When there is to be a perturbation (alteration), in the flow of the consonant resonant vibration, of a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, this will quite often tend to result, in the spontaneously displayed exhibition, of a sporadic tense of pulsation, as this is here to consequently tend to be incurred, upon the earlier stated respective given arbitrary set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be taken into consideration, in this particular case scenario. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Alteration In Consonant Resonant Vibration -- Resultant Sporadic Tense Of Pulsation

Vowel Sounds Utilized To Help Form A Consonant Vibration -- Anti Gravity
When vowel sounds are to be utilized, in the general process of working to form a given arbitrary tense of anti gravity, this may often have the general tendency, of working to form a consonant resonant vibration, upon that respective given arbitrary cohesive set of Hamiltonian Operation-Related phenomenology, of which such an inferred tense of anti gravitational force, is herein to be physically incurred upon. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

The Del Of The Gauged-Action Of The Hamiltonian -- Resistivity
When in terms of an individually taken Noether-Based quantum of discrete energy:
The greater that the del of the gauged-action of the Hamiltonian Operator is to be, (when such a stated "Hamiltonian Operator," is here to be the herein inferred individually taken discrete quantum of energy), the greater that the general tendency will therefore consequently result in, to where such a given arbitrary genus of a case scenario, will thereby tend to follow, in consequentially ending-up being directly associated with a superstring-related situation, in which there is to spontaneously tend to be the incursion of a stronger resistivity to result in being applied, upon the topological manifold of the field, of such an inferred individually taken stratum, of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Spurious Ricci Flow -- Change In Ricci Curvature -- Back To Basics
When the Ricci Flow is sporadic, the Ricci Curvature alters (goes into perturbation). SAM ROACH.

Compactified Symplectic Superstring Of Discrete Energy Permittivity
When a given arbitrary Noether-Based symplectic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to work to bear a spatial compactification, it will consequently have the general tendency, of spontaneously resulting in working to bear, a relatively greater local density, of a covariant core-field-density. Furthermore; When a given arbitrary Noether-Based symplectic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to work to bear a spatial de-compactification (a.k.a. -- the inverse of a spatial compactification), it will consequently have the general tendency, of spontaneously resulting in working to bear, a relatively lower local density, of a covariant core-field-density. UNTIL NEXT TIME! (1989). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER!

Monday, March 28, 2022
Noether-Based Cohomology -- Isotropic Stability
A Noether-Based De Rham cohomology tends to have a greater chance of working to exhibit the display of a tense of isotropic stability, than a Noether-Based Dolbeault cohomology does. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Asymptotic Approach Towards Region Of Outer Topological Edge Of Robin Boundary
When the kinematic projection of a respective Fourier Transformation, that is of a hermitian cohomology-related topological manifold, of which is here to be working to exhibit the display, of bearing a Clifford-Like Expansion, that is here to be gauged in its direction in a hyperbolic manner, as being delineated in an escalating covariant manner, towards the set general region of an externalized steady-stated edge, that is here to behave, as exhibiting the general mannerisms of a Robin-like boundary condition, the resultant of such a general genus of activity, will thereby often have the general tendency, of working to allow for the inferred approach, that is here to be occurring towards the said general steady-state region, that is of the topological manifold of such an inferred externalized edge, to result in tending to be kinematically projected in an asymptotic manner, that is here to tend to work to bear a relative tense, of a proximal local inverted concavity. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Sunday, March 27, 2022
As To The Ricci Curvature
A flat Ricci Curvature, tends to involve a case scenario, in which there is to be evenly just as much cohomology to be generated, as there is here to be degenerated. Whereas; An "attenuated" Ricci Curvature, tends to involve a case scenario, in which there is less cohomology to be generated, as there is here to be degenerated. And furthermore, to where; An "augmented" Ricci Curvature, tends to involve a case scenario, in which there is more cohomology to be generated, as there is here to be degenerated. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Saturday, March 26, 2022
Perturbative Gravitational Field -- Heterogeneous Viscosity Of Pressurized Vacuum
A perturbative gravitational field, may often be associated with a heterogeneous viscosity of pressurized vacuum. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Friday, March 25, 2022
