Wednesday, November 1, 2017

As To Ward-Based Acute Angling

Here is the general idea as to what I meant in my earlier post, as to the concept that I tried to convey about a Ward-based acute angle of strike, that is of a photon striking upon a discrete quantum of energy.  Let us consider here, that the discrete quantum of energy of an electron that is to subsequently be struck by a photon, is here to be traveling in what may here be called the relative forward- holomorphic direction.  Let us next say that the photon that is about to strike the said discrete quantum of energy, this said discrete energy of which is here of the said electron, is to veer from an initial relatively forward- holomorphic/reverse-Njenhuis-to-forward-holomorphic positioning, to then moving into the relatively reverse-holomorphic/forward-Njenhuis-to-reverse-holomorphic direction -- as the said photon is to make an oblique Gliosis-based contact with the externalized core-field-density of the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of the discrete quantum of energy of the said electron that is about to be struck by the here correlative photon.  At this point, map-out the cohomology that is to exist here -- between the Laplacian-based Lagrangian path of the Hamiltonian operand, that may be extrapolated: from the initially formed path of the discrete quantum of energy of the electron that was to ensue in so as to be struck, -- which is to be taken soon before it had been scattered upon --,  with the Ward-based proximal locus where the photon had made its ensuing Gliosis-based contact with the said discrete quantum of energy, that works here in correlation to what the respective photon had been just about to scatter upon, up to the inverse direction as to where the photon had just came from -- directly prior to the so-eluded-to process of the scattering of that said respective given arbitrary photon, upon the proximal locus where the correlative electron was hit.  Take this as a planar sub-tension, that is here to involve a minimal Stoke's depth.  Such an acute planar angling is here, the general idea as to what I meant by a Ward-based acute angling of scattering.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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