Saturday, November 25, 2017

Some Stuff As To Kovanov Homology

Here is one way to possibly look at the relations of a correlative Kovanov homology.:
Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is being translated across a gauged-metrical-transform -- over one given arbitrary Fourier-related Transform.  Let us say that the directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants -- when this is taken in terms of both the correlative pulsation and the correlative delineation of the said orbifold eigenset -- is to here be of a trivial isomorphic-based nature, as the said eigenset is to here to be translated via a Hamiltonian operand, that is to be correlative to a Lagrangian-based path -- that is to here to be of an innately Rham-related nature, over the so-eluded-to relatively transient duration in which the said orbifold eigenset is to be acting as such.  Under such an inferred set of Ward-Cauchy-based conditions -- such an orbifold eigenset will then tend to be of a hermitian nature, -- both in terms of its Lagrangian-based tendencies, as well as in terms of its metrical-based tendencies, -- in so long as such a correlative metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operation is to be gauged of as an even function, over time (to where time is here to be a given arbitrary sequential series of group-related instantons).  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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