Kinematic Flow -- Gauged-Action -- Discrete Permittivity/Discrete Impedance -- Fractal Modulus/Elastic Modulus
The kinematic flow of the gauged-action of a quantum of discrete energy permittivity, often tends to work to be eminently associated, with the fractal modulus of a the inferred discrete increment of energy. Whereas; The kinematic flow of the gauged-action of a quantum of discrete energy impedance, often tends to work to be eminently associated, with the elastic modulus of the inferred discrete increment of energy. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Smooth Ricci Flow — Abelian Gauged-Action
When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a recursively smooth Ricci Flow, it will consequentially follow, that such an inferred “team” of mass-bearing discrete energy, will often have the general tendency, of working to bear a net gauged-action, that is here to be of an abelian nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Abelian/Non Abelian Gauged-Action
A superstring-related wave-tug, that is here to directly work to involve an abelian gauged-action, will often tend to be more effectual upon its proximal local cite of incursion, than an otherwise analogous superstring-related wave-tug, that is here, instead, to directly work to involve a non abelian gauged-action.I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH,
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Constant Kinematic Projection Of Angular Momentum — Transversal Tense — Gauge-Invariance
When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to maintain a constant kinematic projection of its directly associated angular momentum, it will therefore often have the general tendency, of exhibiting the display, of a transversal tense of gauge-invariance. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Isotropic Stability — Anti Gravity — Relatively Deep Resonant Vibration
Individually taken Isotropically stable Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, particularly when these are to be incurred upon by the general proximal local physical effects of anti gravity, often have the tendency, of working to bear a relatively deep resonant vibration. SAMUEL.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Binary Lagrangian -- Inertial-Based wave-tug
A given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that works to exhibit the mappable-tracing, of a binary Lagrangian-Based path, may often tend to work to bear a stronger inertial-based wave-tug, than an otherwise analogous respective Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that instead, works to exhibit the mappable-tracing, of a unitary Lagrangian-Based path. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTIUED! SAM ROACH.
High Scalar Amplitude Of Kahler-Based Quotient -- Deep Resonant Vibration
It is often the case, to where -- The greater the scalar amplitude of the Kahler-Based quotient, the deeper that the directly associated resonant vibration will therefore consequently tend to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinors -- Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow
Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinors, have the inclination to vibrate in such a manner, to where these tend to work to exhibit the display, of a recursively smooth Ricci Flow. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Gauge-Invariant Noether-Based Energy -- Kahler-Based Quotients -- Isotropic Stability
A Gauge-Invariant Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of a Kahler-Based quotient, may often have a relatively heightened tendency, of working to bear a relatively increased capacity, of being able to exhibit the display, of an enhanced tense of isotropic stability. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Relatively Strong Kahler-Based Quotient -- Relatively Strong Abelian Wave-Tug
The greater the scalar amplitude of a Kahler-Based quotient, that a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to exhibit, the stronger of an abelian wave-tug, that such a said Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby often tend to display. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! (PHS1989). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Scalar Amplitude Of Kahler-Based Quotient -- Relative Tense Of Inertia
In general, for a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta: The stronger that the scalar amplitude of the Kahler-Based quotient is here to be, the greater that the relative tense of inertia that will tend to be exhibited, by the inferred "team" of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta. SINCERELY, SAM.

Homogeneous Incursion Of Pressurized Vacuum
The more homogeneous that the field of pressurized vacuum is to be, that is here to be incurred upon the topological manifold of a set of discrete energy quanta, the more likely that such an eluded-to "team" of energy quanta, is thence to tend to be of a gauge-invariant nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Perturbation Of Gauged-Action
When a Noether-Based superstring-related gauged-action is to be perturbative, it will thereby often tend to spontaneously work to bear a Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, at the locus at which the said gauged-action is to become perturbative.UNTIL NEXT TIME; HAVE A GREAT DAY! SAMUEL.

