Thursday, December 15, 2022

Rudiments Of Thought-Related Force / Gravity-Related Force

 The multiplicity of the reductional vectorial coupling, that is here to exist, between the "rudiment" of thought-related force, and the "rudiment" of gravitational-related force, often has the general tendency, of working to form a tense, of a unitized Bianchi-Related propagational tensor. Whereas; The multiplicity of the reductional coupling, that is here to exist, between the eminent effect of thought-related force, And, the eminent effect of gravitational-related force, often has the effect of tending to facilitate, the propagation of time. It therefore follows, that the "rudiment" of thought-related force, happens to be the Inverse, of the "rudiment" of gravitational-related force. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

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