Monday, August 30, 2021

Topological Sway Of Proximal Local Impedance

 The greater the topological sway of impedance, that is proximal local to the motion of a discrete quantum of energy -- the less likely that such a said discrete quantum of energy, will consequently tend to result in exhibiting the general behavior, of isotropic stability. Whereas; The less the topological sway of impedance, that is proximal local to the motion of a discrete quantum of energy -- the more likely that such a said discrete quantum of energy, will consequently tend to result in exhibiting the general behavior, of isotropic stability. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

As To Isotropic Stability Of Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstate

 When a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to be isotropically stable, its directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, will consequently tend to have a relatively enhanced probability, of being isotropically stable. Whereas; When a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to lack isotropic stability, its directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, will consequently tend to have a relatively lowered probability, of being isotropically stable. Sincerely, SAM.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Phasing In And Out Between Perceivable "Planes"

 Once in a while; superstring-related phenomenology, may be able to phase back-and-forth -- from initially being completely dimensionally "cloaked" in a Nijenhuis "Plane" of perceptibility, to then being completely dimensionally present in a Riemannian "Plane" of perceptibility, while then going back into the general condition, of being completely dimensionally "cloaked" in a Nijenthuis "Plane" of perceptibility, and so on. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Spatial Dimensionality Of Neutrinos

 The spatial dimensionality of neutrinos, involves both a Riemannian Component and a Nijenhuis Component. The Riemannian Component of neutrinos, may occasionally be dimensionless. (The Riemannian Component of the spatial dimensionality of neutrinos, may occasionally work to exhibit zero spatial dimensions.) When this happens, the Nijenhuis Component of neutrinos is twelve dimensions. (The Nijenhuis Component of the spatial dimensionality of neutrinos, will then, under such said occasional conditions, work to exhibit twelve spatial dimensions.) Here's a little as to what this means: 

We Appear to live in a world, that works to display the exhibition of three spatial dimensions plus time. Yet; Each individually taken set of parallel universes, is here to Actually work to display the exhibition of 32 spatial dimensions plus time. The additional 29 spatial dimensions, of which are here to tend to not seem very apparent to us, are basically wrapped-up amongst each other, at a very microscopic level. So; A neutrino may occasionally appear to be dimensionless (in terms of its spatial dimensions), in what we seem to be observing, at our human level of perception, -- yet, at a more microscopic level, (in the substringular), such a said case of neutrinos, will thereby, under such said conditions, tend to work to bear twelve spatial dimensions, when one is here to be considering the existence of the other spatial dimensions, that are here to tend to be wrapped-up amongst each other, at such an inferred very microscopic level. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Potential Isotropic Stability Of First-Order Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

 The more of an abelian interaction that is to be incurred, between a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, and, its directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, the higher of a probability  that will thereby tend to exist, to where such a mentioned first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, will then have more of a consequential tendency, of resulting in working to bear a tense of isotropic stability. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Perturbative Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstate

 When a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to be perturbative in its motion, this will tend to result, in the perturbative motion, of its directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate. SAMUEL.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sporadic Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstate

 The more sporadic that the kinematic motion of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to be, the more of an eminent torsional force, that will thereby tend to be applied, via such a stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, upon its directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Cohomology --Enacted Upon By A Cevita Interaction

 When a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to behave as a given arbitrary tense of a Hamiltonian Operator, in which such an inferred "team" of discrete energy quanta, is thence to initially be exhibiting the general course, of the mappable-tracing of a De Rham cohomlogy, to where it is here to be spontaneously enacted upon, in a Gliosis-Based manner, by the kinematically exhibited display of a Cevita Interaction, this will quite often work to alter the general tense, of the consequentially resultant cohomology-related mappable-tracing, that the respective stated given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be exhibiting, in such a manner, to where the general type of cohomology, that such an earlier inferred "team" of discrete energy quanta, is to result in displaying, will quite often tend to alter, into becoming a given arbitrary tense of a Dolbeault cohomology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Colliding Cohesive Sets Of Discrete Energy Quanta -- Initial De Rham Cohomology -- Chern-Simons Singularities

