Wednesday, January 31, 2018

E.M. Striking Mass-Bearing Superstrings

When a photon is to strike a mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy -- the said photon is then to tend to strike the externalized core-field-density that is of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is of that self-said mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy.  Two immediately adjacent superstrings that are of the same universal setting will tend to be orthogonal to one another, in a Ward-Cauchy-related manner.  So, when a photon is to strike a mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy in a viable manner, that is as well of a Gliosis-related manner -- the collision of the said photon with the mass-bearing quantum, is to be of an orthogonal manner, and in the so-eluded-to Ward-Cauchy-based manner over time.  As the said photon is in the process of colliding with the said discrete quantum of mass-bearing energy, the said externalized core-field-density that is of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is being struck here (the light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a discrete quantum of energy is the relatively wave-based phenomenology of the discrete energy impedance of the said given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy), -- this so-eluded-to impartation of force that is thus convened, will work to alter the "plucking" activity of the correlative gauge-bosons upon the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that are here of the directly corresponding mass-bearing discrete quantum of energy.  This will then often work to alter the scalar amplitude of the resultant implementation of the correlative formation of Schwinger-Indices that are thence formed by the said discrete quantum of mass-bearing energy over time.  As this is happening, the correlative electron -- of which is comprised of the orbifold eigenset that had here to have just contained that superstringular phenomenology that had just been struck -- will drop back-and-forth an energy level, in so as to work to release its residual discrete kinetic energy in the form of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy.  When there are a large number of such collisions of photons upon a proximal localized set of mass-bearing quanta of discrete energy -- over a discrete evenly gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, those discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy that will tend to be produced, will usually tend to be primarily those photons that are here to be of an infrared or heat-based nature.  Thus, the application of light upon a mass may often work to both increase the heat of the mass, as well as working to effect the proximal local condition of the Ricci Scalar eigenstates that are here to be locally attributed to such a given arbitrary case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Increased Velocity Involving Noether Flow, Increased Mass

The condition of a Noether-based mass, to be increasing in mass as it is increasing in velocity -- is in part, due to the condition in that, when a mass that both has a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology along with working to bear Yau-Exact singularities, is to increase in its Noether-based velocity over time -- such a said mass is to increase, as well, in its metric-gauge-related pulsation, over the course of the same tense of a Fourier Transformation.  When the metric-gauge-related pulsation is increased, as a covariant factor in a relationship that is here to exist between a set of one or more orbifold eigensets, with another set of one or more orbifold eigensets -- such a general tendency will then tend to increase the scalar magnitude of the wave-tug that is here to exist, via the increased scalar amplitude of the activity of the correlative proximal local gauge-bosons and the correlative increased scalar amplitude of the proximal localized Schwinger-Indices, that are here to act as gravity waves.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Some More As To The "Truth" Tachyon

What happens to be so special about the conformal dimension of a cohomological eigenstate of a "truth" tachyon, is that one "mer" of it -- when this is taken at the Poincare level that is just external to such a so-stated "mer" -- is to have a conformal dimension of exactly 3.  This is because a typical eigenstate of the cohomology of a truth tachyon, is both metrically and Lagrangian-wise hermitian -- in each tending iteration of its Laplacian-related Transform, and such an eigenstate is to therefore to have no "imaginary discrepencies." What I mean here by this, is that there tends to be no metrical spurs that are thence distributed -- as such a said truth tachyon is delineated from one translocation of its Laplacian-based setting to the next, -- as well as the condition that, over such an "even-keel" of a correlative pulsation, that such a said truth tachyon is to change in only as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that it is being transmitted through over time.  ((2+2^(0/anything)=2+2^(0)=2+1=3, since anything^(0)=1.)  This is due to the genus of the dimensional train-related wave propagation series.  (The resultant power series of both the pulsation and the field delineation of this correlative case --when this is taken as an integration of both the motion-related eigenindices and the Hodge-related eigenindices, that are here to be correlative to the said "mers" -- translocates heuristically, in so as to converge upon a set of one or more metrical and Lagrangian-based rational Njenhuis roots over time.)
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tendency Of General Genus Of Metrical Singularity

