Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Schwinger-Indices That Are Not Gaussian

Let us here, consider that those respective given arbitrary Schwinger-Indices, that are to here be produced by a set of three different light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are from three different individually taken orbifold eigensets, that are each not Gaussian to one another at all, are to as well be of the same genus, as to the nature by which such correlative Schwinger-Indices are to not be Gaussian to each other here.  This will then tend to mean, that the overall resultant gravitational waves, that are to here be produced by each individually taken integrative light-cone-gauge eigenstate of each metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator, by which is to here be produced by each individually taken overall orbifold eigenset of such a case -- are to each be of three different universal settings.  Next, if one were to extrapolate one respective viable Li-based Jacobian eigenbasis, that could work to inter-bind the three so-eluded-to orbifold eigensets, in such a manner to where the three said eigensets -- and thereby the three light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as well as the directly corresponding Schwinger-Indices, that are to here be produced by each of such light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- will then be put into such a situation, by which these will then be of a Gaussian nature to one another.  This will then work to allow for the condition, that each of such metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operators -- that were initially of three different universal settings -- are to now be of the same universal setting.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Some Thoughts As To Light-Cone-Gauge Vibrations

The vibrations of a certain respective given arbitrary set of light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are of one orbifold eigenset -- that is to here be comprised of one set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function -- of which are to here work, in so as to form the directly correlative Schwinger-Indices -- when this is to here be correlative to other light-cone-gauge eigenstates from another proximal localized orbifold eigenset that is to also be comprised of a set of superstirngs that operate in so as to perform one specific function, that are to here vibrate, in so as to form certain other respective given arbitrary Schwinger-Indices, -- when such a so-eluded-to dual formed tense of gravity waves are to then be thus formed, in such a manner to where the resultant Fourier-based translation of such gravitational-based eigenindices are to here be of a Gaussian-based nature, when these are to then be covariant in an interdependent manner over time, will then tend to work at forming two different discrete codetermineable and codifferentiable states of Rarita Structure eigenstates, that are to be viable in so as to tend to work at forming a co-operational relationship of the gravitational force from within one universal setting.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Homeomorphic Gravitational Push

When the net directoral-based push of those Schwinger-Indices  -- that act as gravity waves -- are to interact upon one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, to where the case scenario works to bear, that the Ward-Caucy-based  conditions are in such a manner, to where it is to here be that basically just the gravitational-based push that is proximal local to the directly correlative orbifold eigenset, is to be basically the sole source of the resultant wave-tug that is to here be delineated upon the said eigenset -- are to exist as both one general homeomorphic and as one homeogenous manner upon the so-stated orbifold eigenset, over time, then, this general condition will then work to cause the tendency of then working to make the said orbifold eigenset to then exist in a relative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based manner, -- over the so-eluded-to group-metric, in which the so-stated net gravitational push is to work to bear both such a homeomorphic and such a homeogenous wave--tug, upon the so-eluded-to metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator.  Such a tense of a homeomorphic gravitational push, is to here be in terms of both the angling of the correlative directoral-based push of the directly corresponding Schwinger-Indices, the scalar amplitude of the wave modulae of the said Schwinger-Indices, &, the overall genus of the Noether-based current -- that is to here be Yukawa to those gravitational waves, that are to here be effectual upon the so-stated orbifold eigenset.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Directoral-Based Push Of Schwinger-Indices

The net directoral-based push of Schwinger-Indices -- that act as gravity waves -- that are to here be interactive upon one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, when the respective given arbitrary Ward-Caucy-based conditions of such a case are to here be basically just dependent upon the force of gravity, works to form a gravity-based push, that tends to be effective, in so as to help at working to determine what will here be the net resultant holomorphic direction -- as to what will here be the effective direction that the respective correlative gravitational force, will then work to push the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, that the so-eluded-to gravity waves are to here be interactive upon -- under this given arbitrary respective case scenario over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Relative Density And The Gravitational Force