 When two different mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, of which are here to each be initially working to bear the mappable-tracing of a De Rham cohomology, are to spontaneously collide in a Gliosis-Related manner, this general type of a Ward-Cauchy covariant kinematic action, will tend to work to form a Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, at the inferred locus of collision, for both of such mentioned individually taken mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, as well as the physical condition, that such a general type of a Ward-Cauchy covariant kinematic action, will, as well, Often tend to work to form a metric-based Chern-Simons singularity, again, at the inferred locus of collision, for both of such mentioned individually taken mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Inversion Of The Fujikawa Coupling Via The Green Function

 As to what may here be theoretically logically deduced; When the Inversion of the general operational processes, that are here to be directly appertaining to the general kinematic flow, of the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function, is to occur in such a manner, to where it is here to be incurred, upon the topological manifold of the Ward-Cauchy-Related field density, of a superstring of discrete electromagnetic energy permittivity, it is consequently to follow, that such a general genus of a Ward-Cauchy-Related kinematic operation, may be perceived of, as working to bear the general tendency, of often bearing a high probability, of consequently directly altering the metric-based structure, as well as less directly working to alter the directly associated operation, of such an inferred photon, in such a manner, to where such an inferred perturbation in both the structure and operation, of what was here to initially have been a superstring of discrete electromagnetic energy, to now, in such a given arbitrary case, to become a respective consequentially resultant superstring of discrete kinetic energy permittivity. SINCERELY, SAMUEL (1989).

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

As To Certain Important Aspects, Of The Light-Cone-Gauge

 The multiplicity of the light-cone-gauge, works to allow for that general tense of restraint, to be incurred upon discrete energy quanta, so that physical energy may both persist and exist. It is the interdependent inter-relations, that are here to be subtended from among the topological manifolds, that are to be of the respective interactions, that are to be happening, through space and time, as this is here to be recursively distributed in delineation, in what often tends to be of a semi-perturbative nature, as this is here to be taken from among the countless variations of both the structure and the form, of the multiplicity of those light-cone-gauge eigenstates, of which are each here, when individually taken, to work to allow, for the multiplicity of what works to allow, for the general substrate of topological manifold-like phenomenology, to where such a general tense of such a described genus of phenomenology, is to basically amount, to what is here to be the general entity, that is here to tend to work to allow, for discrete energy to consequently have the ability, to work to bear a correlative tense of a wave-based nature, of discrete energy impedance, that is here to be critical, to the general realm of space-time-fabric, to be able to both maintain and sustain, the multiplicity of those interdependent Ward-Cauchy-Related interactions, that are thence to work to allow, for both the countless covariant, the respective countless co-differentiable, and the respective countless co-determinable associations, that are here to help, in working to allow, for the countless proximal local varieties in space and time, of the general processes, of that multiplicity, that is here to be referring, to that general relativism, that is directly associated, with the Relativity that is here to exist, from among the countless mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to tend to bear a variety of potential displays of their respective physical characteristics, when these said mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, are here to vary in both their speed and/or in their direction, when this is here to be taken, in relation to their motion in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, over the correlative respective durations, in which these are here to be kinematic, in their respective (re)iterative distributional delineations. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants -- Efficiency Of Electrical Circuitry

 In a given arbitrary electrical circuitry, those Metric-Gauge-Related Eigenstates, that are Anharmonic in vibration, that are here to be emitted, via the perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be exhibited, by the motion of those composite charged mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to form the individually taken electrons, that are here to work to comprise the electricity, of such a respective given arbitrary electrical circuitry, will often have the tendency, of working to Increase The Inefficiency, of such a stated respective electrical circuitry; Whereas -- In a given arbitrary electrical circuitry, those Metric-Gauge-Related Eigenstates, that are Harmonic in vibration, that are here to be emitted, via the perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be exhibited, by the motion of those composite charged mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to form the individually taken electrons, that are here to work to comprise the electricity, of such a respective given arbitrary electrical circuitry, will often have the tendency, of working to Increase The Efficiency, of such a stated respective electrical circuitry.TO BE CONTINUED LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Heat/Sound -- Disorder/Order