When a discrete quantum of energy is to change in any more derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that is it to be going through, in a path-wise sense -- the said discrete quantum of energy is then to be said to bear one or more Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities.  If the metrical pulsation of a discrete quantum of energy is to either accelerate or to de-ccelerate, as such a quantum of energy is traveling through a given arbitrary medium of space over time -- the said discrete quantum of energy is then said to bear a a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity.  If one were to have a discrete quantum of energy to here to be going through a set limited number of spatial dimensions over time, -- the more derivatives that such a said quantum of energy is to be changing in as the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through is here to be maintained -- the more that there will be the potential tendency of the said discrete quantum of energy to thence bear a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity over time. I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

What Often Works To Form Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions

Often, what works to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition, is the following general case scenario:  Let's say that an orbifold eigenset is to initially be traveling via a Rham cohomology -- in so that it is to bear both hermitian Lagrangian-based singularities, as well as working to bear hermitian metrical-based singularities, -- as such an orbifold eigenset is to be traveling through a given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand, that is traversed via a discrete Lagrangian-based path.  At a given point in time, the said eigenset is to be enacted upon by a ghost-inhibitor -- that is then to work at helping to cause the just mentioned set of discrete energy quanta that operate in so as to perform one specific function, to bear a  change in the course of its Fourier-based translation, that is here to involve a Ward-Supplemental perturbation in the course of the trajectory of the projection of its ensuing given arbitrary Lagrangian-related path, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  (As an ansantz, in only two spatial dimensions -- the orbifold eigenset of this case would just go back in the direction in which it had just originally come.  Yet, in this, as well as in just about any other substringular case, the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, as well as its given arbitrary path -- will involve more spatial dimenisons than this.)  The more spatial dimensions that the said orbifold eigenset is to directly bear, as well as the more spatial dimensions that the path of the said orbifold eigenset is to bear -- the more complex roots that such a Ward-Supplemental perturbation may possibly work to involve.  Such a Ward-Supplemental perturbation, that may be caused by such a said ghost-inhibitor -- may often work to cause the eminent presence of a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Resulting Doubolt Cohomology

Let us consider a case, where one is to have two different orbifold eigensets -- of which are here to be both working to bear their own respective cohomological mappable-tracing,  as these two said respective eigensets are here to be working to form what is here to be two different Rham-based cohomological-related Lagrangian-based paths, over time.  Let us next consider, that, over the course of an ensuing sequential series of iterations of group-related instanton -- these two so-stated orbifold eigensets are to collide at a multidimensional angle, that is not of a Ward-Supplemental manner.  The resultant cohomological-related path or paths -- that is then to be formed by the initial two said orbifold eigensets -- will then tend to work to form both at least one set of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, as well as also tending to form at least one set of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities (because both of the initially stated orbifold eigensets are not necessarily going to coalesce, as well as the general condition that an orbifold eigenset is comprised of one or more discrete quanta of energy, as such energy is here to be kinematic over time).  This will then tend to work to form a resultant tense of Doubolt cohomology.  Again, an orbifold eigenset is a set of one or more discrete quanta of energy, that operate in so as to work to perform one specific function.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Some Stuff On Tense Of Singularity

Let us here consider a case -- in which one is to have an orbifold eigenset, that is to be traversing along a topological surface, that is of a harmonic-based sinusoidal-related nature -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us next say that this just mentioned path that is for the so-stated orbifold eigenset, is to be of a relatively smoothly-curved or hermitian nature -- to where the curvature that is here to be being traversed, is to only to change in just as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that the said orbifold eigenset is to be traveling through, over time.  One may then say that the set of singularities that are thence formed -- are then to be described of as being Lagrnagian-based hermitian singularities.  Let us next consider a case in which one is to have an orbifold eigenset, that is to be traveling along a topological surface as well, that is of a "harmonic-based" sinusoidal-related nature, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us next say that this just mentioned path, that is for the so-stated orbifold eigenset -- is to be of a relatively jagged nature -- to where the said curvature that is here to be being traversed, is to change in more derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that the said orbifold eigenset is to be traveling through, over time.  One may then say that the set of singularities that are thence formed -- are then to be described of as being Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Curl Of Magnetic Field

