Sunday, February 12, 2017

Reverberations And Kahler-Metric eigenstates

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset -- that is reverberating back-and-forth at one given rate, over an initially transient group-metric.  Each time that the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to flip in its general holomorphic direction -- there is to be a proximal localized antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This will then tend to work to lead into a Gliosis-based interaction of a Kahler-Metric eigenstate, with the said orbifold eigenset -- over an even more transient sequential series of instantons.  Let us say that the initially so-eluded-to rate of reverberation, is then to be sped up.  This will then tend to work to cause a heightened scalar amplitude of the rate, by which there are to be the resultant formation of the respective proximal localized antiholomorphic Kahler conditions.   This will thereby work to increase the scalar magnitude as to the  degree and/or the manner by which the proximal local Kahler-Metric, is to here be Yukawa to the said orbifold eigenset, over time.  Furthermore, if the so-eluded-to rate of the respective reverberation, is to instead be slowed down -- the resultant Kahler-Metric will then end-up, to bear less of a scalar amplitude as to the wave-tug of that respective general Yukawa Coupling -- that is to here be imbued upon the said orbifold eigenset, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!   To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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