Friday, March 26, 2021

Perception Based Upon Prior Post

 It is my current perception, -- that the general entity of thought waves, when coupled with yin(g), -- when this is to act upon the discrete topological manifold, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta -- has more of a potential tendency of working to form a Wess-Zumino interaction than a Civita interaction; whereas, -- the general entity of thought waves,  when coupled with yang, -- when this is to act upon the discrete topological manifold, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta -- has more of a potential tendency of working to form a Civita interaction than a Wess-Zumino interaction. Again; this is a Perception of mine, which eludes to the general concept of telekinesis. Sincerely, SAM. (1989).

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