As the discrete electromagnetic energy of a photon is to be moving through a medium, in the relative holomorphic direction -- the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity is here to be moving transversally in a hermitian manner, while its directly corresponding homotopic torsional eigenindices are here to bear a general genus of a relative topological sway, that is at the relative reverse-holomorphic end of the so-eluded-to end of the said discrete energy quantum, -- of which works to help at allowing for a photon to work to bear a partially Yau-Exact manner of homotopic motion.  So, it is the discrete energy impedance of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy -- of which is to sway back-and-forth, as the correlative discrete quantum of energy permittivity is to be moving in a relatively straight manner, as is according to the direction of least time -- of which is to here to work at helping to cause the basic general condition, that, the magnetic field of a photon is to curl around the electric field of a photon, as is as according to the right-hand-rule.  Furthermore, as the multiplicit superstring of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy, is to be traveling in a relatively straight manner -- that proximal local set of cohomological eigenindices, that are here to be formed by the homotopic topological sway of the correlative multiplicit Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that is to thereby to work to form a discrete manner -- at the most primal level -- of that state of affairs, to where this works to help at allowing for the correlative magnetic field of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy to thereby curl around the electric field.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, January 22, 2018

External Cohomological Shell

When one is to extrapolate the detection of any stratum of a mass, -- one will tend to be extrapolating the electrons of the directly corroborative mass -- since it is the electrons that are of the atoms that are here in so as to work to make-up such a said mass, that act in so as to surround the nucleus of those just mentioned atoms, that are here to comprise the phenomenology of such a mass.  Furthermore -- when one is to extrapolate the detection of any given arbitrary superstring, -- one will tend to be extrapolating the externalized core-field-density of the innermost cohomological stratum, that is just outside of the holonomic substrate of the topological surface that is of such a superstring, when this is taken at the Poincare level, -- since it is such a general genus of an innermost cohomology, that works to act as a physical memory of such a string, in so as to work to act as a tangible "handle" of phenomenology, by which such a superstring may possibly be apprehended in at least some manner shape or form.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Session 10 Of Course 4

So, the local organization of the stuff that makes up a material thing is ordered differently, depending on if you are detecting that object as a globally distinguishable or as a substringular phenomenon.  Here.  Think of an electron.  It is the simplest point mass that always has a charge.  It has mass, it is in part kinetic energy, and the release of its spare energy when this energy is the result of the spin-orbital mode and angular momentum mode, of itself, is light.  We explained earlier what this J is, and why it is a mode.  When we as people detect an electron, it is basically a sphere of discharge that is altogether in a density of magnetism and charge.  This is a thing that appears as an individual entity that has components that are all near each other.  The quarks and leptons that make this up appear as individual things that are altogether and whose individual parts in the substringular are all near each other.  The strings of an individual quark of lepton are all next to each other in basically a majorized line that defines a small “eigenstate” of strings (taken as members of this “eigenstate.”)  Yet, the electron is not altogether in the substringular. (Although, these are completely in the substringular).  The quarks and leptons that comprise the electron are separated on different parts of what I term of as a tori-sector-range.  The field of the strings here (and not of their series iteration) of the electron form the whole eigenstate of such a tori-sector-range.  (A candy (doughnut) shape that’s like a real fat ring with a skinny holomorphic center.)  The field of the series iteration of a superstring may form a reverse-fractored eigenstate of a tori-sector-range.  The series iteration of the electron acts as the resultant of the activity of the energy of the strings that make the electron given as a whole basically parabolic.  In the substringular, the torus is a set of sectors of a tori-sector-range that work to describe the same electron.  I will explain better what a tori-sector-range is in course six.  Here, these ranges are not necessarily near, yet their Lorentz-Four-Contractions are so symmetrically geared that these appear near in the globally distinguishable.  One sector-range of a tori-sector-range may contain many subatomic pieces to many electrons.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Session 11 Of Course 4 -- Why Charges Bear Their Correlative Charges