 Just as the physical application of an extensibly high scalar amplitude of heat, upon the topological manifold of an electrodynamic mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is often to tend to be directly associated, with a relatively significant scalar amplitude of entropy; -- The physical application of an extensibly high scalar amplitude of sound, upon the topological manifold of an electrodynamic mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is often to tend to be directly associated, with a relatively significant scalar amplitude of charge. Heat often tends to be more associated with disorder than order; And, charge often tends to be more associated with order than disorder. This is why electrical circuitry, that  is here to have the general characteristic of "running-hot," will often tend to be relatively inefficient; Whereas, electrical circuitry, that is here to have the general characteristic of being "super-cooled," will often tend to be relatively efficient. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! (1989). SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Reversal In Spin-Orbital Momentum -- Anti Holomorphic Kahler Conditions

 Let us initially consider a kinematic spatially transferred Calabi-Yau Manifold, (to where, such a stated Manifold, is here to be of the nature, of acting as a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta), that is here to be work to bear a Lagrangian-Based tense, of behaving in a hermitian manner, over an initially considered proscribed duration of time. Let us next say, that the initially considered mappable-tracing of the cohomology-related path, that such a stated mass-related manifold is to be propagating through, may be most succinctly described of, as being of the general nature, of exhibiting the display of a De Rham cohomology. (This is here to be taken, over a respective sequential series of correlative group-related instantons.) Let us next stipulate, that such a said Calabi-Yau Manifold, is here, over the course of the earlier inferred set of such initially considered physical conditions, to work to bear a consistent tense, in both its directly associated spin-orbital momentum, and, to where such an eluded-to "team" of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, is also here to work to bear a consistent tense, of a transversally-based momentum. Now; Imagine that the inferred topological entity, that is here to be acting as a Calabi-Yau Manifold, is to spontaneously make a reversal, in its directly corresponding direction of spin-orbital momentum. At such a point in time, at which such a said reversal in the direction of the spin-orbital momentum, that is of such a "team" of mass-bearing energy, is to happen, it will consequently tend to follow, that such a stated "reversal," will thereby often tend to result, in a consequential reversal in the holomorphic "drive," of such a mentioned kinematically propagated Calabi-Yau Manifold, as this is here to be taken, over the durational course of that Fourier Transformation, that is here to be directly associated, with the directional wave-tug, of the correlative holonomic substrate of discrete energy phenomenology, of such a given arbitrary respective case, (to where such a stated "holonomic substrate," is here to be referring, to the general nature, as to working to describe the stated "Calabi-Yau Manifold," as being, in this particular case scenario, the directly correlative "thing" of discrete energy, as it is in the process of being spatially transferred, via the directly corresponding spatial translation, that is here to be of the directly corresponding Lagrangian-Based motion, in which the inferred tense of energy of such a general case, is here to be kinetically transported, from one spot to another, over time.) It follows; That such a given arbitrary respective spontaneous reversal in spin-orbital momentum, will not only often tend to work to form the proximal local presence of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, at the locus in which such a stated reversal is to occur, -- there will also be such a respective directly corresponding tendency, here, to where the proximal local presence, that is here to be of such a general type of an occurrence, in which such anti holomorphic Kahler conditions are here to consequently tend to occur, will thereby often tend to also form the proximal local presence, of a Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, again, as is here to be inferred, at the locus in which such a stated reversal in spin-orbital momentum, is here to occur. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Spatial Dimensionality And Spin-Orbital Tensors

 Let us initially consider the Noether-Based flow, of two similar but different physical entities, that are each here to act, as two different individually taken covariant mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. Both of such inferred "teams" of discrete mass-bearing energy quanta, are here to both behave in basically the same manner, as well as that both of such inferred "teams" of discrete mass-bearing energy quanta, are here to be in the process, of being spatially transferred, through two different individually taken Hamiltonian Operands, in which both of such stated "Operands," are here to work to be exhibiting the display of both the same nature of structural composition, as well as that the behavior of both of such individually taken Hamiltonian Operand-Related regions, are here to be of the same general type of a  medium, of which both of such inferred "teams" of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, are here o be traveling through, over time, to where these are also here, to be acting in the same general manner of potential relative motion. Let us next stipulate, that the most innately reductional physical difference, that is here to be present, when in regards to the covariant comparison of these two inferred "teams" of kinematic discrete mass-bearing energy quanta, is that one of such stated mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta of the two, is here to be directly associated with working to involve, the proximal local presence of a larger number of spatial dimensions, than the other of the two inferred "teams" of discrete energy quanta. That implied mass-bearing "team" of discrete energy, that is here to work to involve a directly associated proximal local presence, of a larger number of spatial dimensions, than the other inferred "team" of mass-related energy, will often tend to be more likely to work to exhibit the display, of a larger number of proximal local spin-orbital tensors, than the other of the two discussed mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVD ROACH. (1989). 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Scalar Amplitude Of Torsional Wave-Tug

