Friday, May 29, 2020
The i*PI(del) Action And Topological Manifolds
When a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to consistently accelerate, in one manner or another -- in its relationship to electromagnetic energy, -- it (such a here stated eigenset), will tend to work to bear a respectively consistent alteration in its directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction, over that directly correlative duration of time, in which such an inferred set of cohesively functioning discrete quanta of energy, are to be changing in their directional-related rate of motion -- when in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy. As the Lorentz-Four-Contraction of a cohesively functional group of discrete energy quanta, is to consistently alter over a span of time, -- each of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise such a set of discrete energy quanta -- will tend to consequently work to bear the same consistent general tense of an i*PI(del) Action-related attribute, in a manner that is here to be simultaneous, via the vantage-point of a central coni-point. When the i*PI(del) Action is to occur in a Gliosis-related manner, upon the topological stratum of both a superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its correlative counter string, such an implied Action will consequently tend to alter both the scalar number of the directly pertinent partition-based discrepancies, as well as working to alter the geometrical-related attribution of such stated directly pertinent partition-based discrepancies. This will also work to correspond to the simultaneous general activity of Relativity, -- in which the relativistic length, time, and the relativistic mass of the multiplicit eminent correlative orbifold eigenset, is to alter, As the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction is to consistently change, -- over a directly corresponding Hamiltonian eigenmetric. When there is to be a consistent alteration in Both the partition-based discrepancies of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its directly pairing counter string, as well there to consequently also be the general alteration in the relativistic length, time, and mass, of the net orbifold eigenset, that such a set of inferred strings are to work to comprise -- this general tense of action, will thereby tend to bear at least some sort of an alteration in the topological contour of the herein stated orbifold eigenset, -- to where the respective external shell of such an implied set of discrete quanta that operate to perform one specific function, will thereby tend to bear a resultant change in its general shape, over the course of the inferred evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. An orbifold eigenset may be thought of, as being like a form of a manifold. Therefore; when the i*PI(del) Action is to be consistently Yukawa upon such an orbifold eigenset, in a manner that is Gliosis to the holonomic substrate of its composite superstrings, at the Poincare level -- this will thereby tend to form at least some sort of a consistent perturbation in the topological manifold of the here mentioned respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
What Works To Help Make The Ricci Curvature Flat
The Ricci Curvature often tends to be flat, when the proximal local nodal (and anti nodal) indices of the directly corresponding gravitational waves -- that are here to be interacting in a Gliosis-related manner -- are to work to bear the net tense of a nullification upon each other. Sam Roach.
Posted by
6:00 AM
gravitational waves,
net tense,
proximal local,
Ricci Curvature

