Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Curl Of Magnetic Field

As the discrete electromagnetic energy of a photon is to be moving through a medium, in the relative holomorphic direction -- the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity is here to be moving transversally in a hermitian manner, while its directly corresponding homotopic torsional eigenindices are here to bear a general genus of a relative topological sway, that is at the relative reverse-holomorphic end of the so-eluded-to end of the said discrete energy quantum, -- of which works to help at allowing for a photon to work to bear a partially Yau-Exact manner of homotopic motion.  So, it is the discrete energy impedance of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy -- of which is to sway back-and-forth, as the correlative discrete quantum of energy permittivity is to be moving in a relatively straight manner, as is according to the direction of least time -- of which is to here to work at helping to cause the basic general condition, that, the magnetic field of a photon is to curl around the electric field of a photon, as is as according to the right-hand-rule.  Furthermore, as the multiplicit superstring of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy, is to be traveling in a relatively straight manner -- that proximal local set of cohomological eigenindices, that are here to be formed by the homotopic topological sway of the correlative multiplicit Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that is to thereby to work to form a discrete manner -- at the most primal level -- of that state of affairs, to where this works to help at allowing for the correlative magnetic field of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy to thereby curl around the electric field.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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