 Let us initially consider two different given arbitrary covariant mass-bering cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta (as in a "team"of mass-bearing superstring), that are here to both be isotropically spinning at the same relativistic rotational rate, when this is here to be taken, in relation to the correlative motion of electromagnetic energy, as well as that both of such respective mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy, of such a given arbitrary case scenario, are also to be traveling transversally at the same relativistic rate, when this is here to be taken in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy. Both of such cohesive mass-bearing sets of discrete energy, are here to work to be exhibiting the general nature, of displaying a tense of a Noether-Based Flow. Next; One of such stated covariant mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, is here to be working to exhibit the display, of a larger number of spatial dimensions, than the other of such stated covariant mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. Otherwise, both of such inferred "teams" of discrete energy, are here to behave in a relatively similar manner. That mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta of the two, that is here to be exhibiting the display of a larger number of spatial dimensions than the other one, will consequently quite often tend to result, in working to exhibit the display, of a higher scalar amplitude of torsional wave-tug, upon its immediately external environment, than the other of such stated mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario. I WILL CONTINUE LATER! SAM ROACH.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Ward-Cauchy-Related Solitons -- Relative Scalar Amplitudes Of Wave-Tug

 Let us initially consider two different given arbitrary propagating Ward-Cauchy-Related solitons. Let us stipulate, under this particular type of a case scenario, that the immediately external medium, that both of these two individually taken propagating solitons is to be traveling through, are to be of the same type of a physical nature. Both of these just mentioned propagating solitons, are here to be spatially transferred, when in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, at the same rate of spatial translation, over a proscribed duration of time. Both of such said propagating Ward-Cauchy-Related solitons, are here to be observed "simultaneously," via the vantage-point of a central coni-axion. One of these two indicated given arbitrary respective propagating solitons, is to directly involve the exhibition, of a unitary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, over time; Whereas, -- the other of such indicated given arbitrary respective propagating solitons, is to directly involve the exhibition, of a binary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, over time. That stated propagating soliton, that is here to be directly working to involve the exhibition, of a binary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, over the inferred proscribed duration of time, will generally tend to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of wave-tug, upon the differentiable covariant physical environment that it is to be propagating through, than the other stated propagating soliton, that is here to work to be directly involving, the exhibition of a unitary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, as this is also here to be taken, over that same proscribed duration of time. Next; Let us consider another set of two different given arbitrary propagating Ward-Cauchy-Related solitons. Both of these just mentioned propagating solitons, are here to be spatially transferred, when in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy, at the same rate of spatial translation, over a proscribed duration of time. As similar to before; Both of such stated propagating Ward-Cauchy-Related solitons, are here to be observed "simultaneously," via the vantage-point of a  central coni-axion. One of these indicated given arbitrary respective propagating solitons, is to directly involve the exhibition, of a binary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, over time; Whereas, -- the other of such indicated given arbitrary respective propagating solitons, is to directly involve the exhibition, of a  tertiary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, over time. That stated propagating soliton, that is here to work to directly involve the exhibition, of a tertiary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, over the inferred proscribed duration of time, will generally tend to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of wave-tug, upon the differentiable covariant physical environment that it is to be propagating through, than the other stated propagating soliton, that is here to work to be involving, the exhibition of a binary Lagrangian-Related spatial translation, as taken over that same proscribed duration of time.  TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL. (1989).

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Solitons -- Tense Of Calabi-Yau Manifolds

 A Ward-Cauchy-Related soliton, is a Ward-Cauchy-Related wave-packet, that:

1) Is of a complex manifold.

2) Is of a flat Ricci Curvature.