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Net Distribution Of Chern-Simons Invariants, -- Delineation Of Holomorphic Transfer
Let us initially consider a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Given both its general geometry, and, the type of field that it is exhibiting, such a said string will consequently have an innate relative direction -- that it will work to bear a tendency of "wanting" to move into. This may be termed of as being the relative "holomorphic direction," of such a said given arbitrary superstring. Discrete quanta of energy, often tend to move in groups, -- that work to operate, in so as to perform one specific given arbitrary function. What I have just mentioned, may be thought of as being, what I term of as being called an "orbifold eigenset." Both the multiplicit orbifold eigenset and its correlative discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise such a said eigenset, will tend to work to bear the same direction of holomorphic tendency, -- yet, -- since the innate direction that the said orbifold eigenset tends to "want" to move in, takes precedence, -- those earlier mentioned discrete quanta of energy that work to comprise such a said eigenset, will consequently tend to ensue, in so as to invariantly work to bear distortions in motion, from what would otherwise be their innate directional motion -- due to the Ward-Cauchy-related condition, that not all of the given arbitrary individually taken discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, will thence be able to bear a completely hermtian motion in their holomorphic direction, -- since such said quanta of energy are here to tend to be situated at the outer shell of such an inferred overall "group" of discrete energy, that are here to bear one net overall function. Such said distortions in the innate motion of those discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise what I term of as being an orbifold eigneset, -- due to the physical condition, that the innate direction of motion of such an eigenset is here to take precedence over the innate direction of motion of its composite stringular-related eigenstates, is my perception as to what Chern-Simons Invariants are thence to be. Consequently; if one is to know the net distributional characteristics of the Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be directly related to the motion of any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, then, one may consequently have a higher probability of knowing the ensuing delineation of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset.
Here is a way of looking at this situation, in one general type of a case (if the motion of the set of discrete quanta of energy, is here to be completely hermitian), in more "watered-down, simple terms" :
If you know: 1) That you are dealing with an orbifold eigenset, that is here to work to bear a viable tense of intrinsic Chern-Simons Invariants.
2) What type of "field" that you are dealing with. (Whether it is an f-field, a d-field, etc. ...)
3) What the path-related tendency is here to be. (So one may determine its path integral.)
4) What its angular momentum is here to be, in all of its directorals.
5) That what you are to be dealing with here, is to be an example of a homeomorphic field.
And 6) That such an inferred orbifold eigenset, is here to be acting, via a De Rham cohomology.
Then; you can consequently determine, with a hightened expectation value;
The Delineation-Related "Ratio," as to:
(Its transversal delineation PER
its spin-related delineation in one general axion PER
its spin-related delineation in the correlative general orthogonal axion, etc. ...)
This goes to indicate, that a basic understanding of the distribution of those distortions, that are here to exist in the innate motion of those discrete quanta of energy, that work to form a cohesive set of such said energy, may often work to help one to be able to have a better understanding of the holomorphic transfer of the here implied said orbifold eigenset. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Here is a way of looking at this situation, in one general type of a case (if the motion of the set of discrete quanta of energy, is here to be completely hermitian), in more "watered-down, simple terms" :
If you know: 1) That you are dealing with an orbifold eigenset, that is here to work to bear a viable tense of intrinsic Chern-Simons Invariants.
2) What type of "field" that you are dealing with. (Whether it is an f-field, a d-field, etc. ...)
3) What the path-related tendency is here to be. (So one may determine its path integral.)
4) What its angular momentum is here to be, in all of its directorals.
5) That what you are to be dealing with here, is to be an example of a homeomorphic field.
And 6) That such an inferred orbifold eigenset, is here to be acting, via a De Rham cohomology.
Then; you can consequently determine, with a hightened expectation value;
The Delineation-Related "Ratio," as to:
(Its transversal delineation PER
its spin-related delineation in one general axion PER
its spin-related delineation in the correlative general orthogonal axion, etc. ...)
This goes to indicate, that a basic understanding of the distribution of those distortions, that are here to exist in the innate motion of those discrete quanta of energy, that work to form a cohesive set of such said energy, may often work to help one to be able to have a better understanding of the holomorphic transfer of the here implied said orbifold eigenset. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:05 AM
Chern-Simons Invariants,
orbifold eigenset,

Friday, May 22, 2020
A Little Bit Of A Correction
Dear Readers, I have been pondering my previous writings, as to the relationships between the 8 basic forces of nature, and, their directly corresponding Main Influences, and, the following description is a revision. Again, what I am describing, is in terms of my particular model of string theory and physics. I am simply trying to move into the direction of a higher understanding of what's out there (in our physical environmental realm).:
1) Force: The E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency;
It's Main Influence Formed: Power.
2) Force: The Thought Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: Ideas.
3) The Force Of Pressurized Vacuum;
It's Main Influence Formed: Metric-Gauged-Related Force-Fields.
4) The Point-Commutative Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: The i*PI(del) Action.
5) The "Strong" Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: The Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.
6) The Electromotive Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: Charge.
7) The Force Of Gravity;
It's Main Influence Formed: Inertial-Related Pulsation.
8) The Force Of Spontaneous Radioactive Decay; (The "Weak" Force);
It's Main Influence Formed: Entropic-Related Action.
P.S.: Although I am describing things as best that I can, the world is continuously working to form an improved model of physics -- as to a better understanding of science.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
1) Force: The E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency;
It's Main Influence Formed: Power.
2) Force: The Thought Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: Ideas.
3) The Force Of Pressurized Vacuum;
It's Main Influence Formed: Metric-Gauged-Related Force-Fields.
4) The Point-Commutative Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: The i*PI(del) Action.
5) The "Strong" Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: The Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.
6) The Electromotive Force;
It's Main Influence Formed: Charge.
7) The Force Of Gravity;
It's Main Influence Formed: Inertial-Related Pulsation.
8) The Force Of Spontaneous Radioactive Decay; (The "Weak" Force);
It's Main Influence Formed: Entropic-Related Action.
P.S.: Although I am describing things as best that I can, the world is continuously working to form an improved model of physics -- as to a better understanding of science.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A Little Bit Of An Editorial, As To A Pondering About Electrical-Related Issues
Tell me if the following makes adequate sense;
Electrodynamic Deactivation Action is equal to: (Energy Divided By (Current Cubed)).
OR, IN OTHER WORDS, -- (E/I^3)).
Please Let Me Know What You Think.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Electrodynamic Deactivation Action is equal to: (Energy Divided By (Current Cubed)).
OR, IN OTHER WORDS, -- (E/I^3)).
Please Let Me Know What You Think.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
8:52 AM
electrodynamic deactivation action,

