Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Angle Of Light Scattering Strike

When any one given arbitrary photon is to strike the externalized core-field-density, that is of the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate of another discrete quantum of energy -- in an oblique manner that is of a Ward-based acute angling -- the spontaneously ensuing gravity waves that act as Schwinger-Indices that are thus consequently formed, will tend to be of more of a harmonic nature, than if the approach of the photon when in the process of such a so-eluded-to scattering, were instead of an oblique Ward-based obtuse angling.  Consequently, -- when any one given arbitrary photon is to strike the externalized core-field-density, that is of the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate of another discrete quantum of energy -- in an oblique manner that is of a Ward-based obtuse angling -- the spontaneously ensuing gravity waves that act as Schwinger-Indices that are thus consequently formed, will tend to be of more of an enhharmonic nature, than if the approach of the photon when in the process of such a so-eluded-to scattering, were instead of an oblique Ward-based acute angling.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Impact Of Light Scattering

When a photon is to scatter upon an electron, -- as it always tends to do when it is to strike in a Gliosis-based manner, the externalized core-field-density of the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a discrete quantum of energy that works here to comprise the respective given arbitrary electron that is of such a case scenario -- then, the more orthogonal that such a Gliosis-based contact is to be, the more of an immediate impact that the scattering of the said photon is to be upon the said electron, in the process of the directly corresponding scattering of electromagnetic energy, that is here to then follow or ensue.  Furthermore, the more of an immediate impact that the scattering of a photon upon a discrete quantum of energy that is of an electron is to be, -- the more Schwinger-Indices, in the form of gravity waves, will then tend to be formed by the process of such a respective given arbitrary scattering.
This is enough to digest for now.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Characteristics For Topological Extrapolation

There are a few general categories of topological extrapolation, that I can think of from scratch -- that may work here to bear a given arbitrary extrapolation, in so as to further to be able to understand even better, the respective correlative holonomic substrate of topological stratum -- that is to here to be directly associated with certain given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-based phenomenology, that is here of a substringular nature, over time.  1)  Consider both the Laplacian-based nature as well as the Fourier-based nature, that is of both that spatial and that dimensional compactification-based tense, -- by which any respective  orbifold eigenset, is then to be able to be extrapolated as one holistic entity.
2)  Next, -- consider the nature of both the fractal and the elastic module, if you will, of the topological stratum, that is Poincare to the Gliosis-based surface, of the here respective orbifold eigenset.
3)  Furthermore, -- consider both the Laplacian-based Ward-Cauchy conditions and the Fourier-based Ward-Cauchy conditions, by which the correlative knotting that is to be taking place here, from within the physical bounds of the said respective orbifold eigenset, is to happen, --  as both a time-related phenomenology and also as a non-time-oriented metric-gauge-based holistic quantum of energy, that is to be pulled into its kinematic group-related activities, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Yukawa Kahler-Metric

The more Yukawa that the Kahler-Metric is, to any one given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy that is at one set gauged-metric, -- the more asymmetric that the adjacent gauge-bosons of the said respective given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy will then tend to be.  The more asymmetric that the adjacent gauge-bosons of any one respective given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy will be, -- the more harmonic that the resultant formed Schwinger-Indices that act as gravity waves, will then tend to be.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Clifford Differentiation

A tense of a Clifford differentiation, will tend to elude to the presence of the generation of cohomological indices, by a given arbitrary source, -- whereas a tense of a Dirac Clifford differentiation, will instead tend to elude to the presence of the degeneration of cohomological indices , by a given arbitrary source. I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Session 8 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Manifolds And Calabi Interactions

