Friday, May 1, 2020

Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants And Structural Fortification

Let us initially consider two different covariant orbifold eigensets, that are almost identical in nature -- that are both to be moving in such a manner, to where these are each to be exhibiting the path-related course of a De Rham cohomology.  Let us next say, that both of such said eigensets are to be traveling at the same transversal rate.  Next; now say that one of these two said orbifold eigensets, is to be exhibiting a higher rate in the perturbation of its correlative Chern-Simons Invariants, over a correlative span of time.  That orbifold eigenset of the two herein mentioned, that is here to be working to bear a higher scalar amplitude in the rate of its directly corresponding perturbation, that is of its directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants, will consequently tend to work to exhibit a higher scalar magnitude in its directly corresponding Ricci Flow, than the other of the two inferred orbifold eigensets, -- to where that orbifold eigenset of the two, that is here to work to bear a higher scalar magnitude of a Ricci Flow, will thereby tend to work to bear a greater  structural fortification, -- over the course of its motion, in the process in which it is here to be moving via the course of the earlier inferred Fourier-related conditions of a De Rham cohomology-related path. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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