Thursday, May 21, 2020
Second-Order Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates And Slippage
Just as those cohomology-related eigenstates, that are directly corresponding to the proximal local presence of a symplectic geometry -- are to tend to work to bear less slippage, at a level that is Poincare to the topological surface of such a respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to work to bear such an inferred tense of a symplectic geometry -- than what often tends to be the case for those cohomology-related eigenstates, that are, instead, to be directly corresponding to the general tendency as to what is here to occur, with the correlative grouping of those cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to be appertaining to the proximal local presence of a Khovanov geometry; it then tends to follow, that any second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is here to be directly corresponding to a given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy, that is of an abelian light-cone-gauge topology, will tend to bear less of a tense of a scalar amplitude of slippage upon a Gliosis-based contact, -- than those bearings of a relative tense of a general scalar amplitude of slippage, that would otherwise occur, for any second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is here to instead to be directly corresponding to a given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy, that is of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology. This is why any given arbitrary second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of a non abelian topology, will eminently have a set intrinsic tense of sinusoidal standing waves -- of which are internally like a tense of a minute fractal of a soliton-related nature, at a level that is Poincare to the Gliosis-based topological surface of such a herein stated second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, since such sinusoidal waves are here to be Like a non-rippling "standing wave" at an internal reference-frame, while these are here to be in the process of being shifted around very quickly at an immediately external reference-frame. This acts, in so as to help to work to compensate for the so-inferred tense of slippage.; Whereas, -- any given arbitrary second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of an abelian topology, will eminently have a set intrinsic tense of a More "supplemental" nature at a level that is Poincare to the Gliosis-based topological surface of such a herein stated second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, since the condition of a lesser tense of a scalar amplitude of slippage, tends to work to allow for the relinquishment of the eminent need for such sinusoidal "divots," that would Otherwise be necessary for the correlative gauge-bosons of such a given arbitrary quantum of energy, to be able to go into the act of plucking such stated light-cone-eigenstates, in so as to work to produce those Schwinger-Indices that are "proliferated," in so as to work to help to form the countless eigenstates of the various basic forces of nature. Sam Roach.
Posted by
7:37 AM
discrete quantum,

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Gauged-Action Of Discrete Energy
When the resultant wave-related gauged-action of a given arbitrary superstring, is to couple with the resultant wave-related gauged-action of its directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- this tends to help to work to form the consequentially resultant Metric-Based-Frequency of the directly correlative discrete quanta of energy. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
2:58 PM
discrete quanta,
light-cone-gauge eigenstate,
wave-related gauged-action

What Works To Help Form The Multiplicit Frequency Of The Superstringular
The "proliferation" of that wave-related nature, that is here to be of the general Fourier-based tense of the general attribute of multiplicit discrete energy impedance, tends to help to work to form the basic Force-related conditions, that are here to be of a superstringular nature; while, -- the "proliferation" of that wave-related nature, that is here to be of the general Fourier-based tense of the general attribute of multiplicit discrete energy permittivity, tends to help to work to form the basic Inertia-related conditions, that are here to be of a superstringular nature. Consequently; the coupling of the resultant multiplicit holonomic substrate, that is here to be of the earlier stated just inferred wave-related "proliferations," (the coupling of the wave-based resultant of the multiplicit action of discrete energy impedance, With the wave-based resultant of the multiplicit action of discrete energy permittivity), tends to help to work to form the multiplicit Metric-Based-Frequency, that is of the so-inferred superstringular realm. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
Posted by
2:42 PM
discrete energy,

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Correction To A Post From March 18th Of 2013
In a post from March 18th of 2013; to paraphrase things, I meant to say, -- that if a superstring is still NOT orientable during the Regge Action, then, it will ensue to go from being of a Noether-based flow Into being of a tachyonic-based flow. Sorry for not seeing this past typo earlier! Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Noether Flow,
Regge Action,

