Tuesday, August 10, 2021

As To Certain Important Aspects, Of The Light-Cone-Gauge

 The multiplicity of the light-cone-gauge, works to allow for that general tense of restraint, to be incurred upon discrete energy quanta, so that physical energy may both persist and exist. It is the interdependent inter-relations, that are here to be subtended from among the topological manifolds, that are to be of the respective interactions, that are to be happening, through space and time, as this is here to be recursively distributed in delineation, in what often tends to be of a semi-perturbative nature, as this is here to be taken from among the countless variations of both the structure and the form, of the multiplicity of those light-cone-gauge eigenstates, of which are each here, when individually taken, to work to allow, for the multiplicity of what works to allow, for the general substrate of topological manifold-like phenomenology, to where such a general tense of such a described genus of phenomenology, is to basically amount, to what is here to be the general entity, that is here to tend to work to allow, for discrete energy to consequently have the ability, to work to bear a correlative tense of a wave-based nature, of discrete energy impedance, that is here to be critical, to the general realm of space-time-fabric, to be able to both maintain and sustain, the multiplicity of those interdependent Ward-Cauchy-Related interactions, that are thence to work to allow, for both the countless covariant, the respective countless co-differentiable, and the respective countless co-determinable associations, that are here to help, in working to allow, for the countless proximal local varieties in space and time, of the general processes, of that multiplicity, that is here to be referring, to that general relativism, that is directly associated, with the Relativity that is here to exist, from among the countless mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to tend to bear a variety of potential displays of their respective physical characteristics, when these said mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, are here to vary in both their speed and/or in their direction, when this is here to be taken, in relation to their motion in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, over the correlative respective durations, in which these are here to be kinematic, in their respective (re)iterative distributional delineations. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM. 

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