Let us say, that one is to have a topological source, that is here to bear a tense of a Clifford Expansion -- to where this is to elude to a region, that is here to consist of an initial set of orbifold eigensets, that are to be expanding outward at a relatively quick rate over time. Let us say, that the externalized core-field-density of the so-eluded-to topological stratum, that is here to be expanding over time -- is to cycle, from initially working to bear an isomorphic symmetry, to subsequently working to bear an isomorphic asymmetry, to working to bear an isomorphic symmetry, and so on -- as the said Clifford Expansion is to be occurring. This would then work to mean, that the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate, that was here to consist of the said initial set of orbifold eigensets -- is then to go from mainly generating cohomology, to next to go into mainly degenerating cohomology, to then to mainly generating cohomology, and so forth. This would then work to infer a tense of a process, that is here to work, in so as to "pump" cohomology back-and-forth -- in the process of a general genus of an overall set of cyclical permutation, that is here to be potentially appertaining to a genus of the formation of the homotopic residue of Calabi-based permutations, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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