A beam of light will always have a tendency of moving in as much of an optimum manner that it is able to, in so as to move in a straight line, -- unless it is either scattering, or, unless it is being bent by a medium that is other than a vacuum of free space.  Light generally quantizes into many beams of light at a time.  Also, light tends to move in the direction of least time.  Let's say that a beam of visible white light is here to travel down from the sky.  Let's say that the beam of light that is here to be given, is to strike the top of a trampoline.  (The stretchable part.)  When the light beam given was here to be traveling toward the said trampoline, the given light existed as an orbifold eigenset, that had a Clifford differentiation that was of a euclidean nature.  The light beam existed as an orbifold eigenset, in part, because  the said beam was a manifold of magnetism that also had an electric field that is directly associated with it.  Any manifold of magnetism, is a structure that is here to work to involve one or more orbifold eigensets.  Any orbifold eigenset that differentiates in either size and/or shape, has a Clifford differentiation associated with it.  When an orbifold eigenset is differentating in either its size and/or shape -- in a non-accelerated and smooth manner that is hermitian, then, the orbfiold eigenset given here -- is said to have a Clifford differentiation, that is here to tend to be completely of a euclidean nature.  The given beam of white light in this case, is an orbifold eigenset that is non-accelerated and smooth and hermitian, -- and is thereby completely euclidean, until the beam of light is to strike the said trampoline in a Gliosis-based manner.  Once that the given light beam is to strike the given trampoline, the beam of light is then to scatter in a Calabi-Yau interaction -- in which the scattered light is to then be both absorbed as heat, and refracted by the material of the trampoline in general as well.  Scattered light exists as a Dirac Clifford differentiation.  An example of a Dirac Clifford differentiation, is when an orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy -- is here to differentiate in an accelerated manner, that is both Chern-Simons and unsmooth -- as it is traveling along the Hamiltonian operand, that is here to be transmitted along the traversal of its Lagrangian-based path over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Motion Of Superstrings Within Orbifold Eigenset

The net motion of all of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset -- works to form the overall motion of that self-same orbifold eigenset, -- when this is taken in relationship to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy, over time.  So -- when one is to consider the resultant of the Fourier Transformation of the sum of the Ward-Cauchy-based kinematic activity, that is of all of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivty, that work to comprise one said given arbitrary set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific respective function, -- one is to then to be able to derive what the resultant motion of that so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset.  Depending upon the net motion of any one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset -- one is to then to be able to determine what the velocity of that self-same orbifold eigenset will be, -- relative to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy. At the most internal level -- it is the relativistic motion of any one respective orbifold eigenset -- that is here to work to help at determining what the Lorentz-Four-Contraction will be upon the individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said respective orbifold eigenet.  So, that given arbitrary respective Lorentz-Four-Contraction that may be attributed to any one specific orbifold eigenset, as a Ward-Cauchy-based condition that is to be determined at the most relative internalized level -- is then to be applied to all of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said eigenset.  This will thence work to determine what the Polyakov Action eigenstate will be -- of those self-same strings.  This will, in turn, work to help at determining what the scalar amplitude will be -- of the conical-based nature of the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to comprise the discrete energy quanta of the said composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity of such a given respective case.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Little As To The Hyperbollic Nature Of A Conical Nature

Let us consider the Ward-Cauchy-based conditions of one given arbitrary first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, over the course of one respective given correlative iteration of BRST.  The lower that the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is of the directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy, and thus, the higher that the Polyakov Action eigenstate is of that self-same discrete quantum of energy -- the more hyperbollic that the mini-Lagrangian-based translation of space, that is of the scalar amplitude of the said correlative first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is then to be.  Furthermore, the more hyperbollic that the mini-Lagrangian-based translation of space will be, of any first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, -- due to a hightened Ward-Cauchy-based condition of the correlative Polyakov Action eigenstate, the more hightened of a scalar amplitude that may be attributed to the relativistic internalized volume of the conical-based nature, that is of the thus described first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a case.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Oscillation In Velocity And Conical Nature