3) Is of the general nature, of not changing in its spatial dimensionality. And; 

4) Is Holomorphically Driven.

A heuristic Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau Manifold, that is here to be both non perturbative in spatial dimensonality, And, of which is here to be holomorphically driven; to where such a said Calabi-Yau Manifold, is here to work to consist of a cohesive set of one or more reductional mass-bearing Calabi-Yau Spaces, that are also here to be proximal local to a tense of gravitational force, that is here to be directly associated with a non perturbative graviational field,to where it is to have a significant tendency, of working to bear the wave-related tendency, of often tending to display the general exhition, of acting here, as a particular Ward-Cauhcy-Related tense, of a general genus of that type of a wave-related packet, that may described of here, as acting like a soliton. THANK YOU! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Solitons -- BJS

 At the Ward-Cauchy level, a soliton is a wave-packet, that is here to be comprised of, by a set of one or more discrete energy quanta, in which the Betti number, of which is here to be directly corresponding to the eminent effectual tense, as to the potential loss and/or gain of the spatial dimensionality, of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise such a set of discrete energy quanta, is thereby to often bear the general case, in which as inferred just before, the directly associated Betti number, that is here to be indicative, of any loss and/or gain in the number of spatial dimensions, that are to be exhibited, by the physical display, of those individually taken composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to form the entity-based eigenstates of such an eluded-to soliton, as this is here to be taken over the correlative duration, in which the inferred directly associated holonomic metric-based motion, of such a set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be propagated in its transference though time and space, will thereby often tend to be held at zero. It follows; that, at the Ward-Cauchy level, a soliton is a wave-packet, that is here to be comprised of, by a set of one or more discrete energy quanta, of which is here to often be in such a situation, to where such an inferred topological manifold, of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will often tend to work to bear the general physical condition, of what I term of as being, the Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization (BJS). TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Harmonics Of Superstrings --- Tense Of Homeomorphic Nature

 When a Noether-Based superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to work to bear an anharmonic holomorphic vibration, in an odd number of spatial dimensions, as such a said superstring is to be just going into the general process of BRST, -- it is to consequently follow, that this general type of a physical condition, will thereby tend to result, in working to bear a lack of an asymmetrically-based "homeomorphic" field, as subtended between the directly associated superstring, and its correlative counter string, of such a particular respective given arbitrary case scenario. Furthermore; When a Noether-Based superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to work to bear a harmonic reverse-holomorphic/anti holomorphic vibration, in an odd number of spatial dimensions, as such a said superstring is to be just going into the general process of the Regge Action, -- it is to consequently follow, that this general type of a physical condition, will thereby tend to result, in working to bear a lack of an asymmetrically-based "homeomorphic" field, as subtended between the directly associated superstring, and its correlative counter string, of such a particular respective case scenario. When a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, in relation to its correlative counter string, is to lack an asymmetric tense of a homeomorphic field, that is here to be subtended between such a stated superstring, and its directly corresponding counter string, then, the directly associated proximal local entity of discrete energy, will thereby consequently tend to lack a tense of being of an orientable nature. Consequently; When such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, in conjunction with its correlative counter string, is to lack the general physical attribute, of working to bear an asymmetric tense, of a homeomorphic field, that is here to be subtended between each other, then, it is to consequently follow, that such an inferred discrete quantum of energy, will thereby be of a non orientable nature. Again; When a Noether-Based discrete quantum of energy, is to be non orientable during BRST, as well as that such a said discrete quantum of energy, is to be of a non orientable nature, during the immediately ensuing Regge Action, then, such a said discrete quantum of energy, will thereby tend to go, from being of a Noether-Based flow, into then ensuing to go into a tachyonic-based flow. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Harmonics Of Superstrings -- Relative Holomorphic Vibration -- BJS

