Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Spurious Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons Singularities

The more spurious that the Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularities are to be, -- for any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset; that is here to have just been brought into a substringular situation, to where it is to have altered in more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that such a said eigenset is here to have been traveling through, over the course of time -- the higher that the probability will consequently be, -- that such a said orbifold eigenset will have resulted into being translated through the Fourier-related course of action, of one or more Nijenhuis-based tensors.  For instance; let us say that one is here to have two different orbifold eigensets, that are here to initially work to bear a covariant tense of motion, over a proscribed duration of time.  Both of such said eigensets are to initially be traveling at a congruous relativistic rate of a velocity, and both of such said eigensets are also to initially be traveling through a Hamiltonian operand of a Lagrangian-based path -- that is here to be of such a medium of holonomic substrate, to where the spatial dimensionality that is here to be traversed through, is to initially be of both the same number and the same general genus of spatial dimension parameterization.  Both of such said orbifold eigensets, are to undergo a net Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, simultaneously -- via the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  One of these said orbifold eigensets, is to be altering in one more motion-related derivative than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through; whereas, the other said orbifold eigenset is to be altering in two more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through.  That respective orbifold eigenset of the two, that is to be undergoing a net Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, that is is to work to involve a change in two more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through, over the earlier inferred proscribed duration of time, in which such a said eigenset is here to be undergoing the inferred covariant dual tense of a Fourier-Transform, when in consideration of the motion of the other said eigenset of such a given arbitrary case scenario, (instead of just changing in one more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through), will consequently tend to have a greater probability of working to bear more Nijenhueis-Related tensors, that are here to be directly associated with the resultant Lagrangian of its motion, than the other herein mentioned orbifold eigenset, that is of such a given arbitrary respective case. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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