Protons are positively charged particles that have a small amount of mass.  Protons are made up of quarks and leptons.  Electrons are made up of three leptons each.  Protons generally are the simplest particles that exist with a charge that is just as positive as an electron’s charge is negative.  It has a lot more mass than an electron, and its residual energy discharge does not form light.  Electrons tend to move faster than protons, and electrons spin a lot more antisymmetrically than protons.  Electrons each have a fractional spin, while protons each have a whole spin.  A particle with a negative charge will have the opposite spin holomorphicty than an adjacent  particle with a positive charge.  The J is related to the symmetrism of particles, for the reason that J involves the spin-orbital-interactions of particles.  As stated, J is also related to the electric field of a given particle, since, J is related to the angular momentum of a given particle.  Angular momentum is related to spin-orbital-interaction, since the directoral impetus is influenced by the way something spins and orbits.  (The way something goes around influences the direction that it incorporates and the object’s drive in that direction.)  The electric field is that field that is most influenced by its charge.  Since electrons that are adjacent spin antisymmetrically in an atom, and antisymmetric is negative of symmetry, and this symmetrism is influenced by J and thus the charge of an electron, and the holomorphism of the orbit of an electron’s transversal motion is antiholomorphic relative  to the directoralization of the given electron’s path around the nucleus of an atom, the charge of an electron is  negative.  Since protons’ spin in an atom tends to be more symmetric, and the orbital vibrations of protons is holomorphic relative to the general Laplacian setting of an atom, a proton has a positive charge.  Electrons spin antisymmetrically in an atom because of their fractional spin, high velocity, and also because of the dynamics of their fields.  The electric fields of electrons tend to work on the world more than the electric fields of protons.  Remember how light is the result of the recycling of differential geometries?  Remember how the residual discharge of electrons is light?  Electrons do this because these are a point mass of charge versus the mass that appertains to protons and neutrons.  Well, this is why electrons have more dynamic fields that protons.  These electrons thus need to be geometrically arranged so as not to interfere with where these are at.  Electrons, to exist in a spot, have to be in their own spot.  Since their fields are more dynamic, they must spin antisymmetrically to adjacent electrons of the same atom or else these will collide fieldwise.  This description of  an electric field would also help to describe the magnetic field, since magnetic fields curl around electric fields.  If  two adjacent electrons of the same atom were to be perturbated to attempt these  to spin symmetrically, the electrons, instead, would find a new localization, since two things cannot occupy the same spot at the same time.  The field dynamics of subatomic particle is influenced by the velocities and directoralizations of these selfsame particles.  The velocity of a particle influences the field associated with it.  Thank you for enjoying this session.  Have a great day!  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Part Of Session 12 Of Course 4

The wave-tug that I was describing earlier as a general scenario will make the sequences thus mentioned appear close in the globally distinguishable.  Here is the physical example that will show what I am writing about:  Let’s say that you have a rope.  It is on a pulley.  It goes through the holes of many pulleys.  It finally reaches a pulley that it connects with.  Both pulleys are connected to a rock (one each).  One guy at one end moves one rock.  If the ropes were fairly taught, the rock at the other end would react immediately as if the person were there although the rocks were a ways away.  Picture this with one pulley connected to another one at both ends of where the person was.  Picture this with minimal slack at one or both ends or none at all.  These pulleys would appear to have actions that are near, although this stough is pretty much far away.  Strings are energy that is rearranged after iterations.  Energy is the redistribution of space.  The redistribution of this space is action.  From our vantage point, redistributed space is action.  Our vantage point is what we observe or detect.  Physical things that are detected are stough.  Stough needs some sort of a pattern to exist.  Sequences are patterns.  Strings are individual members of sequences that show a memory of physical patterns that existed as an action that is also a result of action.  The stough that happens as these strings iterate and reiterate is the series iteration of that string.  This is in itself an action.  so, the nearness of action influences the nearness of stough.  Thus, how near actions seem influences how near strings seem.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Another Post From Course 5

What does it mean for two waves from separate point particles to touch and rub each other?  Consider a point particle again as a ball of yarn.  A ball of yarn is made up of string that has a static tendency when rubbed.  Let us say that you loosened the ends of two balls of string (the ends that were on the outside).  You rubbed these ends against each other briefly.  What happened?  The fray of the strings interconnected to an extent (depending on the toutness of each string), the strings became slightly charged one toward another, and a slight amount of heat was produced.  Now, what if you rubbed these string ends for just a little bit longer and then let go?  What would probably happen?  The strings would stay together for at least one moment.  Why?  When the strings’ ends are rubbed, an electrostatic discharge happens to a slight extent between these ends.  Electrons rub around, giving off a mild charge.  The mild charge is in terms of the angular momentum that is dispensed during the rubbing of the described electrons, while the shock of voltage that one could potentially receive from this is due to the spin-orbital interaction of the described electrons.  The described angular momentum is in terms of the roll of the electrons as a transversal radiation.  The propagation of this energy is the electric filed in this case.  In order for there to be roll, there has to be spin and orbit.  As the electrons roll around between the ends of the metaphorical yarns of string, these are also spinning (twisting 90 degrees to the twist that happens during the roll) and orbiting each other (moving radially as a whole relative to each other).  The propagation of the energy given off as the result of this spin and orbit type motion is the magnetic field dispensed here.  From experience, when you spin a bunch of materials near each other, what happens?  The materials get sucked into each other!  So, when there is a magnetic discharge between two objects, what tends to happen?  The two objects tend to be brought in toward each other!  I will continue with the suspense of this session later.
Until then, you have a phenomenal day!  Sam