 When those given arbitrary mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, of which are here to work to comprise a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are to bear such a general physical characteristic, to where these said strings are BOTH to NOT bear any correlative relative forward-holomorphic anharmonic vibrations in any of the directly corresponding parameters of their innate spatial dimensionality, as such said superstrings, are then to be in the general process of entering a particular respective iteration of BRST, -- as well as to where such said mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to ensue, in so as to NOT bear any correlative relative reverse-holomorphic harmonic vibrations, in any of the directly corresponding parameters of their innate spatial dimensionality, during the ensuing iteration of the Regge Action, then, such said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, to which are here to work to comprise such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently have the general respective tendency, of neither working to bear any spatial dimensional compactification, when going into BRST, as well as that such said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will also have the general respective tendency, of not working to bear any spatial dimensional decompactification, when going into the correlative ensuing iteration of the Regge Action. This will thereby work to help at allowing, in such a given arbitrary respective case, the general physical condition, whereby, both such said mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, as well as the directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which such stated strings are here to work to comprise, will, under the stipulation of such indicated physical conditions, will consequently, over the general course of such an inferred iteration of group-related instanton, be in such a situational premiss, to where these will here, therefore, tend to then be working to exhibit a tense of the Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization. (BJS). I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM (1989).

"Aggregate" Cohomology-Related Eigenstate

 The following is a description, of something that I am about to term of in my particular string theory model, as being of an "aggregate" cohomology-related eigenstate, as this is here to be appertaining to the holonomic substrate, of a  mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta:

Take the integrable set of those cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to work to comprise the holonomic substrate, of the cohomology of a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Next; Consider the physical condition, that all of the individually taken discrete quanta  of mass-bearing energy, that are here to work to comprise such an inferred cohesive set of mass-bearing energy, are to tend to be distributed at their respective general loci of delineation, that are here to be proximal local to the correlative external shell, of such an inferred "team" of discrete mass-bearing energy. Now; Treat each of the individually taken cohomology-related structures, of which are here to be respective to each of the herein considered directly corresponding individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to help make-up such a said "team"of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, as mathematical "members" of a respective set of Del Pezzo Spaces. So; At this particular point in the derivation of such a given arbitrary case scenario, one is here to treat each of the integrable sets of the cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to come together, in so as to work to comprise the inferred net overall cohomology-related structure of the implied "team" of discrete mass-bearing energy, as a reverse-fractal-related tense, of a  cohomology-related eigenstate. At this point; Mathematically assimilate a general set of attributable physical co-relations, as to the Laplacian-based mappable-tracing, of all of the Cox Rings, that are here to be spatially organizable in their respective delineations, along the external shell-like boundary, of that given arbitrary Riemann Surface, at which all of those individually taken cohomology-related discrete mass-bearing energy quanta, of which are here to work to comprise such an inferred net overall mass-bearing "team" of energy quanta, are to be spatially delineated; Again, as this is here to be considered, over a given arbitrary Laplacian-Based set of conditions. Now; Work to determine a metaphorical geometric tense, as to what the "Grobner Basis" should be, as to what the ideal manner of such an assimilated delineation, of the directly associated individually taken reverse-fractals of cohomology-related eigenstates are to result in consequently tending to be, in so as to be in any sort of a reasonably compliant conformity, with what would at least appear to be a reasonably conjecture, as to how such ring-based structures, that are here to be comprised of by the earlier inferred reverse-fractal-like Del Pezzo Spaces, may potentially be able to be mapped-out, in their respective associated Laplacian delineations, in so as to work to conform to a viable physical tendency of organization, as this is here to be based upon the physical conditions of that given arbitrary respective discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to comprise the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. The resultant net overall cohomology-related eigenstate, that is here to be most appertaining to the overall cohomology of the inferred mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is of such a given arbitrary case scenario, may thereby be perceived of, as being a tense of an "aggregate" cohomology-related eigenstate. (1989). I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Binary Legendre-Related (Co)Homology

 When a Noether-Based binary Legendre-Related (co)homology, is to work to spatially transport an isotropically stable mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, such a said binary Legendre-Related (co)homology, will consequently tend to work to involve a set of two kinematic symmetrically covariant cohesive groupings, each of which are here to be comprised of by a set of one or more cohesively acting open-looped superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that are here to be subtended on either side of the stated isotropically stable mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that are consequently to often tend to work to bear a covariant field, that is here to work to bear the dual nature, of acting as a homomorphic field, that is also acting as a homeomorphic field. THANK'S FOR READING! (1989). I WILL CONTINUE WTIH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.