Saturday, August 7, 2021

Reversal In Spin-Orbital Momentum -- Anti Holomorphic Kahler Conditions

 Let us initially consider a kinematic spatially transferred Calabi-Yau Manifold, (to where, such a stated Manifold, is here to be of the nature, of acting as a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta), that is here to be work to bear a Lagrangian-Based tense, of behaving in a hermitian manner, over an initially considered proscribed duration of time. Let us next say, that the initially considered mappable-tracing of the cohomology-related path, that such a stated mass-related manifold is to be propagating through, may be most succinctly described of, as being of the general nature, of exhibiting the display of a De Rham cohomology. (This is here to be taken, over a respective sequential series of correlative group-related instantons.) Let us next stipulate, that such a said Calabi-Yau Manifold, is here, over the course of the earlier inferred set of such initially considered physical conditions, to work to bear a consistent tense, in both its directly associated spin-orbital momentum, and, to where such an eluded-to "team" of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, is also here to work to bear a consistent tense, of a transversally-based momentum. Now; Imagine that the inferred topological entity, that is here to be acting as a Calabi-Yau Manifold, is to spontaneously make a reversal, in its directly corresponding direction of spin-orbital momentum. At such a point in time, at which such a said reversal in the direction of the spin-orbital momentum, that is of such a "team" of mass-bearing energy, is to happen, it will consequently tend to follow, that such a stated "reversal," will thereby often tend to result, in a consequential reversal in the holomorphic "drive," of such a mentioned kinematically propagated Calabi-Yau Manifold, as this is here to be taken, over the durational course of that Fourier Transformation, that is here to be directly associated, with the directional wave-tug, of the correlative holonomic substrate of discrete energy phenomenology, of such a given arbitrary respective case, (to where such a stated "holonomic substrate," is here to be referring, to the general nature, as to working to describe the stated "Calabi-Yau Manifold," as being, in this particular case scenario, the directly correlative "thing" of discrete energy, as it is in the process of being spatially transferred, via the directly corresponding spatial translation, that is here to be of the directly corresponding Lagrangian-Based motion, in which the inferred tense of energy of such a general case, is here to be kinetically transported, from one spot to another, over time.) It follows; That such a given arbitrary respective spontaneous reversal in spin-orbital momentum, will not only often tend to work to form the proximal local presence of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, at the locus in which such a stated reversal is to occur, -- there will also be such a respective directly corresponding tendency, here, to where the proximal local presence, that is here to be of such a general type of an occurrence, in which such anti holomorphic Kahler conditions are here to consequently tend to occur, will thereby often tend to also form the proximal local presence, of a Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, again, as is here to be inferred, at the locus in which such a stated reversal in spin-orbital momentum, is here to occur. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

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