Back To Calabi-Yau Manifolds

Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy quanta, are comprised of eigenstates of a Calabi-Yau manifold. E.M. that strikes mass, tends to strike electrons. When an electron is struck, it tends to go back-and-forth one or more energy levels -- in so as to release photons. A photon that acts in so as to scatter upon another phenomenology, tends to strike the externalized core-field-density of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate of the discrete energy that it strikes -- in a Gliosis-based manner over time. This works to effect those gravity waves, that are formed by the correlative plucking of light-cone-gauge eigenstates by gauge-bosons, at the Poincare level to discrete energy phenomenology. This is part of the reason as to why, it is the holonomic substrate of eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure , where the "gluing"-based eigenstates of the Ward-Cauchy-based level are at. This is partially as to how come mass is so crucial to the existence of gravity.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Left-Out Material From Course 5 Part One

Real odd counting numbers that mean more than just unitization or autonomy start at three.  In order for the basis of the globalization to exist, there must be three dimensions.  All physical dimensionality involves the basis of the existence of three dimensions when taken directly. (Other dimensions are wrapped up in it or travels through it as point particles recycle, which happens in the Planck Time.)  Why does physicality have three dimensions?  The basis of constant change is the shuffling of three things.  Better than juggling, think of pencils.  One is red, one is white, and one is blue.  Shuffle these.  Now its white, blue, and red.  Shuffle again.  Now its blue, red, and white.  I arbitrarily chose right to left.  Counterclockwise unscrews, or brings reality toward its observer.  So, point commutators flow from right to left and not left to right for forward moving time particles.  Constant change forces life to learn.  The basis of instant change is the basis of Organized Learning.  In order for points to be points with discrepancies, constant compactified change must happen within a region small enough to where the translocation of its indices changes the operand of its surroundings.  So, if a point is really a point, the region around it will exhibit a field.  If the field exists, there will be kinematic association.  No lie.  A first-ordered point particle is a density of redistributed space that effects the area where it differentiates.  As the point translocates, the ends of its condensed oscillation that comprise its make up uncurl a little because of the fields of other points acting upon it, and the point prepares to interface.  What are these fields?  Energy is everywhere.  Energy and space are interchangeable.  Point energy is dense energy that is compactified.  When a magnetic and an electric field are formed, ripples in the energy between points forms a wrinkle in space-time fabric.  These wrinkles act like hands that move to try to untie the ends of the strings at the ends of points.  These oscillating wrinkles of space-time fabric are fields or field eigenstates.  When these field eigenstates are kerneled to a specific tangent of the norm operator of one of these string ends, the associated  point particle is compactified.  If enough of these field eigenstates are kerneled as such, then the point end is pulled into the operand of space that is not as dense.  (This is because first-ordered-point-particles that are compactified and quantized form a Fourier differentiation with the vacuum that these are surrounded by on account of the fact that phenomena tends to move in the direction of least perturbation.)  When the extent of continued pull brings two point ends to touch each other, then these come into contact, and touch for a brief metric.  As soon as the point ends curl around each other into a hooked normalcy, then the point ends pull each other straight, and skip off of each other.  This is since the elasticity of point ends has complete normalcy to all others that these come into contact with as these exhibit some sort of attraction that bends them like a supplemental compliment.  (Normal line).
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I took this from another string theory blog that I have.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Stuff About Resultant Holomorphic Direction

Each superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that works to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is to work to bear one potential tense of a directoral-based holomorphic tendency.  When all of these tendencies are to work upon each other -- this happens, in so as to "co-operate" as to then to be acting as a resultant directoral-based holomorphic tendency for the said overall orbifold eigenset.  The so-eluded-to resultant holomorphic direction of the given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, will be in the direction of the angular momentum of the so-stated eigenset, to where this phenomenology is to then to move through its resultant Hamiltonian operand -- via the correlative Lagrangian-based path.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Variety Of Potential Ward-Supplemental Motions For D-Field