When one is to only vary in this general case, the gravitational force that is to here be Yukawa to the topological substrate of any one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over a set constraint of time -- the higher that the gravitational force is, that is Gliosis to the Ward-Caucy-based bounds of any one set orbifold eigenset, -- the more dense that the externalized shell of the said eigenset will tend to be, that is Gliosis to the immediate exterior of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, over the said set time constraint, that is to here be of one set gauged-metric that is to here be directly affiliated to what is to here be a relatively transient sequential series of group-related instantons.  So, when only the increase that is of the respective given arbitrary gravitational force is to here be considered -- in the case of the relative density of one respective orbifold eigenset over time -- the case will tend to be to where, the higher that the Hodge-Index is, as to both the number of Schwinger-Indices that are to here be initiated from within the Ward-Caucy-based bounds of the holonomic substrate of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset -- as well as when such a discrete increase in the number of the so-eluded-to gravity-based waves is to here be coupled with an increase in the net overall resultant scalar amplitude of the intensity of such integrative so-stated Schwinger-Indices, when this net increase is to here be in terms of both the cross between the correlative Hamiltonian pulsation of the said gravity waves & the extent of the topological sway that is of that wave modulae that is demonstrative of those Schwinger-Indices that act here as gravity waves, -- then, the higher that the density of the directly corresponding externalized shell that is to here be Gliosis to the immediate outer region of that core-field-density that is of the GSO cohomological topological stratum of the immediate exterioralized field of the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to tend to be, -- over the time-based constraint that is of the group-related metric by which the said orbifold eigenset is to be translated as a Hamiltonian operator, that is to be brought through its directly correlative Lagrangian-bases path, as it is being moved through its correlative Hamiltonian operand, via the directly related Fourier Transformation in which the so-eluded-to superstrings that act in so as to perform one specific function, are to be working together as one metrical-gauge-based operational-based index, is then to be as such.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Net Resultant Effect Of Schwinger-Indices

When one is to take into consideration, the net resultant effect of the overall Schwinger-Indices -- that act as gravity waves -- upon any one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset, over time, -- then, one is to thereby be taking into consideration, the net resultant effect of the overall gravitational force, that is to here be applied in a Yukawa-based manner, upon the holonomic substrate of the here so-stated orbifold eigenset, that is of this given arbitrary respective case.  Also as well, the more that the so-stated physical stratum of gravity waves -- that are to here be represented by Schwinger-Indices -- is to be applied in a higher scalar amplitude of an abelian geometry, upon any one so-eluded-to given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over a sequential series of instantons, -- then, the more directly that the so-eluded-to gravity waves are to then be able to push the said orbifold eigenset, in more of a Gliosis-based manner, over the so-eluded-to gauged-metric, which is to here be implemented over a set metrical constraint, of what will here tend to be a relatively transient duration of time.  The higher that the net resultant scalar amplitude is, of the Yukawa-based abelian-related wave-tug , that is of the directly corresponding Schwinger-Indices that are to here be applied to the Gliosis-based surface of any one respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset happens to be, over time, then, the higher that the tendency is, of there then being a higher scalar amplitude of a direct wave-tug of the resultant gravitational push upon the here correlative orbifold eigenset, over the here proscribed time constraint of a relatively transient sequential series of group-related instantons.  The more abelian that the so-stated Yukawa-based wave-tug is -- that is to here be working to push the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, at the Gliosis-based external surface of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over time, then, the more that there will then tend to be more of a direct gravitational-based wave-tug upon the topological surface of the holonomic-related shell of the topological-related external surface of the core-field-density of the GSO cohomological stratum, that is of the immediate external-based field that is of the applicable world-sheet, that is of the directly corresponding membrane that is eigen to the holonomic substrate of those directly corresponding superstrings, that are to here act as a group, in so as to operate in so as to perform one specific function, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Relative Reversal Of Gauge-Boson Plucking

