Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Heuristic Calabi-Yau Manifold -- Hermitian Lagrangian-Based Flow -- Green Function

 The recursively inverted topological stretching and contracting, that is kinematically performed by a heuristic Noether-Based Calabi-Yau mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will often tend to be mathematically directly associated, with a hermitian eigenbase of a respective radial Lagrangian-Based flow, as its key cohomology-related vibrational eigenstates, are to generally tend to be in the process here, of working to bear both a hermitian flow of its component eigenstates of spin-orbital-related motion, as well as to be working here, to bear a hermitian flow of its component eigenstates of angular momentum-related motion, as such a said superstring is to also be working here, over the same general course of a durational operation, to bear a hermitian tense of a transversal Lagrangian-based flow, as such an eluded to continuously vibrating superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be tugged in a relatively tangentially smooth manner, as this is here to tend to work to bear no incursion of an overt tense of Chern-Simons-Related Lagrangian-Based spuriousness, as would otherwise be imparted upon its given arbitrary recursively delineated covariant framework of topological manifold, to where, the general tendency of such an inferred hermitian spatial translation, that is of the said superstring that is primarily being discussed here, (at the beginning of this discussion), may then be said to be in the general process, of consequentially working to bear the reductional manifestation, of those eluded-to physical conditions, that are here to tend to be directly associated, with what may be thought of, as being, "The Green Function."  TO BE CONTINUED, SOON! SAM ROACH. 

Well here's a story for you: Way back; In The 8th grade, when I was in Mrs. Beachum's study hour class -- one of my peers at the time, inferred how cool it would be, if someone could teach math and science, with as much evoking excitement, as Mr. Wilson brought to his history lessons. Well; To an extent, I feel that this is what I am doing here! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY:

Yes, people from Pinckney Michigan; This is Samuel Roach's blog, -- believe it or not!!! (PHS 1989).

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