When an orbifold eigenset that is to bear no viable Yukawa interaction with any anomalous external source -- that would work to form an unusual topological sway -- to where the initially stated orbifold eigenset is here to act as an eigenstate of a d-field, is to strike a given arbitrary surface -- in so as to result in the Ward-Supplemental translation of the just mentioned orbifold eigenset, the path that is to be taken out of the variety of paths that may potentially happen -- for the correlative motion of the said eigenstate, are based upon the set of complex roots that are to be taken out of the variety of sets of complex roots -- that the correlatively resulting Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities will work to bear, for the said orbifold eigenset, that is here to act as an eigenstate of a d-field.  Such a set of complex roots that is to be determined by the potential set of the variety of sets of complex roots, tends to be, in part, to be based upon both the covariant, the codeterminable, and the codifferentiable positioning of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to have worked to comprise the said eigenstate, as well as the directoral-based holomorphic tendencies, that are here to be most associated with a d-field in this case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Part Two Of Field Genus And Holomorphic Direction

In so long as there are no external anomalous forces that are here to be applied in a viable Yukawa manner to either an f-field, a d-field, or a p-field, -- an f-field will generally bear a high expectation value of working to bear its respective set of potential holomorphic directoral tendencies, a d-field will generally bear a high expectation value of working as well to bear its respective set of potential holomorphic directoral tendencies, and a p-field will generally bear a high expectation value of working as well to bear its respective set of potential holomorphic directoral tendencies.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Field Genus And Tendency Of Holomorphic Direction

Over the course of any one iteration of group-related instanton -- an f-field is an f-field, a d-field is a d-field, and a p-field is a p-field.  Yet -- over the course of any one iteration of group-related instanton -- there are often superstrings of an f-field, that may be influenced by an external source, in so as to work to bear a tendency of holomorphic topological sway, that may either be in-between the normal directoral tendency of an f-field and the normal directoral tendency of a d-field, or in-between the normal directoral tendency of an f-field and the normal directoral tendency of a p-field.  Likewise, there are often superstrings of a d-field, that may be influenced by an external source, in so as to work to bear a tendency of holomorphic topological sway, that may either be in-between the normal directoral tendency of a d-field and the normal directoral tendency of an f-field, or in-between the normal directoral tendency of a d-field and the normal directoral tendency of a p-field.  Likewise, there are often superstrings of a p-field, that may be influenced by an external source, in so as to work to bear a tendency of holomorphic topological sway that may either be in-between the normal directoral tendency of a p-field and the normal directoral tendency of an f-field, or in-between the normal directoral tendency of a p-field and the normal directoral tendency of a d-field.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Hamiltonian Operations Of Gravity

Often, superstrings of a Hamiltonian operation of gravity, may simultaneously (via the vantage-point of a central conipoint), act as both a graviton and a gravitino.  This is when a Ward-Cauchy-based particle of a Hamiltonian operation of gravity, is to bear both radial and transversal characteristics, over the course of the same distinct iterations of group-related instanton.  So, let's say that, over the course of one specific iteration of instanton, that a Ward-Cauchy-based gravitational particle is to be at both one positioning of a fractal of angular momentum and at one position of a fractal of spin-orbital momentum.  Next, at the ensuing iteration of instanton, the just mentioned particle is to be distributed in such a delineation -- to where its fractal tense of angular momentum had to have just altered by one Planck Length, while its fractal tense of spin-orbital momentum had to have just altered by one Planck Radii.  Let us next say that the just mentioned tendency, is then to re-occur for a significant number of iterations of group-related instanton.  A graviton is a superstring of a Hamiltonian operation of gravity, that works to involve the transversal motion of the so-eluded-to eigenstate -- whereas, a gravitino is a superstring of a Hamiltonian operation of gravity, that works to involve the radial motion of the so-eluded-to eigenstate.  One could then say, when such a just mentioned gravitational particle is to display both a transversal and a radial motion -- over the same general tendency of motion -- that it is to act as both a graviton and as a gravitino simultaneously (via the vantage-point of a central conipoint).  One could then say, that such a particle may be considered as a unitary dual-state of gravitational eigenstate, that is to exhibit the gauged activity of both a fractal tense of angular momentum and the gauged activity of a fractal tense of spin-orbital momentum -- over the course of the same evenly gauged Hamiltonian operation.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Bonding Between Two Different Forming Open-Loops