When a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset that is here to be traveling through a discrete Lagrangian, is to vary in its relative velocity -- from initially beginning to travel with one velocity, to then traveling through the said discrete Lagrangian with a velocity that is to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude, back to then traveling through the discrete Lagrangian with its initially inferred velocity, and so on  -- its directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction is to go from one tense of a scalar amplitude, to a higher tense of a scalar amplitude, while then going back to working to bear its initial scalar amplitude, and so on.  In the process of such an undertaking, -- the conical nature of the internalized core-field-density of the first-order light-cone-gauge of those discrete quanta of energy, that are here to work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, is to go from one scalar amplitude of working to bear a conical nature, to then working bear a lower scalar amplitude of a conical nature, to then working to bear its initial tense of a directly corresponding scalar amplitude of a conical nature, and so on.  This is as the Lorentz-Four-Contractions of the individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, are to go from working to bear one scalar amplitude of relative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, to then having the Lorentz-Four-Contraction of the individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset to go into then working to bear a higher scalar amplitude, to then working to bear such superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are to work to bear their initially inferred scalar amplitude of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, and so on.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Orbifold Eigenset Oscillating In Velocity

Let us initially consider one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- that is to be traveling through a discrete Lagrangian, over a gauged-metric.  Next, let's consider that the orbifold eigenset of this case, is to oscillate in its relative velocity -- from one given arbitrary speed in the relative holomorphic direction, to a hightened speed in the relative holomorphic direction, while then going back to its initial speed in the relative holomorphic direction, and so on.  Let us say that this given arbitrary scenario, does not include the Ward-Cauchy-based condition of working to bear perturbative Lagrangian-based spikes.  This will then tend to mean, that those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, -- will go from one tense of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, to then working to bear a greater scalar amplitude of a tense of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, while then going back to working to bear its initial tense of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, and so on.  This will then tend to mean, that those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, -- will go from one tense of Polyakov Action eigenstate, to then working to bear a condition of having a diminished scalar amplitude of a tense of Polyakov Action eigenstate, while then going back to working to bear its initial tense of Polyakov Action eigenstate, and so on.  Furthermore, if the changes in the velocity of the said orbifold eigenset are not of a gradual nature, then, the metrical changes that are thence to be gauged, will be of the nature of working to bear perturbative metrical-based spikes -- of which will work to include the Ward-Cauchy-based conditions of the proximal local existence of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities, -- that will then be Yukawa to the topological stratum of the said orbifold eigenset, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Polyakov Action And Scalar Amplitude Of Conical Nature

Let us initially consider one orbifold eigenset, that is of a directly corresponding Calabi-Yau manifold -- as it is moving in a kinematic manner, over a set group-related metric, over time.  Let us next consider that the said orbifold eigenset of this case, is here to be moving as a unit, at one given arbitrary specific velocity -- when this so-eluded-to tense of a Fourier Transformation is taken in relation to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy.  Given the initially stated so-eluded-to Ward-Cauchy-based conditions -- the given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset is to then to bear one given tense of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, and therefore, the given arbitrary respective said eigenset is to thus, as well, to work to bear one given arbitrary respective tense of the Polyakov Action.  This will then work to mean that all of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset -- are to bear the same directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction, and, as well, that all of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise the said eigenset, are to also to work to bear the same directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate, -- over the earlier mentioned group-related metric.  This would then mean that, at the most internally-based reference frame, over the said group-metric, that all of the here mentioned superstrings thus mentioned, in so long as the so-eluded-to gauged-metric is to be metrically Yukawa to both the said orbifold eigenset and also those said strings that work to comprise it, -- that these phenomenology will then work to bear the same scalar amplitude or tense of a conical-based nature -- when such a said scalar amplitude or tense of a conical-based Ward-Cauchy nature is here to be both codifferentiable, codeterminable, and covariant, to the topological stratum of the inferred core-field-density of those individually taken discrete energy quanta, that have here worked to comprise the holonomic substrate of the eigenindices that have here acted, in so as to work to comprise the inferred set of discrete energy that is here to operate in so as to perform one specific function over time. I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 16, 2017

