Friday, November 12, 2021

Net Overall Dimensional-Related Pulsation Of Heuristic Calabi-Yau Superstring Of Six-Spatial Dimensions, My Perspective

 What seems to me to be a Sensible HODGE-BASED way of conveying a basis for the general idea, as to the net overall holomorphic Dimensional-Related Pulsation, that is Of a heuristic Calabi-Yau Superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is of a six-spatial dimensional nature, is:

i*PI; (for the holomorphic dimensional-related pulsation partial, that is of the fractal of the angular momentum of the inferred holonomy, of the correlative respective eminent field-density, that is Poincare to the core superstring-related field, that is immediately external to the topological manifold of the directly corresponding Calabi-Yau superstring of discrete energy permittivity) (in the I (ijklmn hat) directoral), --

+ (i*PI/e^1); (for the pulsation partial of the longest spatial dimension, of the inferred Calabi-Yau Superstring (in the R (i hat) directoral)), -- 

+ (i*PI/e^3); (for the pulsation partial of the second longest spatial dimension, of the inferred Calabi-Yau Superstring (in the R (j hat) directoral)), -- 

+ (i*PI/e^5)); (for the pulsation partial of the third longest spatial dimension, of the inferred Calabi-Yau Superstring (in the R (k hat) directoral)), -- 

+ (i*PI/e^7); (for the pulsation of the third shortest spatial dimension, of the inferred Calabi-Yau Supertring (in the R (l hat) directoral)), -- 

+ (i*PI/e^9); (for the pulsation partial of the  second shortest spatial dimension, of the inferred Calabi-Yau Superstring (in the R (m hat) directoral)), -- 

+ (i*PI/e^11); (for the pulsation partial of the shortest spatial dimension, of the inferred Calabi-Yau Superstring (in the R (n hat) directoral.)) 

This is, as such an inferred heuristic Calabi-Yau superstring, when this is here to be taken at an eminent internal reference-frame, is gauge-invariant; to where, immediately external to this internal reference-frame, the said string is radially vibrating counter clockwise, to where the delineation of the directly associated respective light cone-gauge eigenstate, is to bear such an implied minimal fractal of torsion, via such an implied tense of a hermitian-related reductional vibrational oscillation, which is thereby to obey the general tense, of such an inferred recursively smooth successive sequential series of perturbative "stretch-like" polarization  modes, in which the net correlative coni-axion, is to phase back-and-forth in the orthogonal tense of its vibrational delineation -- even when there is here to otherwise be no viable perturbation in the relatively conveyed delineation, of the respective morphological spatial translation of the respective said light-cone-gauge eigenstate, -- to where the correlative respective light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is to otherwise be of a tense of a gauge-invariant nature. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

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