Monday, March 21, 2022
Topology Of Discrete Energy — Abelian Tense — Yukawa-Based Leverage
Discrete energy quanta, that are here to be of an abelian light-cone-gauge topology, often tend to work to bear a stronger scalar amplitude of a Yukawa-Based leverage, as incurred upon their immediate Ward-Cauchy-Related surroundings, than discrete energy quanta, that are instead, to work to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Sunday, March 20, 2022
Abelian/Non Abelian Vector Bundle -- Symplectic Tense Of Cohomology
Cohomology that is directly corresponding with the general workings of an abelian vector bundle, is often to tend to be more associated, with the general topological framework, of a symplectic geometry, than cohomology, that is instead, to be directly corresponding with the general workings of a non abelian vector bundle. Also; Cohomology that is eminently of a symplectic geometry, of which is often to be appertaining to the workings of an abelian topological framework, often has the general tendency, of working to bear a tense of a homomorphic field -- to where such an inferred tense of an abelian topological superstring-related manifold, is thereby to often tend to work to bear an isotropically stable nature. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Saturday, March 19, 2022
Holomorphic/Anti-Holomorphic Odd Parity Of Vibrational Oscillation -- Spontaneous Ensuing Tachyonic Flow
When the Betti Number, of which is here to be eminently associated, with a relationship, involving the vibrational symmetry of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to remain odd -- during both BRST Quantization and its immediately ensuing Regge Action -- then, this general tense of an inferred associated gauged symmetry, will thereby tend to work to be indicative, of the reductional physical condition, to where the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, of which I have been discussing here in this case, is thereby, over the same implied durational course of a Fourier Transformation, to consequently tend to work to bear a respective Holomorphic/Anti-Holomorphic odd parity of vibrational-related oscillation, to where this general tense of a gauge-like action, will thereby have the general tendency, of working to help in causing such a herein mentioned superstring of discrete energy permittivity, to proceed, in so as to consequentially work to bear, a spontaneously ensuing tense, of a tachyonic flow. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow — Tense Of Impedance/Inverse-Impedance
Discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to be exhibiting a Noether-Based Flow, when such discrete energy quanta, are here to work to be incurred upon, by a recursively smooth Ricci Flow, — When under the proximal local physical conditions, of a heuristic gravitational environment, — will hereby often have the general tendency, of being physically influenced, over time, by a relatively smooth tense, of a heuristic energy-related impedance. However; Discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to be exhibiting a Noether-Based Flow, when such discrete energy quanta, are here to be work to be incurred upon, by a recursively smooth Ricci Flow, — When under the proximal local physical conditions, of an anti gravitational environment, — will hereby often have the general tendency, of being physically influenced, over time, by a relatively smooth tense, of an inverted energy-related impedance. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Cohomology Of Electrodynamic-Related Phenomenology
An electrodynamic current, is often to tend to be directly associated, with an Etale cohomology -- since an electrodynamic current, tends to exhibit a braided cohomology. Whereas; The physical application, of a relatively high concentration of entropic eigenstates, as this is here to be incurred, upon an electrodynamic current, is often to tend to be directly associated, with a p-Adic cohomology -- since the physical application, of a relatively high concentration of entropic eigenstates, as incurred upon an electrodynamic current, will often tend to work to unsheathe, the proximal local presence of a braided cohomology. Sincerely, SAM.

Thursday, March 17, 2022
Spurious Net Gauged-Action
When the Del of the Net gauged-action, of a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to behave in a spurious manner, it’s directly corresponding Composite light-cone-gauge eigenstates, will consequently tend to result, over time, in working to bear the general physical condition, of exhibiting the tense, of a kinematically driven display of perturbation. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (PHS.1989.)
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Smooth Ricci Flow -- Yau-Exact Condition
When the Ricci Flow is to work to bear a hermitian-related nature, then the correlative Ricci Flow is said to tend to be smooth. When the Ricci Flow is smooth, then the correlative Ricci Curvature tends to be flat. When the Ricci Curvature is flat, then the correlative mass that is involved here, tends to be of a heuristic Yau-Exact nature. This tends to be the case, when the proximal local gravitational force, that is here to be of such a given arbitrary case scenario, is here to Not be perturbative. Furthermore; When the Ricci Flow is to work to bear a spurious-related nature, then the correlative Ricci Flow is said to tend to not be smooth. When the Ricci Flow is not smooth, then the correlative Ricci Curvature tends to not be flat. When the Ricci Curvature is not flat, then the correlative mass that is involved here, tends to Not be of a heuristic Yau-Exact nature. This tends to be the case, when the proximal local gravitational force, of such a given arbitrary case scenario, is here to be perturbative. SAM.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Accumulated Anharmonic Dispersed Homotopic Residue
When anharmonic dispersed eigenstates of homotopic residue, are here to accumulate locally, this may often tend to have the general capacity, of unsheathing braided harmonic dispersed eigenstates of homotopic residue. When braided harmonic dispersed eigenstates of homotopic residue, are to be unsheathed, this will often tend to work to de-generate those charge-based eigenstates, that are here to be proximal local, to the respective given arbitrary inferred region. Therefore; When anharmonic dispersed eigenstates of homotopic residue, are to accumulate locally, this may often tend to have the general capacity, of being able to de-generate those charge-based eigenstates, that are here to be proximal local, to the respective given arbitrary inferred region. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).