Let us consider an open-strand of substringular phenomenology, that is here to bend in a hermitian manner -- in conjunction with another open-strand of substringular phenomenology that is here to bend in a hermitian manner, -- in so as to form two different distinct substringular forming open-loops, that are to ensue in so as to twine together at one covariant proximal locus, in so as to then to link together to work to form an open substringular loop, that is to consist of two tied together eigenstates of topological stratum that are to both, when individually taken, to bear a gauging as being of the scalar amplitude of  the Planck Length.  As the two internally-based ends of the two initially stated open Ward-Cauchy strands, that are to here be forming as two distinct Ward-Cauchy open-loops, are to approach a covariant proximal local region of a correlative bonding cite in which to twine together -- to where each distinct motion of the said dual operation of the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate, are to be approaching one another, to where the two forming open-loops are to come towards each other over the course of one dual general motion -- per iteration of group-related instanton.  In-Between each individually taken iteration of group-related instanton, the substringular fabric is to go through the respective individually taken iteration of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  At the point of the Gliosis-based contact of the two different forming open-loops -- that are to tie together in so as to work to form one overall Ward-Cauchy-related open-loop in the substringular -- the proximal locus of such a covariant, codeterminable, and of a codifferentiable nature, is to be reached, in so as to work to delineate the two forming open-loops -- at such a position to where the internal dual-ends are then to be basically touching flushing in a Ward Supplemental manner that is to bear a relatively minimal mask angling of internal resonation, over the course of the then iterative course of one eigenindex of BRST.  At this point in time, the multiplicit dual-state of Li-based Hamiltonian operation, is to then to work to cause the internal topological stratum of arc-based mini-stringular segmentation of one correlative Li-group -- to knot upon the other internal topological stratum of arc-based mini-stringular segmentation that is consequently upon of the initial Li-group, -- in so as to work to link the one forming open-loop phenomenology upon the other forming open-loop phenomenology.  At this point, the external group-action of the surrounding environment, will work to help at causing the ensuing resultant holonomic direction of the then resultant open-loop phenomenology -- as may be mapped-out over an extrapolation that would here involve an even Hamiltonian-related gauging.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bonding Between Two Different Open Strings

As two different forming substringular loops are twined upon each other, as a dual-based metric-gauge-related Hamiltonian operator, -- it is that mini-stringular phenomenology, that works to comprise the two said forming substringular loops, that work to come together in a manner of knotting upon each other -- that works to form the earlier mentioned Yukawa-related Ward-Cauchy-based twining.  What happens in general, is the following:
Superstringular phenomenology is comprised of by first-order point particles -- that link together or bead together, in so as to work to form either an open substringular strand, an open substringular loop, or a closed substringular loop. (In this case, a set of forming open substringular loops.)  The just mentioned first-ordered point particles, are to here to be comprised of by what I term of as mini-stringular phenomenology.  The presence of mini-stringular phenomenology may be extrapolated by the presence of zero-point energy.  When two different Ward-Cauchy-based eigenstates of topological stratum in the substringular, are to be knotted or twined together at one relativisitic variant spot, -- that mini-stringular phenomenology, that is here to work to comprise the said first-order point particles of the so-eluded-to respective strands or loops that are here to be linked together, are to twirl upon the respective multiplicit dual-state Li-Gaussian-related holonomic substrate of topological stratum, that is in the Ward-Supplemental holomorphic direction, when in retrospective to the alterior inferred dual-state, but in a Ward-Polar torsional homotopic manner -- in so as to form that set of mini Yukawa couplings, that are necesssary -- in so as to help at working to allow for the then needed twining of one substringular Li-grouping upon the other, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Cohomological Tendency Of Open-Loop Phenomenology

Although the cohomology of any given arbitrary open substringular strand is to tend to be conical in a jointal-related manner, -- the cohomology of any given arbitrary open substringular loop tends to be conical in a smoothly-curved-related manner.  Let me explain.  When the cohomology of an open substringular strand is to be mapped-out externally, from the region of the core-field-density of the said strand outward, in a Ward-Cauchy-related manner -- the correlative physical memory, in a Laplacian-based manner, is to tend to bear two converging linear metrical-gauge-related Hamiltonian operators, that are here to meet in a Gliosis-based manner, at an apex-like conipoint.  Yet, when the cohomology of an open substringular loop is to be mapped-out externally, from the region of the core-field-density of the said loop outward, in a Ward-Cauchy-related manner -- the correlative physical memory, in a Laplacian-based manner, is to tend to bear two converging hyperbolic metrical-gauge-related Hamiltonian operators, that are here to meet in a Gliosis-based manner at an apex-like conipoint.  The just mentioned hyperbollic-related convergence is to then to bear a set of concavities that are isometric around a central coniaxion, that may be mapped-out along the center of the so-eluded-to region of approach, in a Laplacian-based manner.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Some More Knowledge As To Open-Loops