Let us initially consider one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is to here be basically pushed, just soely by the force of gravity, in this respective given arbitrary case -- of which is to here be moving through a discrete unitary Lagrangian, through which the said eigenset is to be translated through its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand -- as one discrete metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operand, via the group-metrical constraint of a discrete set of a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us next, consider that the directly correlative set of gauge-bosons -- of which are here to work, in so as to "pluck" the directly corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to work to form Schwinger-Indices that are to act as the holonomic substrate of gravity waves -- are to act in such an overall directoral-based manner, in so as to work to form one overall resultant genus of a holomorphic-based topological sway -- over the so-eluded-to set time constraint, that is of the said sequential series of group-related instantons, via which the resultant overall tense of those integrative Schwinger-Indices, that are to thence form by the said "plucking" of the so-stated light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the so-stated gauge-bosons, are to then form one resultant tense of a gravitational-based push, of which is to help at working to move the said orbifold eigenset into what I have so-eluded-to as its relative forward-holomorphic direction, that is of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario.  Let us next say that the overall resultant directoral-based holomorphicity, that is to here be directly corresponding to the topological sway of those said gauge-bosons, that are to here be working in so as to "pluck" the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- is to reverse in the overall genus of its resultant direction, over an ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons.  Such a reversal in the holomorphicity of the "plucking" of such light-cone-gauge eigenstates, will then often tend to work to reverse the general overall resultant holomorphicity of the flow of the resultant formed Schwinger-Indices.  Such a reversal in the holomorphic wave-tug of these correlative Schwinger-Indices, may then often work to reverse the direction -- of what would here be an otherwise relatively ineffectual pulsation of a Hamiltonian-based operator -- to where this will often work to reverse the holomorphic direction of the here discussed overall so-stated orbifold eigenset.  Such a reversal in the general direction of an orbifold eigenset, will then tend to work to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition -- over the here ensuing group-metric.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Relative Density Of Centralized Knotting Of Rarita Structure Eigenstates

The higher that the relative density is, of eigenstates that are as to the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure is to be, the higher that the tendency of such a so-eluded-to region will be, as to being  relatively more Yukawa to Schwinger-Indices, and therefore, the higher that the tendency of such a so-eluded-to region will be -- as to being relatively more Yukawa to the presence of a gravitational-based wave-tug/wave-push, -- over a set constraint of a group-related metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

More Info As To Gravity And Schwinger-Indices

Let us initially consider one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- of which is here to be Yukawa to a certain respective given arbitrary scalar amplitude of Schwinger-Indices.  The higher that the scalar amplitude of the Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be directly associated with the Fourier Transformation of an orbifold eigenset, is to be, then, the higher that the scalar amplitude of the gravitational force -- that is to be directly associated with the said orbifold eigenset, will then tend to be as well.  Therefore, if the initially so-stated orbifold eigenset is then to work to increase in the condition as to how Yukawa that it is to Schwinger-Indices over a proscribed group-related metric, that is to here be related to the same constraint of relative limited time, then, the said orbifold eigenset will here tend to increase in its covariant gravitational pull.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Conformal Invariance And Transversel Velocity

Let us initially say that there are two different orbifold eigensets, that are both of the same general constitution, as well as of the same Hodge-Index as to the general quanta of energy that are to work to comprise the two so-eluded-to eigensets, as well as working to bear the same directoral-based tense of its Lagrangian-based propagation, that are then of the same general genus, that are both of a Noether-based flow, that work to bear two different radial-based velocities -- at the vantage-point of a central Lorentz-based conipoint, yet, to where, these two so-eluded-to eigensets are to bear the same relative transversal-based velocity -- at the vantage-point of a central Lorentz-based conipoint, -- over a set gauged metric, that is both covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  This will then work to determine the condition, that, even though both of such said orbifold eigensets are to then to tend to here be of the condition, as to working to bear the exact same general scalar amplitude as to both the degree and/or the manner as to how loose and/or how tight the transversel eigenbase of the directly correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode of both of such said orbifold eigensets is, during the set group-metric, yet, both of such orbifold eigensets are to then to tend here to be of the condition, as to working to bear a different general scalar amplitude as to the degree and/or the manner as to how loose and/or how tight the radial eigenbase of the directly correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode of both of such said orbifold eigensets is, over the set group-metric. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Velocity And Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

Let us initially take into consideration, a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- of which is to be traveling through a discrete Lagrangian, via a respective Fourier Transformation, with one given arbitrary maintained velocity, -- over one set gauged metric, that is to happen over a respective sequential series of instantons.  Let us next take into consideration, that the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- that is to here be correlative to the Hamiltonian-based operation of the delineation-based translation of the said orbifold eigenset over time, is to be of one set general genus of a tense of a relative conformal invariance -- as the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to be moving in a direction, that is to here be traveling through a relatively set directoral-based holomorphicity, with one respective given arbitrary general genus of wave-tug, that is to here be directly corresponding to the propagation of the said eigenset, over the correlative said gauged metric, over the so-eluded-to sequential series of instantons.  Let us next say, that the only Ward-Caucy condition, that is to ensue in so as to change over the then ensuing group-related metric -- is that the general genus of the tense of that conformal invariance, that is to here be directly related to the scalar amplitude of as to how tight or as to how loose that the directly correlative tense of the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is, is to then spontaneously loosen by a relative factor of two.  This will then tend to mean, that the relative velocity of the said orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case scenario, -- will then tend to double, -- in so long as the holomorphic means of the directoral-based wave-tug, that is to here be directly associated with the propagation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, is to both remain as a tense of a topological stratum that is to act in a tense of Noether-Flow, as well as also as to remain as a topological stratum that is to "stay the course" of its Hamiltonian-based topological sway, as I have here so-eluded-to.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Factors In Hamiltonian Pulse