A Little As To Rham Versus Doubolt Cohomologies

The reason as to why there will always be the general condition, that any given arbitrary Rham-based cohomology -- that is here to be considered over a Fourier Transformation -- is in reality to eventually become of a Doubolt-based nature of cohomology, is because of the Ward-Cauchy-based condition, that any orbifold eigenset that is to be traveling via any respective Lagrangian, that is to be continuously kinematic in its Fourier-related translation, -- will eventually work to bear at least one set of Lagrangian-based perturbative spikes (not to mention working to eventually bear at least one set of metrical-based perturbative spikes as well) somewhere across the Hamiltonian-based path that any one orbifold eigenset is to be traversing through, over time.  Any orbifold eigenset is to work to both eventually and spontaneously to act in so as to become Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, over time.  When such a general tense of a Gliosisi-based interaction is to occur -- there is to initially be the presence of art least one set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions.  An antiholomorphic Kahler condition works to suggest the definite presence of a cohomology, that has at least worked to become of a Doubolt nature, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Conical lnternal Fields Of Light-Cone-Guage Eigenstates

Whenever any one given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is here to be made Yukawa as a general genus of holonomic substrate, in-between any one respective given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity, over the course of any one iteration of the Polyakov Action during BRST -- then, that tense of an immediate topological field, that is to here be made internal to the kinematic positioning of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- is then here to be of a relatively conical nature in a hyperbolic-based manner, as the so-eluded-to discrete energy is to here be going through the so-inferred Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that is to be happening to the said quantum of energy.  The larger that the relative scalar amplitude of that Lorentz-Four-Contraction is, that is here to be happening to the said discrete energy quantum that is to here to be  occurring over the course of one specific instanton -- the less conical that the internal field will tend to be, of the topological interior of the kinematic stratum in which the so-eluded-to first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate  will be of, in this said given arbitrary case.  Furthermore -- the smaller that the relative scalar amplitude of that Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that is here to be happening to the said discrete energy quantum that is here to be occurring over one discrete instanton -- the more conical that the internal field will tend to be, of the topological interior of the kinematic stratum in which the so-eluded-to first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate will be of, in this given arbitrary case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Light-Cone-Gauge

Whenever photons -- of which are tiny little discrete particles of electromagnetic energy -- are to scatter upon any other discrete quanta of energy, these individually taken photons are usually to tend to act, in so as to strike the externalized core-field-density of the light-cone-gauge eigenstate of another discrete quantum of energy.  Also, it is the light-cone-gauge -- that works in so as to act as a gauging liaison, that is to exist in-between the holonomic substrate of any one given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate And its directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that acts in so as to help in gauging both the positioning and the activity of the Polyakov Action eigenstate,  that the directly correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity is here to be undergoing, over the course of any one individually taken iteration of BRST (that is during any one individually taken iteration of instanton).
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Perturbative Homotopic Residue

