Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Ricci Flow, And The "Betti Action"

 The correlative Ricci Flow, that is here to be eminently associated with the "Betti Action," during the course of BRST Quantization, tends to be represented, as a negative Real Riemannian Number. This just mentioned tendency, works to bear the direct involvement, with the workings of a positive Betti Number. Whereas; The correlative Ricci Flow, that is here to be eminently associated with the "Betti Action," during the course of the Regge Action, tends to be represented, as a positive Imaginary Number. This just mentioned tendency, works to bear the direct involvement, with a negative Betti Number. The Betti Number, will always tend to be represented, as a Real Riemannian integer value. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

As an aside: 

I worked to derive an equation, of which is here to relate, the Betti number of a given arbitrary specific case scenario, during a singularized iteration of BRST, and, the directly corroborative discrete energy of the Betti Action, of which is here to be directly associated, with the concurrent set of physical attributes, that are here to be eminently applicable, when the Betti number is as such. This particular equation, is:


= i*e^((The Betti number)/(2*PI))/(e^(-(1/(The Betti number))).

If I properly recall mentioning the following in the past, a superstring may only be capable of compactifying/de-compactifying, by at the most 16 spatial dimensions all at once. So; By my particular model of string theory, the absolute Riemann value of the Betti number, may only be attributable, to a discrete scalar magnitude of "16." This would thereby work to signify, from what I can perceive, that when a particular "indistinguishably different" superstring is to alter, in its exhibited number of discrete spatial dimensions, by 16 of these inferred parameters all at once, that the Nijenhuis energy that is consequently emitted by the Betti Action from this, is About, 13i(Planck Transversal Energy) + (211PI*i)/(360) (Planck Radial Energy). To me; This mathematics alone, insinuates, that about 93 percent of our universe, is a combination, of what is purported to be, both dark matter and dark energy.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!

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