Harmonically Dispersed Homotopic Residue -- Charge Generation/De-Generation
When harmonically dispersed homotopic residue is to be locally braided, this will often tend to consequently be directly associated, with the generation of charge. It therefore follows, that; When harmonically dispersed homotopic residue is to be locally unbraided, this will often tend to consequently be directly associated, with the de-generation of charge. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Homotopic Dispersion -- Wess-Zumino/Cevita Actions
When a Wess-Zumino Action is to be physically incurred, upon a tense of dispersive homotopic residue, this may often consequentially tend to work to result, in the formation of magnetism, which may often tend to reverse-fractal, into the formation of electrodynamic charge. Furthermore; When a Cevita Action is to be physically incurred, upon a tense of dispersive homotopic residue, this may often consequentially tend to work to result, in the formation of a local tense of physical disorder, which may often tend to reverse-fractal, into the formation of entropy. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.
Homotopic Dispersion -- Riemann/Rayleigh Scattering
When a given arbitrary tense of homotopic dispersion is to happen, via a Riemann Scattering, this will often have the general tendency, of working to form magnetism, of which will tend to reverse-fractal into electrodynamic charge. Whereas; When a given arbitrary tense of homotopic dispersion is to happen, via a Rayleigh Scattering, this will often have the general tendency, of working to form a local tense of holonomic disorder, of which will tend to reverse-fractal into entropy. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL.

Monday, March 14, 2022
Efficient Conservation Of Homotopic Residue
For superstring-related phenomenology, that is of a Noether-Based flow: When the gravitational force is non perturbative, the Ricci Curvature is flat. When the Ricci Curvature is flat, the correlative mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to be heuristically Yau-Exact. When the correlative mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are heuristically Yau-Exact, the correlative homotopic residue, tends to be more efficiently conserved. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Anharmonic Transferred Homotopic Residue
When a relatively cohesive set of harmonically dispersed homotopic residue, is to be anharmonic in its relative spatial transfer, when such an anharmonic transfer is here to be considered, at the vantage-point of an externalized reference-frame, it will then consequently tend to follow, that this may often tend to work to help in causing the exhibition, of the kinematic display of a tense of Tesla Energy. SAM ROACH.

Sunday, March 13, 2022
Anharmonic Homotopic Dispersion -- Spurious Tense Of Entropy
The greater that the "thrust" of the anharmonic dispersion of homotopic residue is to be, at a given arbitrary covariant proximal local region, the more spurious that the consequentially formed respective entropy will therefore tend to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Dispersed Homotopic Residue — Correlative Scalar Amplitude Of Magnetism
The stronger that the dispersive “thrust” is to be, of a consequentially scattered set of harmonic eigenstates of homotopic residue, the greater that the directly associated resultant generative force of magnetism will therefore tend to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Friday, March 11, 2022
Tense Of Cohomology-Related Expansion
An interwoven euclidean expansion of cohomology, that is being generated, tends to be of a braided nature, whereas; A tangentially delineated Clifford Expansion of cohomology, that is being generated, doesn't tend to be of a sheaved nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Heuristic Calabi-Yau Manifold -- Hermitian Lagrangian-Based Flow -- Green Function
The recursively inverted topological stretching and contracting, that is kinematically performed by a heuristic Noether-Based Calabi-Yau mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will often tend to be mathematically directly associated, with a hermitian eigenbase of a respective radial Lagrangian-Based flow, as its key cohomology-related vibrational eigenstates, are to generally tend to be in the process here, of working to bear both a hermitian flow of its component eigenstates of spin-orbital-related motion, as well as to be working here, to bear a hermitian flow of its component eigenstates of angular momentum-related motion, as such a said superstring is to also be working here, over the same general course of a durational operation, to bear a hermitian tense of a transversal Lagrangian-based flow, as such an eluded to continuously vibrating superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be tugged in a relatively tangentially smooth manner, as this is here to tend to work to bear no incursion of an overt tense of Chern-Simons-Related Lagrangian-Based spuriousness, as would otherwise be imparted upon its given arbitrary recursively delineated covariant framework of topological manifold, to where, the general tendency of such an inferred hermitian spatial translation, that is of the said superstring that is primarily being discussed here, (at the beginning of this discussion), may then be said to be in the general process, of consequentially working to bear the reductional manifestation, of those eluded-to physical conditions, that are here to tend to be directly associated, with what may be thought of, as being, "The Green Function." TO BE CONTINUED, SOON! SAM ROACH.