A set of orbifold eigensets -- that work to form a tense of homotopic residue, that is here to go from expanding in a Clifford-based manner, to then being drawn inward via a cohomological compactification, to then working to bear a Clifford Expansion that is to be drawn outward, and vice-versa, for some proscribed iterative group-related metric, -- is here to be held as a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operation, that is to bear an externalized core-field-density, that is here to be isometric in a symmetrical-based manner, as the directly corresponding cohomologies that are to be formed by the expansion-contraction-expansion-based kinematic-related activity, is to go from basically generating cohomology, to then to be basically degenerating cohomology, to then to be basically generating cohomology, and vice-versa, to where this is to go from initially bearing a radial homeomorphic Clifford Expansion that is to bear individually taken eigenindices of homotopic residue, that are of a Chern-Simons nature in a metrical-based manner, yet potentially hermitian in a Lagrangian-based manner.  This is happening, as the volume of the region that has been traversed through here, is to have increased in its scalar amplitude -- over time.  As the correlative homotopic residue is to compactify in a cohomological manner, the initial  Ward-Cauchy-based conditions of the convergent tense of homotopic residue, is to form both metrical and Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities.  As the cohomological compactification  is to continue in a homeomorphic manner, the Lagrangian-based singularities thus formed, will tend to be hermitian, but not the correlative metrical-based singularities.  And as the homotopic residue of this case is to re-expand, -- there is to initially be both Lagrangian and metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities, in the motion of the eigenindices that had worked to form the initial tense of the said orbifold eigensets -- that is of this particular  case.  Once that the initial correlative tense of the Kahler-Metric has been Yukawa to the holonomic substrate of the said homotopic residue -- in a Gliosisi-based manner, then, the correlative Chern-Simons singularities thus formed, will tend to be of just a metrical-based manner UNTIL the correlative homotopic residue is to bear antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, that work to cause what is to be the ensuing cohomological compactification.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Terms Cohomologies Versus Ghost Anomalies

That description of the physical memories, as to the where, the when, and the how, that the multiplicit substringular eigenstates have differentiated over time -- as may be described by the term that I call ghost anomalies, -- works to imply the temporal nature of the existence of the so-eluded-to  individually taken cohomological entities.  This is since the presence of an anomaly -- works to imply the existence of something that may rarely be both significantly detected and apprehended as both real and observable, at any specific given arbitrary locus.  Whereas -- the eigenstate of a given arbitrary respective cohomology, may simply refer to the existence of the physical memories as to the where, the when, and the how, that the multiplicit substringular eigenstates have differentiated in the arena of space-time-fabric in general.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Different Genre Of Cohomologies

Any given arbitrary respective eigenstate of cohomology, that may be considered -- when this is taken over a respective Laplacian Transform -- will be of either a Rham-based nature, or, of a Doubolt-based nature.  Any Rham-based cohomology -- when this is taken over a Fourier Transform, over a long enough duration of time -- will eventually be altered into a Doubolt-based cohomology. 
I can think of 13 different types of genre of cohomology, these of which will each be of either a Rham-based nature or of of Doubolt-based nature -- when taken over a respective Laplace Transform.
These would be:
1)  Gliosis-Sherk-Olive cohomologies
2)  Fadeev-Popov-Trace-related cohomologies
3)  Neilson-Kollosh cohomologies
4)  Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstate-related cohomologies
5)  Cohomologies of Schwinger-Indices, via the Rarita Structure
6)  Cohomologies of Campbell-based norm-states
7)  Cohomologies of Hausendorf-based norm-states
8)  Cohomologies of Campbell-Hausendorf-based norm-states
9)  Cohomologies of Campbell-based norm-state-projections
10)  Cohomologies of Hausendorf-based norm-state- projections
11)  Cohomologies of Campbell-Hausendorf-based norm-state-projections
12)  The cohomological mappable-tracings of Klein Bottle eigenstates
&13)  Cohomological mappable-tracings of Higgs Boson eigenstates.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Cohomological Generation To Cohomological Degeneration

Let us initially consider an initial set of orbifold eigensets, that are to begin to implode upon each other, -- while then acting in so as to consequently expand away from each other, as an equal and opposite reaction, that is taken in the equal and opposite relative directoral-based tense, -- in so as to work to form a Cevita-based Clifford Expansion that is of the here ensuing topological stratum of diverging homotopic residue.  Let us next say that the externalized core-field-density of the so-inferred Clifford Expansion, is here to bear an initial isomorphic symmetry.  This would then work to mean that the initial expansion of the diverging homotopic-based eigenindices, is to  here be mainly in the process of generating cohomology.  Next, there is here to be a set of ghost-based inhibitors, that are to act upon the expanding so-stated homotopic eigenindices in a radially homeomorphic manner, in so as to work to form a set of both Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities and metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities -- that are here to each involve a set of complex roots of Ward-based polarization, -- that are then to act upon the holonomic substrate of the initially expanding homotopic residue, in so as to each work to form a set of antiholomorphic Kahler-based conditions, in so to then to tend to work to form a relative collapse of the initial stated Clifford Expansion, to where this will then tend to work to form a consequent tense of cohomological degeneration -- that will then tend to act in such a manner, that is to then to pump the directly corresponding cohomological eigenindices inward towards one another (due to the said Ward-Polarization).  This will then work to help at causing the prior expansion of the said homotopic reside, to go back to compactifying toward its conicenter of field density -- in a manner that eludes to the tendency of a potential ensuing reiteration of a possible implosion, -- over an ensuing evenly gauged-metric of Hamiltonian operation.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Cohomological Pumping And Tachyonic Flow