Let us initially consider two different orbifold eigensets, that are about to make a "head-on" collision.  Both of the two so-eluded-to eigensets, are to be effected by the same discrete scalar amplitude of the force of gravity.  One of the two of such orbifold eigensets, is to have the bearings of twice the Hodge-Index of discrete energy quanta as the other of such an orbifold eigenset, over a directly corresponding relatively transient group-metric.  Both of such so-eluded-to eigensets, are to work to bear the same general genus of directoral-based wave-tug, over the so-eluded-to duration in which the two said orbifolds are to work to bear a head-on collision.  The orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary respective case, that is of half the Hodge-Index of discrete energy quanta, is to bear twice as loose of a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- over the course of the respective group-metric, in which the two said eigensets are to collide at a "180 degree" Ward-Caucy-based manner. This will then mean, that the orbifold eigenset that is to here tend to have half the respective mass as the other of such an orbifold eigenset -- will here, have the tendency of working to bear twice the velocity as the other so-stated orbifold eigenset.  Since both of such eigensets, are to here be undergoing the same general genus of a gravitational pull over time, then, what will here tend to be that orbifold eigenset that is of half the mass, will still work to bear twice the velocity as that orbifold eiegnset that is of a greater mass.  In working to determine the so-eluded-to fractal of discrete energy/fractal of discrete momentum, the relative mass comparison is proportional, yet, the relative velocity comparison is squared.  This will then result, in this given arbitrary respective case, in what will here tend to be, that the smaller orbifold eigenset is to bear twice the Hamiltonian-based pulsation.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

E(8)XE(8) Strings And Substringular Organization

Just as gauge-bosons (E(6)XE(6) strings) work to "pluck" light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to form those Schwinger-Indices, that are to here, ripple along the Rarita Structure -- in so as to operate in order to work to help at the formation of gravity -- those heterotic strings that may be called E(8)XE(8) strings, work to inter-bind both superstrings into orbifolds and to inter-bind orbifolds into orbifold eigensets, while in the process, working to indirectly help in guiding the flow of Schwinger-Indices, in so as to work at indirectly helping in the flow of gravitational eigenstates.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode And Momentum

Let us initially consider two different orbifold eigensets, that are to strike the field-density of one another in a Gliosis-based manner -- over a relatively transient duration of time.  Both of such individually taken orbifold eigensets, are to here be quite similar in their topological structure -- at a Sterling Approximation, except that one of the two said orbifold eigensets, is to bear a relatively looser tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, than the other of the two said orbifold eigensets - over an immediately prior group-metric, that is to here be of a relatively transient manner.  If all of the other Ward-Caucy conditions, that are of the two so-stated orbifold eigensets, is to here be of the same nature-- then, that orbifold eigenset, that was mentioned as to here be of the nature as to having an attribute of working to bear a relatively looser tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- is to here, tend to bear a larger scalar amplitude of a Ward-Caucy-based Hamiltonian pulse, and thereby is to, as well, go into the process as to tending to bear a larger scalar magnitude of a substringular tense of "momentum."  This will then, tend to work to cause that orbifold eigenset, that is to here bear a looser tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, and thereby to bear a higher scalar magnitude of a substringular tense of a Ward-Caucy-based momentum, -- to then tend to bear a greater tense of a topological sway, and thereby to, as well, to then tend to "win-out," as to work to bear the advantage, as to work to determine the resultant predominant holomorphic wave-tug, over the immediately ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Cohomological Abrasions