Sunday, May 17, 2020
An Editorial About DNA
The multiplicit existence of DNA, is a tense of the Reverse-Fractal, of a balance between the covariant multiplicit relationship between the presence of Thought Waves, With the presence of Gravitational Waves. The condition of a phenomenon, -- that is able, to one extent or another, to overcome at least some of its surrounding entropy, -- is in part caused, by the Fourier-related general condition -- of a certain tense of a balance, that is here to exist between the covariant multiplicit relationship between the presence of Thought Waves, With the presence of Gravitational Waves. DNA is the multiplicit molecular basis, for the existence of physical Life. Life may be thought of as being any given arbitrary phenomenon, that is able, to one extent or another, to overcome at least some of its surrounding entropy. This general idea that I have just touched upon here; is an idea that I happen to have, as to a small part of the general basic idea, as to why DNA is the physical multiplicit "building-block" of physical life. Samuel David Roach. (Pinckney High School, class of 1989.)
Posted by
10:27 AM
gravitational waves,
thought waves

Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Flow Of Cohomology-Related Eigenindices
The flow of any given arbitrary cohesive set of cohomology-related eigenindices, tends to be in the general direction that the directly corresponding cohesive set of cohomology-related eigenstates is to be converging towards. Such an inferred multiplicit general locus, that is here to be in the process of being converged upon -- may be thought of as being the proximal local region, of what is here to be called the "cotangent bundle." I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
2:10 PM
cohesive set,
cotangent bundle,
proximal locus,

The Main Physical Substrate, That The Basic Forces Of Nature Are Translated Through
That multiplicit holonomic substrate, of which the multiplicit vibrational flow of the Rarita Structure is to be operating upon, over the general course of the correlative multiplicit sequential series of group-related instantons -- in so as to transfer that general entity of the countless oscillation-related eigenindices of the Ward-Cauchy-related realm (of which is here to be in the general arena of the substringular realm), -- is the main physical substrate, by which the most fundamental basic forces of physical nature are thence to be translated through, -- in so as to achieve those fundamental main influences of physical nature, that are consequently to be necessary, in so as allow for that physical realm that we are a part of, to thus be able to both persist and exist. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
9:43 AM
holonomic substrate,
Rarita Structure,

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Spurious Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons Singularities
The more spurious that the Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularities are to be, -- for any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset; that is here to have just been brought into a substringular situation, to where it is to have altered in more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that such a said eigenset is here to have been traveling through, over the course of time -- the higher that the probability will consequently be, -- that such a said orbifold eigenset will have resulted into being translated through the Fourier-related course of action, of one or more Nijenhuis-based tensors. For instance; let us say that one is here to have two different orbifold eigensets, that are here to initially work to bear a covariant tense of motion, over a proscribed duration of time. Both of such said eigensets are to initially be traveling at a congruous relativistic rate of a velocity, and both of such said eigensets are also to initially be traveling through a Hamiltonian operand of a Lagrangian-based path -- that is here to be of such a medium of holonomic substrate, to where the spatial dimensionality that is here to be traversed through, is to initially be of both the same number and the same general genus of spatial dimension parameterization. Both of such said orbifold eigensets, are to undergo a net Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, simultaneously -- via the vantage-point of a central conipoint. One of these said orbifold eigensets, is to be altering in one more motion-related derivative than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through; whereas, the other said orbifold eigenset is to be altering in two more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through. That respective orbifold eigenset of the two, that is to be undergoing a net Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, that is is to work to involve a change in two more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through, over the earlier inferred proscribed duration of time, in which such a said eigenset is here to be undergoing the inferred covariant dual tense of a Fourier-Transform, when in consideration of the motion of the other said eigenset of such a given arbitrary case scenario, (instead of just changing in one more motion-related derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through), will consequently tend to have a greater probability of working to bear more Nijenhueis-Related tensors, that are here to be directly associated with the resultant Lagrangian of its motion, than the other herein mentioned orbifold eigenset, that is of such a given arbitrary respective case. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Charge-Based Fields
Charge-Based fields in the substringular are indirectly formed, in part -- by the multiplicit general condition of a superconformally invariant internal reference-frame, that is spatially transferred in a covariant manner at the vantage-point of an external reference-frame -- Per the multiplicit eigenindex of the perturbation in Chern-Simons Invariance. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
A Lesson About Permittivity And Impedance
The Main Influence that is to be formed by the point-commutative force, is the i*PI(del) Action. The i*PI(del) Action, indirectly helps to work to allow for the conservation of homotopic residue. Consequently; the i*PI(del) Action indirectly works to allow for the substringular-related proximal local presence of discrete energy permittivity. Furthermore; the Main influence that is to be formed by the force of pressurized vacuum, is the condition of force-fields. Such just mentioned force-fields, indirectly help to work to form the needed multiplicit gauging of the Polyakov Action. The multiplicit condition of force-fields, also indirectly helps to work to allow for the substringular-related proximal local presence of discrete energy impedance. Such a general case in the multiplicit presence of the inferred metric-gauge-related force-fields, is basically equivalent to the condition of the quotient of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode when divisible by the i*PI(del) Action. Sam.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Decompactification Versus Compactification
What I term of as being decompactification, is the inverse of the process of what is known of as being compactification. So; when a phenomenology is to be of a similar but different nature, yet, to where, it is to alter into having either Less spatial dimensions and/or involving Less correlative directorals, this is the general process of a dimensional/directoral-related Compactification; yet, when a phenomenology is to be of a similar but different nature, yet, to where, it is to alter into having either More spatial dimensions and/or More correlative directorals, this is what I term of as being the general process of a dimensional/directoral-related Decompactification. Sam Roach.
Posted by
3:16 PM
phenomenology nature,
spatial dimensions