Well here's a story for you: Way back; In The 8th grade, when I was in Mrs. Beachum's study hour class -- one of my peers at the time, inferred how cool it would be, if someone could teach math and science, with as much evoking excitement, as Mr. Wilson brought to his history lessons. Well; To an extent, I feel that this is what I am doing here! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY:
Yes, people from Pinckney Michigan; This is Samuel Roach's blog, -- believe it or not!!! (PHS 1989).

Harmonic Transfer Of Scattered Homotopic Residue -- Tense Of Expansion -- Abelian/Non Abelian Light-Cone-Gauge. Topology
Harmonic scattered homotopic residue, that is here to be tangentially transferred, via a Clifford Expansion, often tends to be eminently associated, with the likings of an abelian light-cone-gauge topology. Harmonic scattered homotopic residue, that is here to be tangentially transferred, via a Euclidean Expansion, often tends to be eminently associated, with the likings of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology. When the harmonic scattering of homotopic residue, is to be tangentially transferred via a Clifford Expansion, this general process, often tends to make any directly applicable case of such an eluded to phenomenology, to work to bear the general multiplicity, of consequently tending to act, as the superstring related metaphorical, "eye of the storm." This just eluded-to correlative Ward-Cauchy-Related condition, often tends to work to have the general effect, of working to allow for such a respective directly applicable case, of a non-entropic Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to consequentially have the general characteristic, of woking to bear a steady-state condition, when taken at the vantage-point of the Poincare level, to the internal reference-frame, that is here to be considered, at the region of the correlative respective field-density, that is here to be immediately external to the topological surface of the core-field-density, of such an earlier stated general tense, of a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. This, in turn, tends to form the "Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode," of which is here to have the general tendency, of working to case the general condition, in which reductional Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, are here to tend to be super conformal invariant, at an internal reference-frame. This inferred general condition, will have a certain tendency, of allowing for group attractors of viable open strings of discrete energy, to be brought to the adjutant topological surface of the inferred asymptotic "semi-permeable" region, at which the earlier stated physically demonstrable Clifford Expansion, that is of the respective harmonic scattered homotopic residue, of which is here to be inversely dispersed, to thereby exert the likings, of what I term of, as being a tense of a Conformal Repulsion, upon the inferred Legendre (co)homology, that is here to be drawn co-tangentially, upon the externalized core-field-density, of the correlative "team" of mass-bearing energy, that I have just eluded-to here. The metaphorical "reflex" of such an interaction, tends to cause the said Legendre (co)homology, to work at transferring the said mass-bearing "team" of energy quanta, into its ensuing Noether-Based delineations, to where, this happens to be my take of a current perspective I have, as to a key factor, by which mass is the way that it is, as considered here, at a relatively reductional level. SAM ROACH.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Spurious Chern-Simons Singularities -- Anharmonic Generated Magnetism
Anharmonic scattered homotopic residue, when this is here to be produced, in a relatively high scalar amplitude of metric-gauge-related output, will often tend to work to cause the consequentially resultant incursion, of spurious Chern-Simons Singularities, upon the covariant holonomic substrate, of the proximally adjacent harmonic scattered homotopic residue, to where this will often tend to be associated, with a proximal local physical environment, in which there is thereby here, to be a relatively strong probability, of there being a correlative proximal tense, of the physical presence, of at least some sort of anharmonic generated magnetism. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH.