Often, when one is to here be dealing with a superstring, that is partially Yau-Exact -- there is a proximal localized region, that is to here be propagated over time  -- that is to bear both a viable influence from those homotopic torsional eigenindices that are hermitian in a Lagrangian-based manner, and as well, from those homotopic torsional eigenindices that are Chern-Simons in a Lagrangian-based manner, -- in so as to help at working to form a tense of a continually re-delineated set of norm-state-projections, that are neither completely scattered in a Reimman-based manner, nor are these here to be completely scattered in a Rayleigh-based manner, over a sequential series of iterations of instanton.  Such a cohomological mappable-tracing of such a propagated region, may then be said to bear a Gaussian-based abrasion, that may tend to be described of as to here be fading in-and-out of going from being of a Real Reimmanian-based nature, to then being of a Njenhuis-based nature -- to where one is to tend to have here, what may be described of as basically a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator of a "rhythm" of a cyclical permutation, that is to here, veer from being of a Rham-based cohomological  topological stratum, to then being of a Doubolt-based cohomological topological  stratum, while then going back-and-forth as such, over a discrete substringular metric.  Such a cohomological abrasion -- is to then cycle, from being of a relative Gaussian-based nature, to then being of a Li-based nature, and back-and-forth, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Cohomology Due To Partially Yau-Exact Phenomenology

How about if we were to initially consider a partially Yau-Exact phenomenology -- such as a beam of light, of which is to here be comprised of a certain sum of quantized photons, over time.  Such a beam of light is to here, tend to bear Lagrangian-based singularities, that may be described of as being partially Yau-Exact.  This is due to the condition, that even though the light may move in some manner shape or form, in as many spatial dimensions as it is changing in its derivatives in -- there are to here be less spatial dimensions that are to here bear homotopic torsional eigenindices, that bend in a hermitian-based manner, than the number of spatial derivatives that the individually taken photons that work to comprise the said beam of light, are to here be changing in -- over a respective given arbitrary group-metric.  This will then work to help at causing those norm-state-projections that are contacted in a Gliosis-based manner by the hermitian-based so-stated torsional eigenindices, to then tend to work to form a Reimman-based scattering, in so as to work to subsequently form a discrete cohomological mappable-tracing -- whereas, this will, in another situation, work to help at causing those norm-state-projections that are contacted in a Gliosis-based manner by the Chern-Simons-based so-stated photon-related eigenindices, to then tend to work to form a Rayleigh-based scattering, in so as to work at subsequently forming a scattering away from a previously formed cohomological mappable-tracing.   I will continue with the suspsense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Abelian Advantage

Let us initially consider two different physical phenomenologies, of which are to here work to form two different individually taken forces -- to where the two said different phenomena are to here be situated, in so as to press upon another given phenomenon, to where the phenomenon that is thus to be acted upon by this so-eluded-to process, is to be relatively right in-between the pushing action of the two said forces, that are to here be acting in exactly the relative opposite Ward-based direction -- over a set group-metric.  Let us next say -- that the Yukawa-based ends of both of the two said forces, that are to here be acting upon the third so-stated phenomenology that is to be positioned here right in-between the two so-stated forces, that is to here be most Gliosis-upon the holonomic substrate that is to be acted upon by both of the two said forces, that are acting in so as to work to potentially counter one another, are here to be working to bear the same general genus of both morphology, elastic modulus, and fractal modulus -- during the initially stated group-metric.  Then, the individually taken force, that is to here bear the highest scalar amplitude of an abelian geometry in the holomorphic direction of the immediate proximal locus, -- will tend to be the one of the two forces of such a given arbitrary case scenario, that will win-out as that eigenstate, that will then tend to work to bear more of an influence, as to the process of then working to guide the direction by which the initially relatively central thus acted upon phenomenon will move into next.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Schwinger-Indices and Gravitational Density

The higher that the scalar amplitude of the Hodge-based formation of Schwinger-Indices is, per density of overall dimensional parameterization, tends to be, given a dependent condition of a common duration of a group-related metric  --  then, the higher that the gravitational density will tend to be, of such  a so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy-based region.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Higgs Boson And The Klein Bottle

The general genus of activity, that is most directly related to the Fourier-based differentiation of the multiplicit Higgs Boson -- by which the multiplicit holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle is to here be translated, in so as to work to allow for the group-related activity of the Kahler-Metric -- is a major influence, as to what works to help in the perpetuation and in the continuation of homotopy.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Stuff As To Dimensionality And Gravity