Often, when one is dealing with a Ward-Cauchy-related open-loop substringular phenomenology -- that is an open loop that is isotropically stable, -- one is to initially have two individually taken open substringular strands, that are to subsequently bend in a hermitian manner towards one another, in so as then to tie their initial fabric of the holonomic substrate of topological stratum, in so as to then to work to become an open-loop of substringular phenomenology.  This is to happen, due to the cohesive activity of a correlative group-attractor -- that is to work to help at forming such a wave-tug, that is to both bring the initially stated open strands towards each other, plus to work at helping that activity of the hermitian bending of the two said open strands that is necessary in so as to work to form a resultant open-loop, as well as to help at working to initiate that interaction that is to happen between the dual state of the correlative mini-stringular segmentation that is to exist among each of such initial open strands, in so as to help at allowing for that Ward-Cauchy-related tying that is to happen, in so as to help at allowing such open strands to then to become one Ward-Cauchy-related substringular open-loop.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Indistinguishably Different Universal Setting

The universal setting that any one orbifold eigenset or that any one superstring is to belong to, is of a potentially  indistinguishably different nature.  In other words, it is not metaphorically "set in stone" as to what universal setting that any one orbifold eigenset or that any one superstring is to exist in.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Some Interesting Stuff About Tachyons

Let us look at a three-dimensional world-sheet.  Let us say that an observer is pairing with another world-sheet "longitudinally" for such a long ways, that it "nets" to form a set of cohomologies that map-out the multiplicit physical memory of the relatively Laplacian condition of one given arbitrary life form.  Let us next say that the said "life form" were to be located from within the Ward-Cauchy confines of a given arbitrary craft.  Let us next say that the just mentioned "craft" were to bear a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology -- in so as to be able to and doing the condition of traveling at the speed of light.  Let's now get down to the nitty gritty as to the point particles that comprise the superstrings of the said craft, as it (the craft) is to move at light speed.  The point particles that come together at one level that is just below the scalar magnitude of the size of the superstrings, are here to be capable of more of a covariant wave-tug upon their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- since a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology works to bear sinusoidal mini-stringular segmentation that may be able to go through the processes of shuffling in how tight the looping is (since a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology is non abelian.  It's push upon it's immediate environment is not heuristically of a supplemental wave-tug-related nature.)  This works to help at allowing for the potential stretching of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates of such a nature that are non abelian -- so that the phenomenology that here is at light speed, may be able to bear a magnetic field -- that wraps around its correlative electric field in an orphoganal manner.  You see, the points would otherwise not conform to the world-sheet's general dimensional train.  As a bosonic string is staggered as a Hamiltonian operator of mass, that is going at light speed or greater -- such a string is then to be called a tachyon.  A tachyonic two-dimensional cohomology may be called a "plumbion," since such a cohomological eigenstate works to organize the correlative tachyon.  The Njenhuis tense of such tachyonic superstrings that are of the correlative tachyonic cohomological eigenstates, is unique from a Noether tense of superstrings and a Noether tense of cohomological indices, because the wave propagation in the Njenhuis discrepencies (the Njenhuis partitions that work to separate the "links" that come together in so as to work to form the correlative tachyon and it's correlative "plumbion"-related cohomological eigenstates), is here to be practically completley assymetric to the adjacent Njenhuis discrepencies. -- which works-out, because ground-states do not tend to directly cancel-out negative-norm-states, because of their different arrangement of scattering.  What is known of as the "truth" tachyon, comes into play when the said unique Njenhuis tense of the individually taken partitions of a tachyon work to form a dimensional train, that coincides with the initial propagation of stratum -- but stationed sat a different universal setting in the past.  (The Li operators are here to transform the set of  orbifold eigensets to the same type of universe, but with a different set of strings that are here to encode for a past tense of activity of the same genus of universal setting.  Truth tachyons cause time travel.)
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Changes In Isotropic Stability

If an open substringular loop that is to initially be relatively rigid and thereby isotropically stable, is to  be loosened in the condition of the topological sway of its dimensional symmetry -- and thereby to become isotropically unstable -- then, such a Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenon is to more likely to be able to end-up being shut into a closed-loop, as a Hamiltonian operator of the metrical-gauge-related tense.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.