The condition of cohomological pumping, eludes to that general genus of activity -- that happens during any given arbitrary case of tachyonic flow.  This is even though the general condition of tachyonic flow, is not the only case to where there is to be a tense of cohomological pumping.  At a general fractal of a tense -- cohomological pumping, eludes here to the general condition of Ultimon Flow.  Ultimon Flow works to help at explaining as to how both the conditions of tachyonic flow and the conditions of quantum leaps are able to be possible.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Cohomological Pumping

Let us say, that one is to have a topological source, that is here to bear a tense of a Clifford Expansion -- to where this is to elude to a region, that is here to consist of an initial set of  orbifold eigensets, that are to be expanding outward at a relatively quick rate over time.  Let us say, that the externalized core-field-density of the so-eluded-to topological stratum, that is here to be expanding over time -- is to cycle, from initially working to bear an isomorphic symmetry, to subsequently working to bear an isomorphic asymmetry, to working to bear an isomorphic symmetry, and so on -- as the said Clifford Expansion is to be occurring.  This would then work to mean, that the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate, that was here to consist of the said initial set of orbifold eigensets -- is then to go from mainly generating cohomology, to next to go into mainly degenerating cohomology, to then to mainly generating cohomology, and so forth.  This would then work to infer a tense of a process, that is here to work, in so as to "pump" cohomology back-and-forth -- in the process of a general genus of an overall set of cyclical permutation, that is here to be potentially appertaining to a genus of the formation of the homotopic residue of Calabi-based permutations, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Next As To Implosion Resulting In Explosion

If an imploding orbifold eigenset, that is to work to result in an explosive expansion -- is to go from being drawn inward, into then being decompactified as an expansion that is here to happen in a relatively quick manner, as a Hamiltonian operation of a Clifford Expansion, as a divergent Fourier Transformation that is here to bear a divergent eigenbase of those initially interactive eigenindices, that are here to react to the Ward-Cauchy-based condition of an initial eminent collapse, by being spontaneously tugged outward by a cross-product-based thrust, -- is to bear an externalized expanding core-field-density, that is to work to tend to bear a relatively isometric symmetry, then, such an initially imploding orbifold eigenset, that is now to act in so as to diverge outward, -- will then tend to mainly generate cohomology.  Yet, if such a general genus of an explosion, that is here to result here from an implosion, is to, instead, to tend to work to bear a relatively isomorphic asymmetry, then, such a general genus of a Cevita interaction -- will then have the Ward-Cauchy-based condition of tending to mainly act, in so as to degenerate cohomology in this said ulterior case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Implosion That Results In Explosive Expansion