If space-time-fabric were to merely consist of a maxed-out Minkowski Space, that were to here work to consist of 26 spatial dimensions plus time ( which would here be of an arena of a maxed-out holographic space) -- then, there would be no viable sustainable gravity.  This is because, that so-eluded-to theoretical maxed-out holographic space of each set of universes, is completed into a 32 spatial dimension-based Hilbert Space -- by that activity of the gauge-bosons, working to "pluck" the directly corresponding second--ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp, in so as to work to produce the correlative Schwinger-Indices, of which work to act here in a Fourier-based manner, as what may be thought of as gravity waves.  You see, the light-cone-gauge eigenstates act as the multiplicit beginning point of the Rarita Structure, -- whereas, the correlative gauge-bosons act as the multiplicit ending point of the Rarita Structure. These so-eluded-to E(6)XE(6)-based gauge-bosons -- when these act in so as to pluck the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates metaphorically like a harp -- indirectly work to multiplicitly add those six spatial dimensions to physical time and space, that are needed in so as to work to create the so-stated gravity waves. This is the general idea as to why each set of parallel universes is to here to work to involve 32 spatial dimensions plus time, overall. There are three sets of parallel universes -- that are included in the process of there being one overall space-time-continuum.  And, since time is the sequential series of group-related instantons -- there is to then be only one general time dimension  plus 96 overall spatial dimensions, to work to inter-bind all three sets of universes.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Part Five Of Session 3 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions

If the given medium that a beam of light is traveling through is not of a pure vacuum of space, -- in a way, then the said light will then work to depict an optical illusion of both when and where and what, that the specific circumstances were, that are to here be depicted by this respective given arbitrary beam of electromagnetic energy, that is to here work to illuminate the respective arena of what is to here be seen. This is again, because as light is traveling through any medium besides of a pure vacuum -- then, it is to tend to both bend and slow down, as is as according to Snell's Law.  Furthermore, the further away that the circumstances were by which the illuminated medium had worked to be penetrated by the said respective given arbitrary electromagnetic energy of such a case scenario, -- the longer ago that what was observed by the means of that illumination -- that was caused by the said beam of light, had actually happened, as may be in part extrapolated by the Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is to here be associated with the equation:
t = (1-(v^2)/(c^2))^.5
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Part Four Of Session 3 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions

The travel of a glowing light that is propagated through a pure vacuum, in terms of that relativity of mass towards electromagnetic energy -- that is to here be involved with both the existence and the velocity of the said light, works to depict a relatively accurate "visual" account --  over a sequential series of Sterling Approximations, of both the where, the how, and the when, that phenomenology of mass, was -- at the integration of the directly correlative instantons, by which the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contractions, particularly those of time, are to work together for any respective given arbitrary set of mass-based indices, -- in so as to take into consideration the correlative group-metric, by which the whole case scenario may then be taken into account for.  The further along that the so-eluded-to light has propagated from where the respective given arbitrary mass-based indices had to have been at, -- the relatively longer ago that the occurrence was, of whatever that phenomenology was, by which one had observed that account of a substringular stratum, that was illuminated by the so-stated quanta of light.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Third Part Of Session Three Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions

Light that is moving through a pure vacuum, tends to be propagated in a straight line.  This, however, does not take into consideration the generally mild influence, that the force of gravity works to impose upon the propagation of electromagnetic energy.  Space-Time-Fabric is not perfectly straight -- it is curved, -- and such a tendency of space-time-curvature, tends to be basically due to the direct influence of gravity upon physical phenomenology. The force of gravity is a significantly weaker force than the electrostatic force.  This is why  -- when the respective gravitational force is of a relatively low level of scalar magnitude -- the influence of gravity upon light, does not have very much of an effect upon both how "straight" and how "fast" that the said light is being propagated in a pure vacuum.  Yet, when the force of gravity is of an extremely strong scalar magnitude -- such as with a black-hole -- then, any proximal local light will bend, due to the so-eluded-to gravitational force of such a case, to where the correlative electromagnetic energy will not even be able to escape the then eminent condition of being bent into the so-stated given arbitrary respective black-hole of such a case scenario.  Furthermore -- the more physically isolated that any given arbitrary beam of light is, from other physical phenomenology in outer space, -- to where the then directly corresponding gravitational force is basically null upon such a respective beam, -- then, the less influenced that the said beam of light will be, from being neither bent at all nor slowed at all by the correlative force of gravity.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.