What Magnetism Is
Homotopic Residue tends to be the holonomic metric-gauge-related phenomenology, of the output of perturbative Chern-Simons Invariants. The general effect of harmonically scattered homotopic residue upon cohomology, tends to work to form magnetism. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, March 6, 2022
Light-Cone-Gauge Entropic Eminence (LEE)
When a given arbitrary set of kinematic metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be vibrating in an anharmonic manner, are here to work to bear a spontaneously Gliosis-Based coupling, with a respective ulterior given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that was here to initially be vibrating harmonically -- until the earlier inferred anharmonic metric-gauge-related eigenstates were to bear an eminent interaction with the stated light-cone-gauge eigenstate, -- to where this general physical operation, that is here to be incurred upon such an inferred impedance-related eigenstate, will tend to result, in producing the manifestation of a set of one or more Chern-Simons-Related spurs, in its metric-related motion, as this is here to be taken, over a respective correlative Fourier Transformation, as this whole general type of a case scenario, will thereby tend to work to bear the consequentially resultant effect, of the generic reductional physical condition, of what I term of as being, "Light-Cone-Gauge Entropic Eminence." (LEE). (ACRONYM). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
The Eminent Cause Of Physical Force
The multiplicity of those physical spatial translations, that are here to be due, to the effects of those propagated vibrational oscillations, that are here to tend to be formed, over time, by the multiplicity of those consequentially resultant interactive spatial transferences of holonomic spatial disturbances, that are put into a physical manifestation, by the general kinematic operation, by which the respective multiplicity of the panoply of gauge-bosons, that are here to behave in such a manner, in so as to work to form the general tense of a"plucking" action, upon their correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to tend to work to form the vast kinematic panoply, of the tangentially directed vibrational spatial disturbances, that are thence to work to interact with their initially externalized physical surroundings, as such vibrational "teams" of mini-string-related segmentation, are to be tugged into their corresponding interdependent couplings with other Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenology, as taken along the general course of the Rarita Structure, is the "crux" of what I perceive of as being, the reductional source of the main cause, as to what tends to be the "main thing," that works to most eminently help in the substringular, at causing the manifestation of the physical forces of nature. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Del Of The Net Gauged-Action — Anti-Commutative Force
The del of the net gauged-action, that is here to be of a given arbitrary initially considered Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, acts as the general anti-commutative “force-like” phenomenology, that is here to tend to form a heuristic flow of a net hermitian spatial delineation, that is of a net co-determinable homotopic wave-tug, to where this will consequently tend to result, in helping to restrain the net entity, of the directly associated integrable composite quaternion-related Lagrangian-Hamiltonian-Related energy, that is here to be eminently considered in this particular case scenario, in so as to help in the general process, of working to establish those needed reductional Noether-Based symmetries, that are to be formed at the Poincare level, as taken from the immediately external vantage-point of the kinematic spatial translation, of the directly associated mobile transference of holononmic spatial disturbance, to where the correlative effect of this general physical application of the Grassman Constant, as incurred upon the directly related differential activity of the proximal local superstring-related kind of a case scenario here, will thereby tend to work to assist, in lieu of such a general type of an example, to help in the facilitation, of working to allow for a heightened probability, in which such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby tend to have a stronger chance, of remaining in the general stated physical condition, of a Noether-Based flow. Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Friday, March 4, 2022
The Grassman Constant, And Tense Of Superstring-Related Flow
When a given arbitrary group of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to initially work to form a respective given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to ensue, in so as to behave in a particular manner, to where the symmetry that is here to be directly associated, with the heuristic flow of the respective multiplicity of their interdependently taken gauged-actions, is to "digress" from that innate kinematic behavior, that may be thought of as being eminently associated, with the anti-commutative numerical bearings, that the physical representation of the Grassman Constant eludes to being intrinsically associated with, then, this general type of a perturbative behavior, will thereupon work to bear the general tendency, of working to make such a "team" of mass-bearing superstrings, to spontaneously lack the general tense, of working to exhibit the display of a Noether-Based flow, to where, such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to subsequently result here, into then working to exhibit the display, of a tachyonic nature. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Thursday, March 3, 2022