The general genus of an implosion that results in an explosive expansion, that is of an initially stable orbifold eigenset, will, at the onset of the said expansion, tend to work to form both metrical and Lagrangian-based singularities.  This is because, -- not only will any respective orbifold eigenset, that is to explode as a result of an implosion -- at the onset of the so-eluded-to Cevita-related Rayleigh-based scattering, alter in the multiplicit rate of the pulsation of those discrete quanta of energy that had initially worked to form the said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, yet, the overall as well as the individual cites, that are of the said Cevita interaction of annharmonic divergence, will tend to be heuristic in its manner of changing in more derivatives -- than the number of spatial dimensions that those eigenindices that had initially worked to comprise the said eigenset, is to be traveling in.  This is when this is taken as a covariant, a codeterminable, and a codifferentiable set of metrical-gauge-related Hamiltonian operators, that have to have been tugged into a disarray of divergence -- due to the dual factors of the following Ward-Cauchy-based conditions:  An isometric Njenhuis set of ghost-based-inhibitors, that are to work to cause proximal local superstrings to work to bear both adjacent odd parity as well as adjacent reverse chirality;  The repulsion of like pseudo charges, that are to bear a wave-tug, that is to tend to bounce-out the presence of invasive abridgements -- that are to work to form a resultant cross-product wave-tug, from the center of interaction, upon the shell-like externalized core-field-density of the tightly-bound orbifold eigensets;  The tendency of entropy to act upon any tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that has here to have been attributed a higher than optimum scalar amplitude of an eminent response, that is of the balance that is here to be between cohomological generation and cohomological degeneration; As well as the condition, that the field-density of the superstrings that are of discrete energy quanta, will often work to bear a fractal of a Van-Der-Waals field, -- to where this of which will tend to generally not to be able to be penetrated spontaneously.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Implosion/Explosion Due To Initial Compactification

Let's say that one were here to initially have an orbifold eigenset, that is here to evenly accelerate between two Laplacian-based axions -- along the Hamiltonian operand of an approximate two-dimensional planar-based Lagrangian-related curvature, -- to where there is here to be no Chern-Simons singularities, that are thence to be formed by neither the topological nor the metrical-based resulting Fourier Transformation, that is of the kinematic motion of the said orbifold eigenset, over the time in which such a so-eluded-to metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operation is here to be of such a hermitian nature, in the cohomological mapping of its projected trajectory.  At this point, there is now to be an instant at which there is to be a holonomic-based Laplacian condition, that is at the Njenhuis-to-forward-holomorphic positioning of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, -- in which there is to be a momentary tightening of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant index, that is of the region by which the Hamiltonian operation of the said orbifold eigenset is to be moving through, to where the said orbifold eigenset is now to have a hightened scalar amplitude of conformal invariance -- in terms of the increase in the generative stability of the given arbitrary set of superstrings -- that are here to operate in so as to perform one given function, to where the Lagrangian-based cohomological mapping is here to be compactified, in spite of the metrical flow of the correlative homotopic eigenindices to here to not to be attenuated nor augmented.  Next, all of the sudden there is here to be a spontaneous acceleration, that is evenly covariant, between a symmetrical set of proximal Njenhuis coniaxions -- that are here to be normal or orphoganal to the earlier inferred Njenhuis axion -- to where there is to now to be a sequential even acceleration, that is here to fall-out or diverge the said orbifold eigenset from its initial hermitian condition of static equilibrium, in so as to then to become as a Hamiltonian operation that is now to be of a Chern-Simons nature, to where the said orbifold eigenset is to now to either mainly generate or to mainly degenerate cohomological topological stratum, that is of the proximal local holonomic substrate.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

The Last Part Of Session 7 Of Course 20

As light is to scatter upon a discrete piece of metal -- some of the resultant formed electromagnetic energy, is absorbed as heat or infrared energy.  When the given light is to scatter, the individually taken points at which the beam of photons that work to comprise the said light are to initially be scattered at -- may be termed of as being Calabi-Yau-based conipoints of gauge-transformation-related interaction.  The axial of the differential scattering that is correlative to this given arbitrary case, may be termed of here as a respective conipole.  This general type of a scattering of light, is one genus of what may be termed of as a Calabi-Yau scattering, -- since it is an example of the scattering of electromagnetic energy-related quanta of discrete energy, that is Gliosis upon mass-bearing discrete energy quanta.  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.