Thursday, May 7, 2020
Directoral-Related Decompactification
The greater that the directoral-related Decompactification is to be (into a situation, in which there are here to be more directorals that are thence to be directly involved with the tree-amplitude based translation of the correlative motion of energy), in relation to that tense of the Kahler-Metric, that is here to be directly associated with the Lagrangian-based path of a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, that is here to be in the process of being transferred through the correlative mappable-tracing of a De Rham cohomology, -- the higher that the directly associated rate will consequently tend to be, in the correlative perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants -- that are here to be proximal local to the codeterminable, codifferentiable, and covariant proximal local eigenstates of motion, that are here to be most associated with the spatial translation of those discrete quanta of energy, that are here to work to comprise such an inferred set of mass-bearing states. This will consequently tend to work to cause both a directly hightened tense of a Ricci Flow; that is here to be directly corresponding with such a here mentioned eigenset; as well as tending to work to cause the Ward-Cauchy-related physical condition of such a here stated orbifold eigenset, to consequently work to bear a greater structural fortification, over the course of that evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, that is here to work to correspond to the general activity in which such an inferred tense of a Fourier-related Transform is thence to occur. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:49 AM
Chern-Simons Invariants,

Monday, May 4, 2020
High Charge And The Ricci Flow
The more highly charged that any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset tends to be, the greater that its Ricci Flow will consequently tend to be. The greater that the Ricci Flow tends to be, for any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- the higher that the structural fortification will tend to be, for such a said orbifold eigenset. Consequently; the more highly charged that any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset tends to be, the higher that the structural fortification will tend to be, for such a said orbifold eigenset. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
4:26 PM
orbifold eigenset,
Ricci Flow,
structural fortification

Some More Stuff, As To Isotropically Stable Superstrings
When a superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- whether such a said superstring is to be of either a symplectic geometry or of a Khovanov geometry, is to be working to generate as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating, -- over the course of some discrete evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- and if, as well, there is here to be the Ward-Cauchy-related condition physical present here, in which the said superstring is to basically act as "one unit," as it is to be undergoing the general course of its translation through space over time, -- to where the topological surface of such an implied string, when this is here to be taken at a level that is Poincare to the general region that is "barely" external to the holonomic substrate of the here mentioned topological surface of this said superstring, is to bear a relatively consistently minimal topological "rippling" of its inherent homotopic indices of vibrational oscillation, then, one may say that such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will consequently tend to bear an isotropically stable nature, that is known to act as being of a Floer (co)homology. Sam Roach.
Posted by
7:27 AM

Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Annuli Of Toroidal-Related Cohomology
Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to work to bear toroidal-shaped cohomology-related structures. Such just stated toroidal-shaped cohomology-related structures, are directly associated -- with what may be termed of as being Gliosis-Sherk-Olive ghosts. Toroidal-Shaped cohomology-related structures, tend to work to bear the proximal local physical presence of annuli -- that are here to be located at a the relative "center" of the stratum of their directly corresponding holonomic substrate. As such said mass-bearing superstrings are to be moving at a higher rate, these just mentioned annuli, are to tend to shrink in diameter, in proportion to how the scalar magnitude of the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction -- that is here to be effectual upon that multiplicit orbifold eigenset, that is here to be comprised of by those implied composite correlative mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy, that are here to work to bear the attribute of the said multiplicit annulus at each of their relative centers, -- is here to be acting upon the relativistic Ward-Cauchy-related conditions of such an inferred set of discrete energy, that operate to perform one specific given arbitrary function. So, if the Lorentz-Four-Contraction -- that is here to be acting upon any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is to be of a scalar magnitude of "2," then, the diameter of each of the annuli of those cohomology-related structures, that are of those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such a said eigenset, -- will consequently tend to be shrunk by a factor or "2," from the diameter that these would have theoretically had, at a relative terrestrial stand still. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
7:51 AM
mass-bearing superstrings,

Saturday, May 2, 2020
The i*PI(del) Action And Structural Fortification
Let us initially consider two different given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigensets. Both are here to be accelerating transversally at the same rate. Yet; one of such orbifold eigensets is to be altering in more radial-based tensors of spin, in terms of the general activity of the directly corresponding net vibration of its overall spatial dimensionality. Otherwise, the two said orbifold eigensets are basically identical. That mentioned orbifold eigenset; that is here to bear more of the inferred radial-based tensors of spin, that are here to be attributed to it, will consequently tend to work to bear both a greater scalar magnitude in the rate of its perturbation of Chern-Simons Invariants, -- as well as tending to work to bear a greater directly corresponding attribute of a tense of its i*PI(del) Action. Consequently; the said orbifold eigenset, that is here to bear more of such said radial-based tensors of spin, will then tend to work to bear a higher scalar magnitude of a Ricci Flow, -- thereby working to tend to allow for the said eigenset, that is here to bear more radial-based tensors of spin, to tend to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a tense of structural fortification. Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Chern-Simons Invariants,
mass-bearing orbifold eigensets,
Ricci Flow,
structural fortification,

Friday, May 1, 2020
Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants And Structural Fortification
Let us initially consider two different covariant orbifold eigensets, that are almost identical in nature -- that are both to be moving in such a manner, to where these are each to be exhibiting the path-related course of a De Rham cohomology. Let us next say, that both of such said eigensets are to be traveling at the same transversal rate. Next; now say that one of these two said orbifold eigensets, is to be exhibiting a higher rate in the perturbation of its correlative Chern-Simons Invariants, over a correlative span of time. That orbifold eigenset of the two herein mentioned, that is here to be working to bear a higher scalar amplitude in the rate of its directly corresponding perturbation, that is of its directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants, will consequently tend to work to exhibit a higher scalar magnitude in its directly corresponding Ricci Flow, than the other of the two inferred orbifold eigensets, -- to where that orbifold eigenset of the two, that is here to work to bear a higher scalar magnitude of a Ricci Flow, will thereby tend to work to bear a greater structural fortification, -- over the course of its motion, in the process in which it is here to be moving via the course of the earlier inferred Fourier-related conditions of a De Rham cohomology-related path. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:05 AM
De Rham,
orbifold eigenset,
scalar amplitude,
transversal rate,

Ricci Flow And Stringular-Related Structural Fortification
The higher that the scalar magnitude of the Ricci Flow is to be, as this is here to be applied to the cohomology-related stratum of any one given arbitrary Noether-related orbifold eigenset, if and when it is here to be maintaining a constant acceleration, -- the more diffeomorphic that the Ward-Cauchy-related condition of such a said orbifold eigenset will consequently tend to be, as this is here to be considered along the Laplacian-based topological flow of the correlative cohomology-related eigenstates -- per correlative iteration of group-related instanton -- to where these said cohomology-related eigenstates are here to work to form the overall cohomology-related stratum of such a said eigenset, as this is then to be taken at a level that is Poincare to the orbifold eigenset -- due to the resultant net increase in the hermitian nature of the metric-related flow of those cohomology-related eigenstates, that work to comprise the outer shell of such a said eigenset -- this may then happen, to where the tense of such a general genus of activity, may often result in such a substringular situation, to where such an inferred orbifold eigenset will consequently tend to increase in the scalar amplitude of its structural fortification, on account of this. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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6:30 AM
orbifold eigenset,
Ricci Flow

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