Interdependent Gauged-Action Of “Team“ Of Mass-Bearing Superstrings
The more harmonically interdependent that the gauged-action of an isotropically stable group of superstrings is, to where such a general type of a group of such mentioned superstrings, is here to work to be comprised of, by a given arbitrary respective Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that it will therefore logically follow, that such a general respective tense of a case scenario, will thereby have a heightened probability, of working to bear the general tendency, in which the earlier inferred “team” of mass-bearing energy, will consequently have the tendency of resulting, in exhibiting the display of a more hermitian tense of isotropic stability, than if the earlier stated interdependent gauged-action of such a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, were instead, to be displayed in a less harmonically applicable tense of an exhibited nature. SAMUEL.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
The Ricci Flow, And The "Betti Action"
The correlative Ricci Flow, that is here to be eminently associated with the "Betti Action," during the course of BRST Quantization, tends to be represented, as a negative Real Riemannian Number. This just mentioned tendency, works to bear the direct involvement, with the workings of a positive Betti Number. Whereas; The correlative Ricci Flow, that is here to be eminently associated with the "Betti Action," during the course of the Regge Action, tends to be represented, as a positive Imaginary Number. This just mentioned tendency, works to bear the direct involvement, with a negative Betti Number. The Betti Number, will always tend to be represented, as a Real Riemannian integer value. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
As an aside:
I worked to derive an equation, of which is here to relate, the Betti number of a given arbitrary specific case scenario, during a singularized iteration of BRST, and, the directly corroborative discrete energy of the Betti Action, of which is here to be directly associated, with the concurrent set of physical attributes, that are here to be eminently applicable, when the Betti number is as such. This particular equation, is:
= i*e^((The Betti number)/(2*PI))/(e^(-(1/(The Betti number))).
If I properly recall mentioning the following in the past, a superstring may only be capable of compactifying/de-compactifying, by at the most 16 spatial dimensions all at once. So; By my particular model of string theory, the absolute Riemann value of the Betti number, may only be attributable, to a discrete scalar magnitude of "16." This would thereby work to signify, from what I can perceive, that when a particular "indistinguishably different" superstring is to alter, in its exhibited number of discrete spatial dimensions, by 16 of these inferred parameters all at once, that the Nijenhuis energy that is consequently emitted by the Betti Action from this, is About, 13i(Planck Transversal Energy) + (211PI*i)/(360) (Planck Radial Energy). To me; This mathematics alone, insinuates, that about 93 percent of our universe, is a combination, of what is purported to be, both dark matter and dark energy. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Stronger Harmonic Superstring-Related Dispersion -- More Intensified Hermitian Cohomology -- More Isotropically Stable Electromotive Current
The stronger that the harmonic superstring-related dispersion is to be -- The more intensified that the consequentially formed hermitian cohomology is to tend to be -- To, where; The more isotropically stable that the consequentially formed resultant electromotive current, is therefore to tend to end-up becoming. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL.

Rate Of Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants
The more rapidly that the perturbation of Chern-Simons Invariants is to be performed, by a given arbitrary respective Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the more of a tense of a Ward-Cauchy-Related strain, that is here to be applied, upon the directly associated superstring-related harmonically dispersed eigenstates of homotopic residue; to where, this will consequently tend to work to help, in allowing for such a said set of discrete energy quanta, to thereby consequentially tend to work to form a greater covariant proximal local scalar magnitude of voltage, as this is here to be taken, at the Poincare level to the reference-frame, that is of the directly associated kinematically delineated magnetism, that is here to be physically generated, by the inferred overall general process, in which the recursively kinematic covariant co-differentiable superstring-related harmonic dispersion of proximal local homotopic residue, is here to "intermingle" with the pulse of its directly corresponding strain, when in conjunction with the flow of the permeation of the net gauged-action, that is of here to be of those directly associated cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to act, as latched states of superstring-related core-field-density, that are here to bear a viable tense of association, with other of such sets of discrete energy quanta, in partial account, via their conductive magnetic characteristics, which is here to be generally facilitated, by the inter-relationships of the activity of the multiplicity of charged energy eigenstates, of which are here to bear their conductive characteristics, primarily due to the dual effect of the strain of harmonically dispersed superstring-related homotopic residue, when this is taken, in its relation to the respective permeability of harmonically dispersed superstring-related homotopic residue. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.