geometric association, with the Ward-Cauchy physical environment, that such a neutrino is to be in the process of being spatially transferred through, over a proscribed duration of time, as this is here to be taking into consideration, an eminently associated combination of metric-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be tantamount, to relationships of topological sway, in terms of homotopic transfer and homotopic restraint, -- is a situation that is here to be one general key factor, that I perceive of as being directly related, to at least part, of as to how the motion of neutrinos along the substringular, is potentially effective, as working to help facilitate the priming of the Rarita Structure, in so as to work to assist the ability of the vibrational oscillations, of the multiplicity of gauge-bosons, to thereby have the resultant tendency, of being capable of  helping to allow, for the consequentially potentially determinable emanation, of the physically kinematic expression, of the reductional forces of physical nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Double Helicity Of Calabi-Yau Manifold -- Homotopic Transfer/Homotopic Restraint

 The higher the frequency of the flow of the holonomic structure, that is here to be directly associated with the respective double helicity of a Calabi-Yau Manifold, -- that is here to be directly corresponding, to the correlative Nijenhuis metric tense, of the parametric "spatial dimensionality" of a neutrino, (as it is to appear as "dimensionless," as taken in the correlative Riemann metric tense), of the Gaussian field of such an inferred particle-like neutrino, -- the higher its homotopic transfer And the lower its homotopic restraint, will consequently tend to be.  It follows, that; The lower the frequency of the flow of the holonomic structure, that is here to be directly associated with the respective double helicity of a Calabi-Yau Manifold, -- that is here to be directly corresponding, to the correlative Nijenhuis metric tense, of the parametric "spatial dimensionality" of a neutrino, (as it is to appear as "dimensionless," as taken in the correlative Riemann metric tense), of the Gaussian field of such an inferred particle-like neutrino, -- the lower its homotopic transfer and the higher its homotopic restraint, will consequently tend to be. SAM. SORRY FOR THE FOIBLE YESTERDAY! THIS OUGHT TO MAKE SENSE NOW! 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Superstring-Related Encodement

Is it possible; That just as DNA works to help transfer biological encodement, indirectly, via mRNA working to help organize proteins into physical biological traits, -- that neutrinos help to indirectly facilitate the transfer of superstring-related encodement, by working to "prime" the Rarita Structure, in so as to help facilitate the multiplicity of that general interaction, in which gauge-bosons are here to be bear a tense of interaction with superstring-related phenomenology, in so as to help facilitate the consequentially formed proximal local presence, of the reductional forces of physical nature? SINCERELY, SAM.

Spatial Dimensionality Of Neutrinos

In league with my particular model of string theory; Neutrinos tend to work to bear both a Riemann metric component, And, a Nijenhuis metric component. Although the Riemann metric component of a neutrino, tends to work to bear a lack of spatial dimensionality; The Nijenhuis metric component of a neutrino, tends to work to bear 12 spatial dimensions. This is facilitated, in part, on account of a phenomenology, that I call, the proximal local presence, of, "The Double-Helicit Calabi-Yau Manifold." For Instance; Do you recall how, at a reverse-fractal tense, DNA exists, as a double-helicit holonomy of topological manifold? Now; Take this down to the superstring-related level. Imagine a tense of a double-helix, yet, in this particular case, think of this in terms of the windings of superstring-related phenomenology. Even though such a supposed holonomic structure, were here, in a way, to have the workings, of a 12 spatial dimensional framework, the expressed nature of such a "double-helix" of a Calabi-Yau space, would work to form a tense of a Mobius-Related inter-relationship, as taken at the Poincare level, to the internal reference-frame of the relative Riemann vantage-point, when in relation, to the Poincare level of the internal reference-frame of the relative Nijenhuis vantage-point. Such an inferred tense, of a "Mobius-Related inter-relationship," would therefore have the tendency, of making the holonomic presence of the metric-gauge-related source, that is here to be of the angular momentum of such a neutrino, appear, via detection, to be "dimensionless," in spite of the physical condition, that at the perspective, that is Poincare to the internal reference-frame of the Nijehuis exhibition of such a neutrino, in a way, is here, instead, to be of a 12 spatial dimensional holonomic framework.THANK YOU! TO BE CONTINUED!SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Kahler Manifolds -- Free-Flowing Charge Emitted

 Charge emitted, from a spinning mass-bearing Kahler Manifold, tends to be more free-flowing, than charge emitted, from an an otherwise analogous spinning mass-bearing topological manifold, that is Not Kahler. THANK YOU! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989PHS).

Friday, February 3, 2023

Yau-Exact Manifolds That Are Kahler

 Holonomic Yau-Exact topological manifolds, that work to bear no morphological spurs, have the general tendency, of working to exhibit the Kahler-Metric. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Conservation Of Higgs Field Density Eigenstates

 The mass-related density of the multiplicity of Higgs Boson eigenstates, is abnormally large. This works to help make the correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode that these work to express, abnormally great. In so long as such Higgs Boson eigenstates are not abruptly brought into perturbation, the directly associated attributable conservation of Higgs Field density eigenstates, works to prevent the facilitation of the formation of unwanted black holes. SAM. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Static Charge — “Simple Stuff”

 Static charge often tends to be, a relatively mild electrodynamic release, that is to occur, when a relatively small abrasive force is to be incurred, upon the Van Der Waals field, of a viably cohesive set of molecules. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

More As To The Kahler-Metric And Dielectrics

 A mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, that, Ironically Enough, has a strong Kahler-Metric, yet has an abnormally strong dielectric capacity, is one, of which is here to tend to work to express, a relatively eminent Lack of Externalized Diffeomorphism, as taken at the molecular level.  TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).(PHS).

The Kahler-Metric -- Dielectrics

 Normally; When you think of a substance with a relatively strong Kahler-Metric, you Don't tend to think of a phenomenology with a strong dielectric  capacity-- you would Rather tend to consider thinking of a material, with a Strong Conductive Capacity. Yet; If one were to have a non-conductive material, that, Ironically Enough, had a very strong Kahler-Metric, such a material, would tend to have an abnormally strong dielectric capacity. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! THANK YOU! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.