Monday, July 1, 2019

Homotopy And The Rarita Structure

Homotopy is the general substringular condition -- by which discrete energy is inter-bound as a whole, by the existence of the multiplicit network of superstringular fields.  That general entity -- that both the presence and the existence of zero-point energy works to elude to, -- is the phenomenology, of what may be thought of here as being the state of mini-stringular segmentation.  Although discrete energy is the smallest thing that we would normally think of as being energy at all, the smallest thing that may be divvied-out, is on the order of the just mentioned mini-stringular segmentation.  In my model of string theory -- it is both the presence and the activity of what I term of as being mini-stringular segmentation, that works to form those superstringular fields, -- that work to help in the process of the forming of the general substringular condition of homotopy.  The idea behind what the Rarita Structure happens to be -- is the general Ward-Cauchy-related condition, of the vibrational oscillations of the so-stated mini-stringular segmentation.  Thus, it is the general Ward-Cauchy-related condition of homotopy -- that works to both support and bind the general state, of both the presence and the existing conditions, of what may be termed of here, -- as being the attributive state of homotopy.  Sam Roach.

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